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3 Ergebnisse
In: Springer eBook Collection
Part 1:-Background and Theoretical Context -- Chapter 1:- Introduction -- Chapter 2:- Understanding Small Island States & Territories by Acolla Lewis-Cameron & Leslie-Ann Jordan-Miller -- Chapter 3:- Conceptualising Resilience in Small Island States by Sherma Roberts -- Part 2:-Environmental Resilience -- Chapter 4:- Cruise Tourism and Resilience in Marine Ecosystems in the Caribbean: A Socio-Environmental Study of St. Lucia by Myrna Ellis -- Chapter 5:- Tourism Resilience in the Caribbean island of Cozumel: Best practice and high risk áreas by Kennedy Obombo Magio -- Chapter 6:- A resilient eco-tourism island: A case study of Dominica and its tourism recovery strategies post 2017 Hurricane Maria by Tenisha Brown-Williams and Amanda Charles -- Part 3:- Socio-Cultural Resilience -- Chapter 7:- Community resilience in the face of a natural disaster: Puerto Rico's adventure tourism industry by Mechelle Best and José H. Gonzalez -- Chapter 8:-An Integrated Path Towards a Resilient Tourism Sector in North-East Tobago by Aljoscha Wothke, Joanna Moses-Wothke and Leslie-Ann Jordan -- Chapter 9:-From exclusive to exclusion zone and back again: Marketing Montserrat under the Mount Chance eruptions by Johnathan Skinner -- Chapter 10:-Building a resilient tourism future through youth involvement and consumer-centric service excellence in Grenada by Marion Joppe & Kimberly Thomas-Francois -- Part 3:-Economic Resilience -- Chpater 11:-Increasing the Resilience of Micro, Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises to Tropical Cyclones in Small Island Developing States by Thalia Balkaran and David Smith -- Chapter 12:-Building Resilience by Strengthening the Link between Tourism and Agriculture: An Assessment of the Purchasing Patterns of Selected Hotels in Jamaica by Eritha Huntley-Lewis, Tolulope Bewaji and Clive Scott -- Chapter:- An analysis of economic and political resilience strategies adopted by The Bahamas as an archipelagic Small Island Development State by Sophia Rolle -- Chapter 14:-Integrative Entrepreneurship as a Tourism Resilience Strategy for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Castara, Tobago by Shinelle Smith and Leslie-Ann Jordan-Miller -- Chapter 15:- Hotel Resilience to Terrorist Threats – Is there a case for Barbados? by Vincent Bradshaw -- Chapter 16:- The tension between lives and livelihoods- an analysis of resilience strategies by tourism-dependent Caribbean territories by Sherma Roberts -- Conclusion.
In: Elsevier insights
Over the last three decades, tourism has emerged as a major force in the global economy, with most countries, whether developed or developing, having increasing opportunities to participate, as both host and guest, in this socio-economic phenomenon. Competition for a share of the tourism market has intensified as rapid tourism developments have been undertaken by various destinations in an attempt to reap those economic benefits from one of the world's leading industries. The growth in tourism has propelled significant changes in the way in which destinations are managed and marketed. The challenge for many small island destinations is how to become or remain competitive. It is against this background that destination marketing has assumed the critical role of ensuring that the destination lifecycle does not enter into a stage of saturation and decline and the destination is able to adapt to the changing marketplace, seize opportunities and sustain its vitality. This book takes a holistic approach and considers marketing from a macro perspective, from the view of the destination. Takes a multi-dimensional approach by addressing the amalgam of issues involved in the marketing of a destination By prefacing the case study discussions with the conceptual framework of destination marketing, the book provides a rich balance of theory and action in practice It adopts a small island developing state perspective of destination marketing