8 Ergebnisse
Il gioco d'azzardo problematico: politiche e impatti sociali
In: Politiche e servizi sociali 350
Società in rivolta: alle radici del disagio collettivo nel XXI secolo
In: Pedagogika
Per forza o per scelta. L'immigrazione straniera nelle Alpi e negli Appennini
In: Mondi migranti: rivista di studi e ricerche sulle migrazioni internazionali, Heft 1, S. 271-273
ISSN: 1972-4896
Socio-economic status and problem gambling: An analysis of the Italian case
In: Salute e società, Heft 3, S. 149-164
ISSN: 1972-4845
The Land of Fires. Evaluating a State Law to Restore the Narrative Power of Local Communities
In: PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO; Vol. 9, No. 2 (2016). Special Issue: Neoliberalism ; 640-665
This study proposes a public evaluation of the Law 6/2014, approved by Italian Parliament to counteract a longstanding waste emergency in the area known as Land of Fires, in the provinces of Naples and Caserta, Campania region. The authors intended to explore, together with its recipients and from a sociological perspective, a state law, its impact, and the complex and interactive link between health and popular mobilization. It is intended, therefore, to propose a concrete idea of evaluation that is not impose from above and managed by neutral evaluators (technical experts). Based on in-depth work field, the evaluation process described here is configured as a non-hierarchical participative act, realized through a methodology aimed at encouraging self-control practices, taking possession of their own context by subjects that are not evaluated but rather co-evaluator, within a space of negotiation that can also become a field of conflict, open to different interpretations
Social Costs of Gambling Harm in Italy
In: Critical gambling studies, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 71-82
ISSN: 2563-190X
The aim of this study is to provide an estimate of the social costs of gambling in Italy. In line with other research on social costs, the present study estimates the consequences of gambling harm on public finances, focusing on the estimated costs to treat high-risk gamblers, costs associated with productivity losses, costs of unemployment, personal and family costs, crime and legal costs. We used two different approaches to calculate these costs. The first approach, used for health care costs, consists of using the lump sum spent to prevent the harm caused to high-risk gamblers. The second approach involves estimating the number of high-risk gamblers causing the cost, which is then multiplied with the average unit cost per person. Our estimates of the annual social costs of gambling in Italy – more than EUR 2.3 billion – demonstrate a substantial economic burden to society. However, the costs are a substantial underestimate, as they are limited to those of a public nature and do not take into consideration those costs borne by moderate and low-risk gamblers, as well as affected others.