In: Publicatio UEPG. Ciências Sociais Aplicadas = Applied Social Sciences, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 97-107
ISSN: 2238-7560
10343 Ergebnisse
In: Publicatio UEPG. Ciências Sociais Aplicadas = Applied Social Sciences, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 97-107
ISSN: 2238-7560
In: Caderno Espaço feminino: revista do Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero e Pesquisa sobre a Mulher
ISSN: 1981-3082
In: Revista de movimentos sociais e conflitos, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 63
ISSN: 2525-9830
Pretende-se demonstrar a crise vivenciada nos centros educacionais da cidade de Fortaleza, no aspecto jurídico e institucional, revelando o descumprimento dos direitos fundamentais em função, apenas, da preocupação punitiva, abandonando a finalidade pedagógica-educativa de tais centros. A pesquisa pautou-se em revisão bibliográfica e no método dedutivo- indutivo. Análise da evolução histórica da legislação referente aos direitos e deveres das crianças e dos adolescentes, reflexão das condições vivenciadas nos Centros Educacionais da capital cearense e apontamento de possíveis medidas a serem implementadas visando a minimização dos efeitos da referida crise.
In: Áltera: revista de antropologia, Band 2, Heft 10, S. 119-125
ISSN: 2447-9837
O presente ensaio tem uma proposta teórica voltada para as políticas da angústia, uma maneira encontrada pelo autor para designar uma série de questionamentos e urgências sociais vivenciados pelas Pessoas Trans, no decorrer da pandemia de covid-19. Portanto, esse texto examina algumas emoções e depoimentos com o intuito de apreender as experiências politicamente angustiantes que atravessam o período de isolamento social. De modo geral, essas sentimentalidades são lidas com atributos sociais e somáticos que refratam uma determinada situação sociopolítica do Brasil contemporâneo. Metodologicamente retiro os depoimentos das minhas vivências enquanto professor de sociologia, e por um acaso, etnógrafo em um Coletivo de Educação Popular voltado para Pessoas Trans em Porto Alegre/RS. Assim, proponho como reflexão as dimensões da ansiedade e da temporalidade na forma de marcadores das experiências dos discentes Trans que acompanho.
In: Coleção reflexividades indígenas
Cover -- Half-Title Page -- Dedication -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- I.1. A humble contribution to strengthening entrepreneurship and innovation in Europe -- I.2. A note about entrepreneurship versus innovation education -- I.3. Who is this book for? -- 1. E& -- I Education: An Overview -- 1.1. Defining entrepreneurship and innovation -- 1.2. Innovation and entrepreneurship education -- 1.3. Can entrepreneurship be taught? Towards a framework of E& -- I education -- 1.3.1. The French case -- 1.3.2. Enablers of entrepreneurship and innovation education -- 1.3.3. Perspectives for the European ecosystem -- 1.4. Collaborative Interactivity learning principles -- 2. From Idea to Vision -- 2.1. Self-knowledge: follow thy passion -- 2.2. Knowledge of the business field -- 2.3. Relationship networks -- 2.4. Other factors contributing to the development of the vision -- 2.5. Teaching the visionary theory -- 2.5.1. Reflecting about the visionary model -- 2.5.2. Creating an authentic context -- 2.5.3. Making it more interactive -- 2.5.4. Collaborating -- 3. From Vision to Business Plan -- 3.1. Executive summary -- 3.2. Context: vision development -- 3.3. Literature review -- 3.4. Market analysis -- 3.4.1. Opportunities and threats in the macro-environment: PESTEL-C -- 3.4.2. Meso-environment: STP framework -- 3.5. Marketing plan -- 3.6. Organizational strengths and weaknesses -- 3.7. Other sources of competitive strengths and weaknesses -- 3.8. Strategy and development plan: the TOWS matrix -- 3.9. Financial objectives -- 3.10. Conclusions and perspectives -- 3.11. Appendices and References -- 3.12. Teaching business planning -- 3.12.1. Reflecting about the frameworks in a business plan -- 3.12.2. Creating and authentic business plan environment -- 3.12.3. Using technology to make it more interactive and collaborative.
In: Governance, Development, and Social Inclusion in Latin America
In: Springer eBooks
In: Political Science and International Studies
1. Chapter One - Introduction -- 2. Chapter Two - Citizenship and Access to Rights: An Introduction -- 3. Chapter Three - Understanding the Changes in Governance and Participation in Brazil -- 4. Chapter Four - The Effect of Political Crisis on Citizenship Rights and Authoritarianism in Brazil -- 5. Chapter Five - Sustainable Citizenship And The Prospect of Participation and Governance in The Digital Era -- 6. Chapter Six - Conclusion: Responding to The Great Challenges of Citizenship and Governance
"Across all regions, cultures, and societies, humans have attributed to the circle ideals of unity, wholeness, infinity, enlightenment, and perfection. We have applied this natural shape to countless manmade systems through the ages, from tools, icons, and writing systems to maps, urban plans, and digital technologies. In The Book of Circles, his companion volume to the popular Book of Trees, Manuel Lima takes us on a lively tour through millenia of information design. Three hundred detailed and colorful illustrations cover an encyclopedic array of subjects, drawing fascinating parallels across time and culture. The clay tokens used by ancient Sumerians as a system of recording trade are juxtaposed with the logos of modern retailers like Target; Venn diagrams are discussed side by side with symbols of the Christian trinity, the trefoil shape of the biohazard symbol, and the Olympic rings; a diagram revealing the characteristics of 10,000 porn stars displays structural similarities to early celestial charts placing the earth at the center of the universe. Lima's introduction provides an authoritative description of the circle's symbolism and uses through history, and a preface describes his unique taxomony of the many varieties of circle diagrams, rounding out this visual feast for infographics enthusiasts"--
In: Questions de société
World Affairs Online
In: Worlding Beyond the West
World Affairs Online