Medienethik als Wirtschaftsethik medialer Kommunikation: zur ethischen Rekonstruktion der Medienökonomie
In: Kopaed Medienethik 4
11 Ergebnisse
In: Kopaed Medienethik 4
In: Journal of information policy: JIP, Band 9, S. 79-110
ISSN: 2158-3897
AbstractIn this article, the implications and application possibilities of the capability approach by Amartya Sen for normative discussions about media policy are explored. It gives an overview of some important streams of heterodox political-economic approaches in economics and their role in a "mediatized" world and centers on two concepts of major interest for media policies: the potential media capabilities can have for media users in a mediatized economy, and the important role of publicity and mass media when questions of justice are concerned. For both issues, the capability approach offers interesting insights from a political-economic perspective.
In: Journal of information policy: JIP, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 79-110
ISSN: 2158-3897
AbstractIn this article, the implications and application possibilities of the capability approach by Amartya Sen for normative discussions about media policy are explored. It gives an overview of some important streams of heterodox political-economic approaches in economics and their role in a "mediatized" world and centers on two concepts of major interest for media policies: the potential media capabilities can have for media users in a mediatized economy, and the important role of publicity and mass media when questions of justice are concerned. For both issues, the capability approach offers interesting insights from a political-economic perspective.
In: Communicatio socialis: Zeitschrift für Medienethik und Kommunikation in Kirche und Gesellschaft, Band 48, Heft 2, S. 190-201
ISSN: 2198-3852
In: European Journal of Law and Economics, Band 29, Heft 1
In: Ethik in mediatisierten Welten
Problemstellung, Ansätze, State of the art -- Case Studies und Ergebnisse der ExpertInnen-Interviews -- Governance-Choice Analyse -- Konkrete Governance-Modelle und Ergebnisse der Umfrage und Fokusgruppen -- Zusammenführung Theorie und Empirie und Ausblick für die Governance digitaler Plattformen.
In: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 160-173
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to provide a quantitative assessment model for intellectual capital in companies.Design/methodology/approachA brief historical review of former approaches to evaluate intellectual capital construction of a new formula for an intellectual capital value. A possible empirical survey of influence factors on intellectual capital is suggested. Both, taken together, are the grounding of an integrative management model for intellectual capital still to be developed.FindingsShows that a quantitative figure for intellectual capital can be found and that such a figure is needed to convince managers and the public of the usefulness of activities to promote intellectual (and especially human) capital.Research limitations/implicationsA quantitative measure can never picture the complete interrelations of organizational development, influence factors on intellectual capital, and performance of employees. The formula can only be a starting‐point for management and further research. Possible management tools are only touched on briefly.Practical implicationsGives the manager a tool to argue his decisions regarding the promotion of human and intellectual capital. Managers talk about figures and often dislike purely philosophical arguments. Their awareness of the topic can be raised.Originality/valueEven though there is a growing scientific body of quantitative models for measuring intellectual capital, this paper uses a new approach: the usage of approximation factors for motivation, commitment and job satisfaction in one formula.
In: Ethik in mediatisierten Welten
In: Kommunikations- und Medienethik, Band 22
Der Ruf nach verstärkter Regulierung der Kommunikation auf und der Aktivitäten von Plattformen wird in Wissenschaft und Praxis lauter, was angesichts der Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre erklärbar ist: Filterblasen und Echokammern, Algorithmen, kommunikative Fehlentwicklungen wie Hate-Speech und Fake-News. Dieser Band versammelt theoretische Analysen und neuere empirische Ergebnisse bezogen auf die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen und ethischen Probleme der Kommunikation auf Plattformen. Dazu gehören mögliche "ideale" Plattformen aus ethischer Perspektive, die Datengebarung von digitalen Plattformen, Formen der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, Lokalkommunikation in Demokratien, Journalismus und vulnerable Zielgruppen auf Plattformen, Algorithmen gesteuerte Nachrichtenselektion auf Plattformen und problematische Social-Media-Kommunikationsformen. Die Zielgruppe des Bandes sind Kommunikationswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler, Studierende und mit digitalen Plattformen in Berührung kommende interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger.Mit Beiträgen vonUlla Autenrieth | Johanna Burger | Susanna Endres | Luciano Floridi | Christian Fuchs | Christian Gürtler | Vanessa Kokoschka | Stefan Kosak | Larissa Krainer | Friedrich Krotz | Matthias Künzler | Michael Litschka | Tassilo Pellegrini | Marlis Prinzing | Lars Rademacher | Florian Saurwein | Ingrid Stapf | Katrin Wallner
World Affairs Online