23 Ergebnisse
Maundi, Mohammed O.; I. William Zartman, Gilbert Khadiagala & Kwaku Nuamah, 2006. Getting In: Mediators' Entry into the Settlement of African Conflicts. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press. 229 pp. ISBN 1929223625
In: Journal of peace research, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 529-529
ISSN: 1460-3578
Maundi, Mohammed O.; I. William Zartman, Gilbert Khadiagala & Kwaku Nuamah, 2006. Getting In: Mediators' Entry into the Settlement of African Conflicts. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press. 229 pp. ISBN 1929223625
In: Journal of peace research, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 529
ISSN: 0022-3433
Addressing symptoms but not causes: Stabilisation and humanitarian action in Timor-Leste
Asia's newest nation-Timor-Leste-has an unenviable track record of two Australian-led military stabilisation missions, five United Nations (UN) missions, and a vast humanitarian and international response over the course of the past decade. Two distinct approaches to stabilisation can be observed on this small half-island. The first is a 'security-first' approach, where development activities are complementary and serve to support security sector assistance, while the second emphasises traditional development activities and institution-building as the foundation for a stable country. Whereas these different approaches highlight various interpretations of the underlying problems and the task at hand, efforts aimed at stabilisation have crystallised the challenges of coordinating and integrating activities that are clearly interlinked and interdependent, whether within a UN integrated mission or implemented by bilateral actors. Consequently, the question of whether, or how, to measure progress towards this shared objective has gone largely unaddressed.
Addressing symptoms but not causes: Stabilisation and humanitarian action in Timor-Leste
Asia's newest nation-Timor-Leste-has an unenviable track record of two Australian-led military stabilisation missions, five United Nations (UN) missions, and a vast humanitarian and international response over the course of the past decade. Two distinct approaches to stabilisation can be observed on this small half-island. The first is a 'security-first' approach, where development activities are complementary and serve to support security sector assistance, while the second emphasises traditional development activities and institution-building as the foundation for a stable country. Whereas these different approaches highlight various interpretations of the underlying problems and the task at hand, efforts aimed at stabilisation have crystallised the challenges of coordinating and integrating activities that are clearly interlinked and interdependent, whether within a UN integrated mission or implemented by bilateral actors. Consequently, the question of whether, or how, to measure progress towards this shared objective has gone largely unaddressed.
Barns demokratiske underskudd
In: Stat & styring, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 53-54
ISSN: 0809-750X
Development of model for prediction of Leachate Pollution Index (LPI) in absence of leachate parameters
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 63, S. 327-336
ISSN: 1879-2456
Devenir paysan: Reportage à la ferme de la Fontié, sur les sentiers de l'autonomie paysanne
In: Z: revue itinérante d'enquête et de critique sociale, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 175-181
ISSN: 2101-4787
Environmental initiatives in the retailing sector: an analysis of supply chain pressures and partnerships
In: Eco-management and auditing, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 181-188
ISSN: 1099-0925
Documents relatifs au mouvement ouvrier dans la province de Namur au XIXe siecle, 1849-1886
In: The economic history review, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 725
ISSN: 1468-0289
Abécé terre: Mots et parcours de l'accès au foncier agricole
In: Z: revue itinérante d'enquête et de critique sociale, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 170-174
ISSN: 2101-4787
Forsking og menneskerettar
Korleis kan forsking fremje menneskerettane? Og korleis oppfattar forskarar frå forskjellige fag og disiplinar menneskerettar innanfor si forsking? Kapitla i denne boka er skrivne av 14 forskarar som represen.terer varierande fagtradisjonar og forskingsmetodar. Dei viser at menneske.rettsspørsmål er aktuelle som aldri før, og inspirerer forskarar i eit breitt spekter av fag. Sjølv om menneskerettane tar ulik form i ulike fag, viser boka at dei er viktige også i fag der dei er mindre synlege. Forskarane som skriv i denne boka, konsentrerer seg om grunnleggjande menneskerettar med stikkord som fred, fridom, likskap, verdighet, utdanning og fråver av diskriminering av svake enkeltindivid, grupper eller folk. Forsking har bi.dratt til at desse menneskerettane i dag står sterkare internasjonalt enn nokon gong. Men nettopp fordi menneskerettane er blitt så synlege og internasjonalt nærverande, blir det tydeleg kor grove brota på dei er i .mange land, og kor mykje arbeid som står att før dei er sikra som rettar for alle menneske. Kapitla i boka er reviderte og ajourførte versjonar av foredraga på ein konferanse som menneskerettskomiteen i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi arrangerte i desember 2015. Jakob Lothe er professor i engelsk litteratur ved Universitetet i Oslo og leiar av menneskerettskomiteen i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi
Effects of Uncertainties in Fault Interpretations on Pressure Depletion and CO2 Storage Injection at Horda Platform, Offshore Norway
In: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14)
Working paper