Intro -- Contents -- Tables, Maps, and Figures -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Introduction -- Part 1: National Context -- 2 The Operating System of Spatial Transformation -- 3 Maoist Plan-Ideological Space -- 4 Post-Mao Market-Regulatory Space -- Part 2: Development of the Pearl River Delta -- 5 Economic and Spatial Transformation -- 6 Rural Industrialization -- 7 Transport Development -- 8 Influence of Hong Kong -- 9 Conclusion -- References -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z.
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Studies of China's urban transformation are characterized by diverse interpretations of the relevance of the theory of neoliberalism and continuing tension of epistemology vis-à-vis ontology. This research foregrounds state-society interplay as an alternative lens and analytical tool to understand China's urban transformation in the context of neoliberalization and global urbanism. The remaking of the Chinese urban landscape is found to be shaped not simply by forces of agglomeration economies or bid-rent dynamism but more by the contestation and negotiation between a fragmented authoritarian state and a rapidly changing society. Existing land users are motivated by a decentralized power of decision-making and a share of the land conveyance income previously monopolized by the state. Contrary to normal expectation, urban redevelopment plays a role of greater significance in the local land supply of those cities in some less advanced regions than in the demographically dense and economically advanced regions. Administratively, urban redevelopment tends to prevail in those modes of land disposition that are either monopolized by the state or subject to close-door negotiation. Redevelopment is less contentious in a "village-in-the-city" where decisions are made by the collective organization internally than the other involving developers externally. Land use intensity and efficiency have been improved along with intensified social exclusion and marginalization. Drawing up the missing link concerning state-society relations may provide new insights to solve the myth of an urban China so ambivalent when seen in the lens of neoliberalism and help reconcile methodological tension in the studies of comparative urbanism involving China.
Existing literature on China's urbanization focuses primarily on the expansion of cities and towns, with little attention being paid to urban renewals. The wasteful use of urban land has conventionally been attributed to the ambiguous definition and ineffective protection of property rights. This study examines recent practices in urban redevelopment in Guangzhou - a site chosen by the central authorities to pilot urban renewals (sanjiu gaizao). The research identifies a local practice in which institutional changes are made not in the delineation of land property rights but instead in the redistribution of the benefits to be made from land redevelopment. Current users of the land are offered a share of the land conveyance income previously monopolized by the state as an incentive to encourage them to engage in urban renewal. Land-use intensity and efficiency have increased, along with social exclusion and marginalization. Research findings cast doubt over the perceived notion that the uniform and unambiguous definition of property rights is the prerequisite for improved land-use efficiency and call for a critical evaluation of the current urban renewal policies that completely ignore the interests of the migrant population who outnumber local residents by a large margin. (China Q/GIGA)
Prevailing theories of uneven development see the growth of cities and regions as the spatial outcome of either the functioning of intrinsic agglomeration economies or the intrusion of global neoliberal market forces. Emphasis is placed on human resources and technology with land and capital usually taken for granted. This study of the growth of two leading Chinese metropolises—Beijing and Guangzhou—identifies a distinct strategy of urbanization financed by land commodification and actively pursued by Chinese municipal governments to contest with state power reshuffling in the era of neoliberalization. Contrary to popular notions, land commodification, rather than human capital or advanced technology, has played a role instrumental to the growth and transformation of China's metropolises. The popular practice of landed urbanization owes its political origins more to domestic state power reshuffling than to the intrusion of the global neoliberal agenda. State and market do not function as two diametrically opposing and self-contained entities but are characterized by their diverse and conflictual internal dynamics. Local states are found to have embraced and manipulated market forces for their political agenda. Theorization of global urbanism needs to go beyond the Euro-American comfort zone and to take seriously alternative practices and struggles found in the Global South.
This article examines the relationship between urban land development and municipal finance in a Chinese regional economy undergoing rapid urbanization. Drawing upon insights from the perspective of political economy, this article identifies a strategy by which land-centered urbanization has been actively pursued as a means of revenue generation in response to the reshuffling of state power. The territorialization of state power is realized through the expansion of urban space into the rural vicinity and the conversion of rural land into high-valued urban development to a greater regional extent. In contrast to the urbanization of capital observed in the global North, where an overaccumulation of capital leads to a sequential switch of the circuits of capital, urbanization in China has been pursued as a strategy to mobilize and accumulate original capital. Contrary to conventional wisdom, urbanization has not been an outcome responsive to economic growth; instead, it has been an active driving force instrumental to regional transformation. This article calls for greater attention to be directed to the interrelationship between land development, local public finance, and urbanization in the ongoing transformation of the Chinese political economy.
