L'adoption de l'agriculture chez les Pygmées baka du Cameroun: dynamique sociale et continuité structurale
In: Natures sociales
16 Ergebnisse
In: Natures sociales
In: Vie sociale: cahiers du CEDIAS, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 49-58
Le dispositif français de protection de l'enfance en danger, qui associe action sociale préventive et intervention éducative judiciaire, produit dans la pratique une forme de hiatus : alors que le discours global des travailleurs sociaux concernés est celui du rappel à la loi, les juges des enfants évoquent plutôt une démarche visant à obtenir l'adhésion des parents aux mesures éducatives. À travers une enquête menée auprès de ces derniers, il a été mis en lumière que c'est la menace du placement qui fonctionne pour nombre d'entre eux, plus qu'un hypothétique rappel à la loi. On découvre également que les familles les plus rétives à cette intervention présentent des caractéristiques sociologiques marquées, en termes de composition familiale, d'accès à l'emploi, ou de ressources culturelles. Pour celles-là, la question de l'accès aux droits « basiques » parait être un préalable incontournable à toute action éducative efficiente.
In: Dialogue: revue de recherches cliniques et sociologiques sur le couple et la famille, Band n o 167, Heft 1, S. 105-119
Voir épisodiquement son enfant dans le cadre d'un espace rencontre, c'est accepter la règle posée par le juge qui énonce que l'intimité familiale de la relation parent-enfant s'exposera en un lieu public. Cette étude, menée auprès de parents détenteurs d'un droit de visite, tente de rendre compte de la manière dont ils gèrent ce hiatus, de la nécessité pour eux, voire pour leurs enfants, de ritualiser ce passage de seuil dont l'intensité émotionnelle peut être éprouvante. Nous verrons ainsi se détacher quelques traits caractérisant, à un moment ou à un autre de leur parcours, l'attitude de ces parents : la convivialité, l'indépendance ou la démonstration anxieuse.
In: Empan, Band 123, Heft 3, S. 102-110
À partir de récits d'expériences professionnelles menées dans le cadre de la prévention spécialisée, ce texte défend l'intérêt d'une approche éducative globale prenant en compte la singularité des parcours des jeunes ainsi que leur histoire de vie, celle de leur famille et de leur quartier. Il s'agit ainsi de replacer dans un contexte social et historique la radicalité qu'ils expriment sous diverses formes, en mettant leur vie et celle d'autrui en danger.
International audience ; Our paper deals with the visibility and imageability of contemporary space in social, political, ethical and aesthetic terms, bringing into play philosophy, art, architecture and the city. To this end, we explore the concept of 'dispositive', and show how its ambivalence places it somewhere between visibility and non visibility, imageability and imaginability – depending on whether it is being considered by those on the side of controlling authorities, instigators of its critical development, or on the side of creative dynamics, as agents of a loss of control. The paper opens with a philosophical approach, discussing "From surveillance to control" (Heidegger, Foucault) and "the reversibility of the dispositive" (Deleuze, Latour). "From the object to the thing" then moves on to more practical scenarios: Val d'Europe (fiction under control), Dan Graham and Gwei (art plays around with coercion), Philippe Rahm (a floating field of attraction), and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (effectiveness of the third eye). ; Nous traitons de la visibilité et de l'imagibilité de l'espace contemporain en terme social, politique, éthique et esthétique, en mobilisant la philosophie, l'art, l'architecture et l'urbain. Pour ce faire est débattue la notion de dispositif, en montrant comment, dans son ambivalence, il se situe entre visibilité et non visibilité, imagibilité et imaginibilité – suivant qu'il est aux côtés des forces du pouvoir, des agents de sa révélation critique ou du côté des dynamiques de la création, comme agent d'une perte de contrôle. « De la surveillance au contrôle » (Heidegger, Foucault) et « réversibilité du dispositif » (Deleuze, Latour) ouvrent ce travail sur un plan philosophique. « De l'objet à la chose » permet ensuite de traiter de cas pratiques : Val d'Europe (fiction sous contrôle), Dan Graham et Gwei (l'art se joue de la coercition), Philippe Rahm (un champ flottant de captation), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (efficacité de la troisième oreille).
