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744 Ergebnisse
In: Social Studies: Informational Text Ser.
In: Ekonomiska studier utgivna av Nationalekonomiska Institutionen Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs Universitet 33
In: European review of international studies: eris, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 239-243
ISSN: 2196-7415
In: Cadernos de política exterior, Band 9, Heft 12, S. 5-5
In: Latin American policy: LAP ; a journal of politics & governance in a changing region, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 498-518
ISSN: 2041-7373
AbstractThis article considers how Brazilian entrepreneurs, mainly from the agribusiness and manufacturing sectors, interpreted and reacted to Brazil's foreign policy during the first 3 years of the Jair Bolsonaro administration (2019–2021). Through semistructured interviews and content analysis of business primary sources, the article concludes that, despite significant heterogeneities within and between economic sectors, agribusiness and manufacturing entrepreneurs were more critical of than complimentary toward the nature and directions of Bolsonaro's foreign policy. The article also shows that business lobbying was successful in several issues, including keeping the project of South American economic integration alive; containing the close association between Bolsonaro and Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel; and limiting the economic and political consequences of Brazil–China diplomatic crises. Despite their achievements, business leaders were less successful in moderating and much less changing Bolsonaro's approach toward the environment and climate change, which constituted a significant predicament for the country's image abroad and played a crucial role in obstructing the ratification of a trade deal with the European Union. Still, these negative implications were not enough to produce any serious split between business groups and the Bolsonaro administration during the first 3 years of Bolsonaro's rule.
In: Novos rumos: revista, Heft 43
Mudar o mundo sem tomar o poder - o significado da revolução hoje: com este título provocativo, o cientista político John Holloway escreve um ensaio polêmico e instigante cujo objetivo é formular uma "teoria da vulnerabilidade" de O Capital e que aparentemente acaba como começou - sem respostas.
In: Cadernos de política exterior, Band 7, Heft 10, S. 5-8
In: Visual studies, Band 36, Heft 4-5, S. 571-573
ISSN: 1472-5878
In: Diplomatic history
ISSN: 1467-7709
In: Revista de Políticas Públicas, Band 24, S. 34-44
ISSN: 2178-2865
Em 2019, uma série de eventos no Brasil lembraram Rosa Luxemburgo, assassinada brutalmente em Berlim no dia 15 de janeiro de 1919. Neste texto, procuro mostrar a atualidade das ideias da revolucionária judia-polonesa, desenvolvendo basicamente três tópicos: sua ideia de socialismo democrático; sua crítica do imperialismo/capitalismo; como sua ligação com a natureza faz dela uma precursora do ecossocialismo.
In: MCS: Masculinities & Social Change, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 106
ISSN: 2014-3605
UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 ; D. João de Castro was born to an illustrious Portuguese family, and received the same education that was given to other young noblemen of his time and status: in the enlightened environment of the court of King D. Manuel I, they received at the same time a military training and an introduction to a traditional classical learning. Thus it is possible to understand how years later, in his writings, he showed an assiduous conviviality with Pliny, Ptolemy, Pomponius Mela, Vitruvius, and other authors of Antiquity. It is not improbable that the readings of his first years included also romances of chivalry, because he admired the exploits of Alexander the Great. The present paper, in addition to following briefly the military career of D. João de Castro, will be interested in his nautical writings, three rutters that were written in so many maritime journeys between 1538 and 1541: the «Rutter from Lisbon to Goa», the «Rutter from Goa to Diu», and the «Rutter of the Red Sea». Some attention will also merit the numerous letters he wrote during his years of residence in India. Thus, an attempt will be made to enumerate the literary echoes of Antiquity in the writings of D. João de Castro, bearing in mind that unlike many humanists of the time, whose life was completely passed in Europe, the celebrated Portuguese fidalgo and rutter-writer had the opportunity to travel extensively through extra-European spaces, confronting firsthand the geographical lesson of the classical authors with the human and geographical realities of the East. ; publishersversion ; published