Zur Bedeutung der "Urteilsfähigkeit" für die Festsetzung des Wahlalters
In: Ausarbeitung 95,307
1296 Ergebnisse
In: Ausarbeitung 95,307
Acknowledgments -- Prologue: why did we write this, and why now? -- Introduction: the most active force in the world -- The two hands (and resisting Nazis with humor) -- Nonviolence in ordinary and extraordinary times -- Surprising new evidence for the power of active nonviolence -- Nonviolence has been working like crazy -- The water protectors -- Outsmarting the powers -- Humanizing ourselves and our opponent -- "But it wouldn't have worked against the Nazis": Denmark -- "But it wouldn't have worked against the Nazis": Le Chambon -- SOA watch -- What works -- Why do some people risk their lives for others? -- Are empathy, altruism, and extensivity innate? -- Fostering active nonviolence -- Is it possible to stop violence in its path? -- Personal reflection: how nonviolence was fostered in me -- Conclusion: stories of hope -- Appendix -- Endnotes -- Resources -- About the authors.
In: Middle East today
In: Uppsala Studies in Economic History 104
In: Gender, Theology and Spirituality
In: Gender, Theology and Spirituality Ser.
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Prelude -- Beyond Genealogy -- Technical Trinitarian Theology and Its Problems -- Outline of the Book -- PART 1 -- 1 Dramas of Desire -- The Theodramatic Nature of Difference -- The Order of the Trinitarian Committee (God's Agenda) -- What Then Is Sexual Difference? -- Balthasar and Difference -- 2 Suffering Difference: Graham Ward's Trinitarian Romance -- Difference, Desire, and Excess -- The Triune God and Creation -- Sexual Difference, Transcorporeality, and the Womb-Wound -- Allegorical Sexes, Theological Tropes, and Trinitarian Difference -- Suffering Difference -- 3 Speaking "Father" Rightly: Kenotic Reformation into Sonship in Sarah Coakley -- Contemplation, Patriarchy, and Feminist Fatherhood -- Kenotic Feminist Selfhood -- Kenosis and the Christ -- The Suffering Body: Evolution, Incarnation, and Finitude -- Attentiveness to the Other -- Interlude -- Undoing the Match: Death and Trinitarian Taxes -- Trinitarian Origins -- Disaffiliation and Disfiliation -- PART 2 -- 4 Patterns of Personhood in Three Variations -- Economic Exchanges: Christology beyond Obedience and Death -- The Trinitarian Patterns of Jürgen Moltmann's Spatial Persons -- Making Room for the Father's Deity: Reciprocal Self-Constitution in Wolfhart Pannenberg -- Kathryn Tanner's Trinitarian Hinge -- PART 3 -- 5 A Topography of the Trinitarian Imaginary: "Through a Critical Mimesis" to God -- The "Heresiological Imperative" and the Foundation of Trinitarian Theology -- Mimetic Trinitarian Speech, or How "He" met "Her" -- He "Calls [Him] 'Father' in a Sense that Bursts All Analogies" -- Even Though He Has Come Forth from the Father (and Where Did the Spirit Go?) -- 6 The Lord of Glory -- Clearing the Ground Again: The Work of Trinitarian Theology -- Starting from the Spirit -- Sons, Not Slaves.
In: Strategisches Marketingmanagement 27
In: PL Academic research
In: Law, development and globalization
1. A brief overview of three decades of donor reforms -- 2. What is meant by failure? -- 3. Judicial independence, as promoted and as practiced -- 4. Improving performance : experience from more and less developed countries -- 5. Reform as access to formal and informal mechanisms -- 6. The extra-sector impacts of justice reform -- 7. The next steps.
In: Law, development and globalization
In quest of a vision -- Preparing for your quest -- The sacred circle -- What do you do on a vision quest? -- Calling for a vision -- Vision quests for teenagers -- Integrating your quest into your life
Welche Herausforderungen stellt eine nachhaltige Entwicklung an Individuum und Gesellschaft? Was zeichnet ein zukunftsfähiges politisches System aus? Wie können Familien- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik nachhaltiger gestaltet werden? Welche Perspektiven gibt es in Anbetracht global schwindender Ressourcen und schwelender Konflikte? Nachhaltigkeit und Zukunftsfähigkeit sind Schlüsselbegriffe unserer Zeit. Sie sind zu zentralen Analysekategorien avanciert, an denen gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen gemessen werden. Durch den vornehmlich theoretischen Gebrauch der Begriffe wird jedoch immer unklarer, wie sie in Alltag und Praxis umgesetzt werden können. Hier sind insbesondere die Perspektiven und Lösungsansätze junger Menschen gefragt. Dieser studentische Essayband gibt daher eine Reihe von möglichen Antworten auf die Frage, wie sich eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung im konkreten Fall gestalten kann. Entstanden ist der Band in Kooperation mit dem Verein Zoon Politikon – Werkstatt für Politik und Wirtschaft e.V. und mit Unterstützung der StudiumPlus AG der Universität Potsdam.
In: New perspectives in criminology and criminal justice 5
In: Schriften zur Afrikanistik /Research in African Studies 16
"Documents 44 years of the late Karl Linn's work creating neighborhood commons, such as community gardens, playgrounds and parks. Includes a dozen photographically-illustrated case studies. Offers practical advice on engaging professionals with local populations in collaborative community development"--Provided by publisher
Criminal justice reform : human rights, crime control, and other unlikely bedfellows -- Judicial modernization : increasing the efficiency and efficacy of court actions -- Developing a professional, institutionally independent judiciary -- Access to justice : legal assistance, special courts, alternative dispute resolution and beyond -- Strengthening the judiciary's role as a check on other branches of government -- Judicial reform as a problem of focus : why the parts don't add up to a coherent whole -- Improving the knowledge base for judicial reform programs -- Toward a new strategic model -- A political agenda for reforming the reforms
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