New technology with ageing
In: Gerontechnology: international journal on the fundamental aspects of technology to serve the ageing society, Band 11, Heft 3
ISSN: 1569-111X
8 Ergebnisse
In: Gerontechnology: international journal on the fundamental aspects of technology to serve the ageing society, Band 11, Heft 3
ISSN: 1569-111X
In: Policy studies journal: an international journal of public policy, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 384-401
ISSN: 0190-292X
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 49, Heft Sep/Oct 89
ISSN: 0033-3352
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 47, Heft Mar/Apr 87
ISSN: 0033-3352
In: Cultural studies - critical methodologies, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 112-127
ISSN: 1552-356X
Marshaling the so-called universal model of music, the authors examine the conceits of traditional discursive scholarship. One of the epistemological challenges of postmodernism is (con)textual: How do people re-form narrowly tailored, methodologically formalized textuality? How do people deploy postmodern playfulness, hybridity, and bricolage effectively to displace reified methodologies with new ways of knowing? In this article, the authors mingle ethnography, literary criticism, aesthetic hermeneutics, and cultural studies to examine the movements, riffs, and flows of music, from Puccini to hip-hop. By emulating the varied structures of music (their subject matter), the authors work to perform textually the cross-cultural aspects of musical flirtations and, in the process, rehearse how postmodern epistemologies might innovate cultural scholarship, improvising new strains of historical and analytical discursivity.
In: Social work research, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 101-112
ISSN: 1545-6838
Of 5,667 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from the Government Social Hygiene (sexually transmitted disease) Clinics in Hong Kong from 1990 to 1992, there was a trend toward an increase in the percentage of strains resistant in vitro to 0.01 and 0.1 microgram of ofloxacin per ml, with 54.3 and 5.5% resistant strains, respectively, in January 1990, rising to 95.3 and 41.5%, respectively, in December 1992. The percentage of strains for which the MIC is > 1 microgram/ml remains stable, and no clinical failure has yet been seen. This trend of decreasing susceptibility warrants close monitoring when ofloxacin is used as first-line treatment for gonorrhea.
Chinese cabbage is one of the major dryland crops, especially for Kimchi, in Korea. Recently Korean government promote mechanization of the dryland crop production operations to improve the current mechanization level of 56%. The demand of precision agriculture technology has been increased for improved performance and user comfort. Objective of this study was to conduct basic tests of potential alternative sensing approaches for Chinese cabbage yield monitoring for small-sized Korean harvesters. Two approaches were investigated: mass-based sensor using load cells and volume (or area)-based sensor using a CCD camera. The mass-based sensor was installed so that the cabbages discharged from the transportation part were contacted before they fell down to the collection part. Volume-based sensor was installed on the transportation part so that the top and side images of the Cabbages were captured. Area and volume of the cabbages were obtained from the images, and then calibrated to the mass. In overall, calibration tests provided coefficients of determination of 0.97 and 0.94 for the mass-based and volume-based approaches, respectively. Effects of the distance between the sensor and cabbage were not statistically significant. Data processing to minimize the vibration and slope effects should be improved. This study showed promising results for Chinese cabbage yield monitoring, but further study should be conducted to improve the performance for different varieties and under field conditions.