14 Ergebnisse
Das gebrochene Schweigen: Lebensgeschichten von Überlebenden des jüdischen Proletariats in Amsterdam [BIOS 1 (1988), Heft 2, 17-26]
In: Bios: Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, Band 32, Heft 1-2, S. 7-16
ISSN: 2196-243X
Stories from No Land: The Women of Srebrenica Speak Out
In: Human rights review: HRR, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 187-198
ISSN: 1874-6306
Stories from No Land: The Women of Srebrenica Speak Out
In: Human rights review: HRR, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 187-198
ISSN: 1524-8879
It is argued that the stories of the survivors of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 have been neglected by the memorial culture of Bosnia and by the various national reports that investigated how the massacre could have taken place. The author argues that a satisfactory history of the genocide has to include the voices of the survivors, in this case, the women. These are stories of trauma that are hard to listen to. She compares listening to them to the difficulty historians experience in listening to the stories of other genocides like the Shoah/Holocaust, they are stories based on silence about what cannot be told. The argument relies on the oral history literature on listening to trauma as personal and subjective accounts of survival. They are not straightforward referential narratives. One narrative, the narrative of Sabaheta who lost her child and husband, is central to the piece. She is one of the women interviewed by the author. The interview expresses sorrow about loss and rage about the international community, these stories are interwoven. The narrative also describes through the eyes of the victim what she felt happened. The author is Dutch, so is part of the one nation - more than any other - that is accused of "doing nothing." It was the Dutch army that was supposed to protect the civilian population of Srebrenica. The government of The Netherlands has halted any negotiation on financial support for the research as "the project does not help to overcome trauma." She argues that giving a voice to the victim is a necessary step toward closure. Adapted from the source document.
Gender and the Categories of Experienced History
In: Gender & history, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 597-611
ISSN: 1468-0424
This paper examines the problematic relationship between oral history and gender and women's history. The article suggests that the methodological and research problems currently facing oral historians of gender in the context of multiculturalism and globalisation can only be overcome by undertaking research that links the small, local and regional focus characteristic of much oral history to new pat‐terns of history writing so that a plurality of voices may be heard. The argument is illustrated by reference to two current research projects: a comparative study of the lives of young migrant women in six European countries; and a study of the meaning of Islam for migrant and non‐migrant women in Bangladesh, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Mali, and Senegal compared with migrant women in the Netherlands.
Feminisms and Nazisms: a Colloquium in Honour of Rita Thalmann: Paris, 10-12 December 1992
In: European journal of women's studies, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 115-116
ISSN: 1461-7420
In: History workshop: a journal of socialist and feminist historians, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 205-208
ISSN: 1477-4569
Transnational Families: Memories and Narratives
In: Global networks: a journal of transnational affairs, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 227-241
ISSN: 1471-0374
AbstractThis introduction to a special issue of the journal explores not only the role of memory and narratives in understanding gender and transnational families, but suggests how such families use and understand their memories to construct coherent narratives of the self and kin. In common with renewed thinking about the multifaceted nature of migration, the complexities of the process, and the continuing dialogue that migration establishes between the old and the new, the past and the present, those who engage with oral history/life story methods are increasingly aware that such data provide a 'value added' to rich empirical detail. These methods reveal the use of memory and its role in the continuing emotional adjustments in which most transnational experience is embroiled. They show how the multi‐layering of memory, language and narratives are indicators of the ways in which culture shapes recall and recounting. Families themselves become sites of belonging, part of the imaginary unity through which a transnational family may seek its identity. Equally, oral histories can tease out ways in which gender differences impact on, or are impacted by, transnational lives. The introduction situates the subsequent articles within a brief overview of oral history and migration.
Gender and Memory
Cover Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Gender Differences in Memories for Speech -- 3 The Social Experiences of a Countrywoman in Soviet Russia -- 4 Clubmen and Functionaries: Male Memory in Two Berlin Working-class Neighbourhoods from the 1920s to the 1980s -- 5 Ubiquitous but Invisible: The Presence of Women Singers within a Basque Male Tradition -- 6 Women and the Mafia -- 7 Love and Ambition -- 8 Women in the Ivory Coast: The Intertwining of Memory and Gender -- 9 Gendered Moments and Inscripted Memories -- 10 Male Work and Mill Work -- 11 Remembrance, Romance, and Nation -- 12 Stepchildren's Memories of Love and Loss -- Review Article
Memory & totalitarianism
In: Memory and narrative
Interpreting contentious memory: countermemories and social conflicts over the past
In: Interpretive Lenses in Sociology
Memory is at the center of a diverse array of political conflicts, moral disputes and power dynamics. This book illustrates how scholars use different interpretive lenses to study and explain profound conflicts rooted in the past. Addressing issues of racism, genocide, trauma, war, nationalism, colonial occupation and more, it highlights how our interpretations of contentious memories are indispensable to our understandings of contemporary conflicts and identities. Featuring an international group of scholars, this book makes important contributions to social memory studies, but also shows how studying memory is vital to our understanding of enduring social problems that span the globe.