
221 Ergebnisse


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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#530. August 2024

Sandwich caregiving and midlife women's health: An examination of racial disparities

In: Family relations, Band 73, Heft 5, S. 3291-3308

ISSN: 1741-3729

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Open Access#62017

The Adjustment of Labour Relations : From "Power Control" to "Game Behaviour"?


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Working paper

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Open Access#122022

Three Strategies in One Project—Revitalization of the International Export Company (Kiangsu)


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World Affairs Online

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Buch(elektronisch)#1520143 Versionen verfügbar

Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services

In: Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China Ser.



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