9 Ergebnisse
In: Educação & sociedade: publication of the Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade, CEDES, Band 45
ISSN: 1678-4626
RESUMO O presente ensaio debate possibilidades e exigências para a realização do direito à educação, observando criticamente os obstáculos que lhe são apresentados por um mundo desigual. Propondo que a educação como direito seja estudada através de três conceitos – a educação como direito consagrado, a educação como direito decretado, e a educação como direito praticado – é a este último que o artigo atribui protagonismo analítico. Reconhecendo centralidade à ideologia meritocrática promovida pelas políticas educacionais contemporâneas, o texto conclui que nos encontramos em processo de transição de uma pedagogia democrática, nunca inteiramente realizada e sucedida, para uma pedagogia meritocrática, empreendedorista e contra o outro. A meritocracia é considerada, relativamente à educação como direito praticado, um dos maiores obstáculos enfrentados, capaz de produzir novas desigualdades e de operar uma forte erosão da democracia e da pedagogia democrática na educação.
Adult learning and education in diverse communities: cultural invasion or dialogical action for liberation? Revisiting Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed
At different scales and involving various dimensions, adult learning and education take place in diverse communities. Cultural, linguistic, religious, gender, ethnical, class and economic differences, among many others, may be sources of discrimination or of democratic dialogue and conviviality in political and social terms, also including adult learning and education environments. Based on a Freirean perspective, and especially on his major work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a critical analysis of adult learning and education policies and practices as "cultural invasion" for discrimination or as "dialogical action" for liberation is presented. Observing global and local policies based on rational-instrumental conceptions of adult learning which stress in a hyperbolic manner the promotion of individual skills as the main solution for economic competitiveness – which may be considered as a sort of oppressive pedagogism –, possible impacts on communities and societies will be discussed in terms of democracy and active citizenship, solidarity and cooperation, the process of humanization of human beings and their capacity to live together in diverse ...
Licínio C. Lima é professor catedrático do Departamento deCiências Sociais da Educação do Instituto de Educação da Universidadedo Minho (Braga, Portugal). Coordena diversos projetos de investigação,de formação e de cooperação em âmbito nacional e internacional, sendoautor de inúmeros trabalhos acadêmicos, publicados em diferentes paíseseuropeus e do continente americano.Pertence à European Society for Research on the Educationof Adults (ESREA). É membro e sócio-fundador da SociedadePortuguesa de Ciências da Educação. É membro do Fórum Português deAdministração Educacional, do Instituto Paulo Freire de Portugal, daAssociação Nacional de Política e Administração da Educação (ANPAE)e do International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), dentre outrasatividades em diferentes conselhos e coordenações na Universidade doMinho.
Recognition of prior learning at the centre of a national strategy: tensions between professional gains and personal development
This paper focuses on recognition of prior learning as part of a national policy based on European Union guidelines for lifelong learning, and it explains how recognition of prior learning has been perceived since it was implemented in Portugal in 2000. Data discussed are the result of a mixed method research project that surveyed adult learners, some of whom were interviewed, who successfully completed the recognition of prior learning process from 2007 to 2011 in a new opportunities centre. Adult educators, and workplace representatives from the companies in which these adults in the recognition of prior learning process were working, were also part of the survey. A theme-based content analysis was done on the resulting data. Findings revealed tension between the goals of economic and human resource management and the change experienced by these adult learners in their professional status. Based on these results, the closing remarks to this article highlight the tensions caused by the failure of the goals of the policy to which recognition of prior learning was central, and the personal and social changes referred to by learners. Important educational changes were achieved although they were undermined by the adult education policy and European Union guidelines. ; The writing of this article was funded by Cied – Institute of Education, University of Minho and the Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Educação e Formação, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de ...
Research into educational management in Portugal: themes, focus and methodologies ; Ricerca sull'amministrazione scolastica in Portogallo: temi, punto focale e metodologie
Today, educational management is an expanding scientific field that has been attracting ever more social and political visibility, and it has been the object of a considerable amount of research. In the Portuguese context, over the past two decades there has been a sharp movement to create post-graduate courses, to increase individual and collective research and the number of scientific publications. The growing centrality assumed by the sociological approaches of educational organisations, associated with a vast collection of scientific research and publications, promoted a meta-analysis of a considerable amount of work produced in this area. For this analysis, we selected 80 dissertations all presented within the context of the pioneering Master's course, and the oldest course in the country on educational management, the Master in «Education Sciences», specialising in «Educational Management», offered by the University of Minho. Of the main trends identified, the most important were: (i) synchronization between the political agenda, professional experience and research interests; (ii) use of a certain theoretical pluralism, mobilizing two or more models of organizational analysis; (iii) the use of a largely qualitative methodology, tending towards the case study method; (iv) mobilizing a meso-approach to school organization, seeking to coordinate micro and macro analytical levels. On a more substantive plane, this study has contributed to discussions on some dilemmas and agendas that, in our opinion, are involved in constructing the object of educational management. ; L'amministrazione scolastica rappresenta oggi un campo scientifico in espansione, con un notevole dinamismo a livello di ricerca ed una crescente visibilità sociale e politica. Nel contesto della realtà portoghese si è osservato, nell'ultimo ventennio, il proliferare di corsi post-laurea, un aumento della ricerca individuale e collettiva ed un maggior numero di pubblicazioni scientifiche. La crescente centralità assunta dagli approcci ...
Research into Educational Management in Portugal: Themes, Focus and Methodologies
Today, educational management is an expanding scientific field that has been attracting ever more social and political visibility, and it has been the object of a considerable amount of research. In the Portuguese context, over the past two decades there has been a sharp movement to create post-graduate courses, to increase individual and collective research and the number of scientific publications. The growing centrality assumed by the sociological approaches of educational organisations, associated with a vast collection of scientific research and publications, promoted a meta-analysis of a considerable amount of work produced in this area. For this analysis, we selected 80 dissertations all presented within the context of the pioneering Master's course, and the oldest course in the country on educational management, the Master in «Education Sciences», specialising in «Educational Management», offered by the University of Minho. Of the main trends identified, the most important were: (i) synchronization between the political agenda, professional experience and research interests; (ii) use of a certain theoretical pluralism, mobilizing two or more models of organizational analysis; (iii) the use of a largely qualitative methodology, tending towards the case study method; (iv) mobilizing a meso-approach to school organization, seeking to coordinate micro and macro analytical levels. On a more substantive plane, this study has contributed to discussions on some dilemmas and agendas that, in our opinion, are involved in constructing the object of educational management.
European strategies in lifelong learning: a critical introduction
Lifelong learning and education is a key concept for the development of adult education as an area of practice and theoretical consideration. In recent decades, meanwhile, the idea of lifelong education and learning has been central to the guidance of various international organisations of many countries. Lifelong learning is currently widely accepted in terms of its benefits, thus the meanings it can contain are rarely questioned. This book proposes three models for analysing public adult education policies, the democraticemancipatory model, the modernisation and state control model, and the human resources management model. The models guide the critical discussion on the EU policies for the adult education and training sector. This analysis also contains references to national adult education policies. The book further describes the proposals presented by UNESCO since the 1970s with respect to lifelong education and lifelong learning. The underlying purpose of this approach is to identify and interpret other meanings which the idea may contain today. This option is intended to help students and other people who may be interested in this topic to question ways of looking at a priority issue in contemporary public ...
In: Educação & sociedade: publication of the Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade, CEDES, Band 45
ISSN: 1678-4626