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15 Ergebnisse
In: Review of sociology: journal of the Hungarian Sociological Association, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 97-98
ISSN: 1588-2845
In: Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte; Das Internationale Krisenjahr 1956, S. 149-161
In: Europäische Rundschau: Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Zeitgeschichte, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 87-95
ISSN: 0304-2782
World Affairs Online
In: Südost-Europa: journal of politics and society, Band 46, Heft 1-2, S. 27-36
ISSN: 0722-480X
World Affairs Online
In: East central Europe: L' Europe du centre-est : eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 111-146
ISSN: 1876-3308
World Affairs Online
In: Routledge revivals
The essays and letters of Ervin Szabó (1877-1918) present proof of his critical insight into Marxist theory and of his perceptive analysis of socialism around the turn of the century. His ideals of an engaged social science and an enlightened socialism, his preoccupation with the socialist future, are still relevant today. The writings selected in this work, first published in 1982, are primarily those which address themselves to general issues of the European working-class movement and socialist theory, but there are also a few pieces that characterize the intellectual and political climate of.
In: Passagen Politik
Diese überarbeitete Fassung eines 1991 in Ungarn erschienenen (Schul-)Lehrbuches hat schon wegen eines Geleitwortes des Staatspräsidenten fast offiziellen Charakter. Die stellenweise minutiöse, sparsam illustrierte Darstellung über die Ereignisse 1956/57 (zugleich die Vorgeschichte - Aufsatz von Hoensch/ s. BA 11/91 - und die 1963 endende Repressionsschlußphase streifend) und deren unorthodoxe Wertung wird nicht nur Ungarn-Spezialisten fesseln. Vor allem wegen der Einbettung der 56er Revolution in die Osteuropaentwicklung bis zur Gegenwart schon für mittlere Bibliotheken. Auch Lexikonfunktion: detaillierte Zeittafel, erläuterndes Personenregister, Bibliographie hauptsächlich deutschsprachiger Titel. (2 S) (Gert Kreusel)
World Affairs Online
Central and Eastern Europe has a long history of, on the one hand, ethnic conflicts and, on the other, of a revolutionary tradition against expansionism. Both have their roots in the geographical situation and ethnic composition of the region. All these problems have surfaced at times when the political status quo has been upset for some reason, such as after the two world wars and after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both great powers bordering the Danube region-Germany and Russia-have strived to develop their own versions of confederations (Mitteleuropa and Pan-Slavic movements). Also, politicians and intellectuals of the countries affected have proposed various theories, and made initiatives for different forms of closer or looser confederative formations. This book examines the reasons for the failure of these initiatives, these reasons including such factors as ethnically-motivated political antagonism, and the lack of economic complementarity. Contributing valuable information on the problems of political and economic integration, which should not be forgotten in a period when the countries of the region are looking towards the European Union, expecting-realistically or not-the solution of their various conflicts
More than sixty friends and colleagues pay tribute to the distinguished professor János Bak's 70th birthday. Notable contributors from many countries dedicate previously unpublished essays and articles in this celebratory Festschrift. Reflecting the intellectual calibre of János Bak, scholars not only of medieval history, but also from the fields of modern history, philosophy, linguistics, art history and political science provide a broad range of perspectives on a wide range of disciplinary areas thus allowing a wide readership audience