A proposal of an architecture for educational environments
Current technology allows educational environments to offer teachers and students the functionality and the information required at any time, whatever the place and circumstance. Concretely, these environments mix three remarkable features: ubiquity, contextawareness and collaboration. Accordingly, a system which is developed with these three features can avoid oversights when performing tasks. Additionally, many aspects of learning fundamentals can be improved, such as collaboration and cooperative learning or students' behaviour. In this paper, we present the definition of a system architecture, which is the first step in obtaining our proposed environment, as the adequate support is not found in any other related works. The architecture presents both a software architecture and a hardware architecture. The software architecture shows the layers in which the system distributes functionality and information. The hardware architecture shows the hardware components to be used, such as smartphones, server, communication elements, etc. ; We would like to acknowledge the project CICYT TIN2011-27767-C02-01 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Regional Government: Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha PPII10-0300-4174 and PII2C09-0185-1030 projects for partially funding this work.