In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 273, S. 116141
Hateful online attacks targeting individuals of Asian descent have increased dramatically in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. This study examines daily trends in inflammatory keywords associated with anti-Asian cyberhate using data collected from Twitter between January 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021. Additionally, we explore the sentiment of tweets and track the evolution of discourse on Twitter regarding Asians and the coronavirus. Our results indicate that the usage of inflammatory keywords associated with anti-Asian hate on Twitter rose dramatically at the outset of the outbreak, and then spiked at various points over the next fourteen months. Notably, offline events and rhetoric appear to have affected the rate of hateful tweets about the pandemic targeting Asians. Additionally, we find that discourse on Twitter around the words China, Chinese, Asians, and virus has become increasingly negative and stigmatizing during the course of the coronavirus outbreak.
Abstract The present study sought to examine trauma history and hope as predictors of suicide risk in a sample of 561 college students. Furthermore, authors aimed to understand whether the lack of hope agency and hope pathways contributed to further risk for suicide, above and beyond trauma history. Results suggested that trauma history and hope agency were significant and unique predictors of suicide risk among college students. More specifically, hope agency accounted for additional variance in the prediction model of suicide risk, beyond that accounted for by trauma history. Some implications of the present findings for social work practice are discussed.
We examined interpersonal violence victimization and prior interpersonal violence exposure as predictors of suicide risk, namely, suicide ideation and suicide attempt, in a sample of 207 Indian college students. Results of regression analyses indicated that interpersonal violence victimization, but not prior interpersonal violence exposure, was a unique predictor of suicide risk, independent of age and sex. Finally, we found support for a significant Interpersonal Violence Victimization × Past Interpersonal Violence Exposure interaction effect consistent with the notion that the association between interpersonal violence victimization and suicide risk is potentiated by the presence of prior interpersonal violence exposure among Indian students.
AbstractThe present study examined the role of vitality as a mediator of the association between dispositional hope and quality of life (QoL) (namely, physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment) in a sample of 101 adult primary care patients. Vitality was found to fully mediate the relationship between hope and physical health, social relationships, and environment. In addition, vitality was found to partially mediate the association between hope and psychological health. The present findings are consistent with a model in which vitality represents an important mechanism through which hope affects QoL in adults. Accordingly, these findings point to the importance of fostering both hope and vitality in efforts to promote positive QoL in adults.
Abstract. Background: According to the broaden-and-build model of positive mood, positive emotions are believed to broaden cognition resources and build psychological resiliency, to help incur positive psychological outcomes. Aim: We examined hope as a potential mediator of the association between positive mood and suicide protection (viz., life satisfaction and reasons for living) in adults. We hypothesized that positive mood would be associated with greater suicide protection through broadening hope agency and building hope pathways. Method: A sample of 320 college students completed measures of positive emotions, hope, and suicide protection. Results: Results from bootstrapped mediation testing indicated that hope agency, but not hope pathways, partially or fully mediated the relationship between positive mood and suicide protection. Limitations: It is not clear whether these findings are generalizable to a more diverse adult population. Also, it is not possible to rule out alternative causal models involving positive emotions and suicide protection. Conclusion: These findings provide some promising preliminary evidence for how positive emotions might help build hope agency to foster greater suicide protection in adults.
Abstract The present study examined the relationship between future orientation and fibromyalgia-related pain severity in a sample of 287 adults with fibromyalgia. Specifically, authors examined dimensions of self-compassion (for example, self-kindness, isolation, mindfulness) as possible mechanisms through which future orientation might be associated with pain severity. Results of conducting a multiple mediator test with 10,000 bootstraps indicated that the significant negative association between future orientation and pain severity was mediated through one specific self-compassion dimension, namely, isolation. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the present findings for working with fibromyalgia patients, specifically the potential value of social workers working with fibromyalgia patients to build future orientation as a resilience factor to combat pain severity. Also discussed is the value of working with patients to develop a sustainable social support system that can disrupt experiences of social isolation and disconnectedness from others, and which appear to contribute to greater pain severity.