11 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Managing open innovation projects with science-based and market-based partners
In: Research Policy, Band 43, Heft 5, S. 828-840
Working paper
Does Excellence in Academic Research Attract Foreign R&D?
Working paper
Science or graduates: How do firms benefit from the proximity of universities?
In: Research Policy, Band 43, Heft 8, S. 1398-1412
The Hard Way? Learning and Drug Development Success (or Failure) in the Pharmaceutical Industry
In: RESPOL-D-23-02195
Mounting corporate innovation performance: The effects of high-skilled migrant hires and integration capacity
In: Research Policy, Band 49, Heft 9, S. 104034
Academic Research Strengths and Multinational Firms' Foreign R&D Location Decisions: Evidence from R&D Investments in European Regions
In: Environment and planning. A, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 920-942
ISSN: 1472-3409
Although an expanding literature on university–industry linkages has suggested that proximity to academia can increase the innovative performance of firms, the role of academic research in the R&D location choices of multinational firms has received surprisingly little attention. In this paper we analyze the extent to which academic research in host regions of EU-15 countries attracts R&D investments by multinational firms. We analyze the determinants of the location of 394 multinational R&D projects in NUTS-1 regions of EU-15 countries during the period 2003–08. We construct precise measures of the academic research strengths of regions from annual publication data from Thomson Reuters Web of Science. University publications are counted at the level of regions and science fields, and measure academic research relevant for investing firms by linking science fields to the industries in which firms are active. We find that the probability of R&D projects being located in a host region is positively affected by the host region's academic strength—after controlling for industry agglomeration, the technological strength of the region, R&D tax incentives, and other characteristics of host locations. Our results further suggest that a major mechanism through which academic research attracts foreign R&D is the supply of PhD graduates.
Do Firms Benefit from being Present in Multiple Technology Clusters? An Assessment of the Technological Performance of Biopharmaceutical Firms
In: Regional studies, Band 46, Heft 9
ISSN: 0034-3404
Do Firms Benefit from being Present in Multiple Technology Clusters? An Assessment of the Technological Performance of Biopharmaceutical Firms
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 46, Heft 9, S. 1107-1119
ISSN: 1360-0591
Co-ownership of intellectual property: Exploring the value-appropriation and value-creation implications of co-patenting with different partners
In: Research Policy, Band 43, Heft 5, S. 841-852