China's spaces of urbanisation in the 1980s and early 1990s were occupied primarily by the interests of rural industrialisation and town development. Since the mid 1990s, China's urban spaces have been reproduced through a city-based and land-centred process of urbanisation in which large cities managed to reassert their leading positions in an increasingly competitive, globalising and urbanising economy. This study analyses changes in China's nonagricultural land in relation to the growth and structural changes of Chinese cities. A systematic analysis of three sets of data reveals a high intensity and great unevenness of non-agricultural land use in the country. China had 29.5 million hectares of non-agricultural land in 1996, which accounted for only 3 per cent of the national land mass. Over 80 per cent of the recent increase in non-agricultural land use was caused by the expansion of urban and rural settlements, industrialisation and numerous 'development zones'. A comparative analysis of land use data and Landsat images identifies two concurrent processes of urbanisation and non-agricultural land use change. Rapid urban sprawl of large cities, driven by the expansion of ring-roads and setting up of 'development zones', has contributed to the conversion of farmland into nonagricultural uses. At the same time, rural industrialisation and a housing boom have given rise to a dispersed pattern of non-agricultural land development all over the country. Given the pervasive influence of the forces of continuing urbanisation and globalisation, the state's attempt to protect China's dwindling farmland will not reverse the trend of increasing non-agricultural land use, but are likely to slow the pace of land conversion. Anecdotal evidence such as 'hollow villages' and idle land in numerous encircled 'development zones' suggests that there exist ways for China to use its non-agricultural land more efficiently and economically than hitherto.
Existing literature on the status of the field of China geography has been focused either on what has been written or on the internal advancement of knowledge in the field, without considering its relationship to the broader social context and academic environment. In this study I adopt a contextual approach to analyzing two interrelated issues: (1) the changing position held by China geography in the grand geographic discipline; and (2) the evolution of discourses formulated by China geographers as a result of interactions with the broader academic environment. A systematic survey of research papers published in leading international journals has placed China geography in a peripheral position, with a volume of research output disproportionate to the size and importance of the nation. Nevertheless, several encouraging trends are observed, including the dramatic growth of research output since the 1990s and the broadening of the field beyond physical geography to encompass human geography and urban studies. A narrative investigation of the professional experience of a leading China geographer reveals a process of discourse (re)construction conditioned by both the changing political economy of China and the shifting emphases in the geographic discipline. Four periods of discourse formation are identified in this case study, namely the conception of the Chinese city as the center of change in the 1970s, interpretation of the uniqueness of Chinese urbanism in the 1980s, modeling of spontaneous town-based urbanization and regional development in the 1990s, and, most recently, the use of the notions of space, place, and transnationalism to construct the Chinese diaspora as a geographic system. Discourse formation in China geography can be understood as the consequence both of the rapidly changing material conditions in China and of discursive practices in the geographic discipline. Much needs to be done by China geographers to go beyond the empirical arena of area studies and become more actively engaged in the ongoing theoretical debates in the mainstream of geography and China studies.
The dynamic of globalisation and urban change in Europe and North America has been extensively documented. Relatively little is known about the processes and consequences of spatial restructuring in metropolitan regions within the context of a transitional socialist economy. This study investigates economic restructuring and spatial transformation in one of the most dynamic metropolitan regions in China. Deregulation of the post-reform socialist central state has allowed Chinese peasants to diversify agricultural production and to industrialise the rural economy according to various personal strengths and the changing market demand. Despite the rapid commercialisation and industrialisation of the regional economy, there has been no growing concentration of population and production facilities in large cities. The loci of accelerated economic growth, increased population mobility and massive land-use transformation have been in the intermediate zones surrounding and between metropolitan centres. Rapid expansion of the extended metropolitan zone has been driven primarily by forces of rural industrialisation at the grassroots level rather than a result of urban sprawl. The on-going processes and evolving patterns of 'urban-rural integration' ( chengxiang yitifa) in Chinese extended metropolitan regions demonstrate the complexity of the relationship between industrialisation and urbanisation in different political economies and question the adequacy of the widely accepted urban-rural dichotomy. The intrusion of global forces has not homogenised local particularities. Global capitalism has to seek shelter from locally specific conditions in order to take root in socialist soil.