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14 Ergebnisse
In: Modernist cultures, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 397-420
ISSN: 1753-8629
In: Crimes of Art and Terror, S. 148-166
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introductory Notes from the Editors -- After -- Seventy-Five Years -- End of War -- Thoughts in the Presence of Fear -- The Wars Less Known -- The Dialectics of Disaster -- Sovereignty, Empire, Capital, and Terror -- A Muslim to Muslims: Reflections after September 11 -- Groundzeroland -- Dispelling the ''We'' Fallacy from the Body of Christ: The Task of Catholics in a Time of War -- Old Glory -- Welcome to the Desert of the Real! -- September 11 and the Children of Abraham -- L'Esprit du Terrorisme -- Our Good Fortune -- John Walker Lindh -- September 11, 2001: A Pacifist Response -- Ground Zero; or, The Implosion of Church and State -- Afterword: From Virgin Land to Ground Zero -- Contributors -- Index