7 Ergebnisse
Opinion 1/17 (C.J.E.U)
In: International legal materials: ILM, Band 59, Heft 1, S. 89-131
ISSN: 1930-6571
On April 30, 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered Opinion 1/17 on the compatibility with European Union (EU) law of the Investment Court System (ICS) under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union and its member states (CETA). In a momentous decision that is likely to have consequences beyond the CETA, a full court of the CJEU held that the ICS provisions were compatible with EU law.
Untangling the Money Market Fund Problem: A Public-Private Liquidity Fund Proposal
In: Stanford Journal of Law, Business, and Finance, Forthcoming
Cooperative and non-cooperative R&D and trade costs
In: Journal of international trade & economic development: an international and comparative review, Band 22, Heft 6, S. 942-958
ISSN: 1469-9559
Substitutional effect of long-term care to hospital inpatient care?
In: China economic review, Band 62, S. 101466
ISSN: 1043-951X
Proficiencies of military medical officers in intubating difficult airways
BACKGROUND: This study sheds light on the proficiency of military medical officers who had received between 2 and 3 years of post-graduate training, in the handling of the difficult airway in a trauma manikin simulator using direct and video laryngoscopes. METHOD: One hundred thirty-three doctors from the Singapore Armed Forces Medical Officer Cadet Course were assessed using high-fidelity simulator models with standardised difficult airways (simulator with tongue-swelling and cervical collar). They used the Macintosh direct laryngoscope (DL), King Vision channelled-blade laryngoscope (KVC), King Vision non-channelled blade laryngoscope (KVNC), and the McGrath (MG) laryngoscope on the same model in a randomised sequence. The intubation success rates and time to intubation were recorded and analysed for the study. RESULTS: The medical officers had a 71.4% intubation success rate with the DL on the difficult airway trauma simulator model and the mean time to intubation of 40.1 s. With the KVC, the success rate is 86.5% with mean intubation time of 40.4 s. The KVNC produced 24.8% success rate, with mean time to intubation of 53.2 s. The MG laryngoscope produced 85.0% success rate, with a mean time of intubation of 37.4 s. CONCLUSION: Military medical officers with 2–3 years of post-graduate training had a success rate of 71.4% success rate intubating a simulated difficult airway in a trauma setting using a DL. Success rates were improved with the use of KVC and the MG laryngoscope, but was worse with the KVNC.
The Role of Fun in the Education Production Function: A Randomized Controlled Trial
In: UNSW Business School Research Paper Forthcoming