International audience ; Our paper deals with the visibility and imageability of contemporary space in social, political, ethical and aesthetic terms, bringing into play philosophy, art, architecture and the city. To this end, we explore the concept of 'dispositive', and show how its ambivalence places it somewhere between visibility and non visibility, imageability and imaginability – depending on whether it is being considered by those on the side of controlling authorities, instigators of its critical development, or on the side of creative dynamics, as agents of a loss of control. The paper opens with a philosophical approach, discussing "From surveillance to control" (Heidegger, Foucault) and "the reversibility of the dispositive" (Deleuze, Latour). "From the object to the thing" then moves on to more practical scenarios: Val d'Europe (fiction under control), Dan Graham and Gwei (art plays around with coercion), Philippe Rahm (a floating field of attraction), and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (effectiveness of the third eye). ; Nous traitons de la visibilité et de l'imagibilité de l'espace contemporain en terme social, politique, éthique et esthétique, en mobilisant la philosophie, l'art, l'architecture et l'urbain. Pour ce faire est débattue la notion de dispositif, en montrant comment, dans son ambivalence, il se situe entre visibilité et non visibilité, imagibilité et imaginibilité – suivant qu'il est aux côtés des forces du pouvoir, des agents de sa révélation critique ou du côté des dynamiques de la création, comme agent d'une perte de contrôle. « De la surveillance au contrôle » (Heidegger, Foucault) et « réversibilité du dispositif » (Deleuze, Latour) ouvrent ce travail sur un plan philosophique. « De l'objet à la chose » permet ensuite de traiter de cas pratiques : Val d'Europe (fiction sous contrôle), Dan Graham et Gwei (l'art se joue de la coercition), Philippe Rahm (un champ flottant de captation), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (efficacité de la troisième oreille).
International audience ; Our paper deals with the visibility and imageability of contemporary space in social, political, ethical and aesthetic terms, bringing into play philosophy, art, architecture and the city. To this end, we explore the concept of 'dispositive', and show how its ambivalence places it somewhere between visibility and non visibility, imageability and imaginability – depending on whether it is being considered by those on the side of controlling authorities, instigators of its critical development, or on the side of creative dynamics, as agents of a loss of control. The paper opens with a philosophical approach, discussing "From surveillance to control" (Heidegger, Foucault) and "the reversibility of the dispositive" (Deleuze, Latour). "From the object to the thing" then moves on to more practical scenarios: Val d'Europe (fiction under control), Dan Graham and Gwei (art plays around with coercion), Philippe Rahm (a floating field of attraction), and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (effectiveness of the third eye). ; Nous traitons de la visibilité et de l'imagibilité de l'espace contemporain en terme social, politique, éthique et esthétique, en mobilisant la philosophie, l'art, l'architecture et l'urbain. Pour ce faire est débattue la notion de dispositif, en montrant comment, dans son ambivalence, il se situe entre visibilité et non visibilité, imagibilité et imaginibilité – suivant qu'il est aux côtés des forces du pouvoir, des agents de sa révélation critique ou du côté des dynamiques de la création, comme agent d'une perte de contrôle. « De la surveillance au contrôle » (Heidegger, Foucault) et « réversibilité du dispositif » (Deleuze, Latour) ouvrent ce travail sur un plan philosophique. « De l'objet à la chose » permet ensuite de traiter de cas pratiques : Val d'Europe (fiction sous contrôle), Dan Graham et Gwei (l'art se joue de la coercition), Philippe Rahm (un champ flottant de captation), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (efficacité de la troisième oreille).
International audience ; Our paper deals with the visibility and imageability of contemporary space in social, political, ethical and aesthetic terms, bringing into play philosophy, art, architecture and the city. To this end, we explore the concept of 'dispositive', and show how its ambivalence places it somewhere between visibility and non visibility, imageability and imaginability – depending on whether it is being considered by those on the side of controlling authorities, instigators of its critical development, or on the side of creative dynamics, as agents of a loss of control. The paper opens with a philosophical approach, discussing "From surveillance to control" (Heidegger, Foucault) and "the reversibility of the dispositive" (Deleuze, Latour). "From the object to the thing" then moves on to more practical scenarios: Val d'Europe (fiction under control), Dan Graham and Gwei (art plays around with coercion), Philippe Rahm (a floating field of attraction), and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (effectiveness of the third eye). ; Nous traitons de la visibilité et de l'imagibilité de l'espace contemporain en terme social, politique, éthique et esthétique, en mobilisant la philosophie, l'art, l'architecture et l'urbain. Pour ce faire est débattue la notion de dispositif, en montrant comment, dans son ambivalence, il se situe entre visibilité et non visibilité, imagibilité et imaginibilité – suivant qu'il est aux côtés des forces du pouvoir, des agents de sa révélation critique ou du côté des dynamiques de la création, comme agent d'une perte de contrôle. « De la surveillance au contrôle » (Heidegger, Foucault) et « réversibilité du dispositif » (Deleuze, Latour) ouvrent ce travail sur un plan philosophique. « De l'objet à la chose » permet ensuite de traiter de cas pratiques : Val d'Europe (fiction sous contrôle), Dan Graham et Gwei (l'art se joue de la coercition), Philippe Rahm (un champ flottant de captation), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (efficacité de la troisième oreille).
International audience ; Our paper deals with the visibility and imageability of contemporary space in social, political, ethical and aesthetic terms, bringing into play philosophy, art, architecture and the city. To this end, we explore the concept of 'dispositive', and show how its ambivalence places it somewhere between visibility and non visibility, imageability and imaginability – depending on whether it is being considered by those on the side of controlling authorities, instigators of its critical development, or on the side of creative dynamics, as agents of a loss of control. The paper opens with a philosophical approach, discussing "From surveillance to control" (Heidegger, Foucault) and "the reversibility of the dispositive" (Deleuze, Latour). "From the object to the thing" then moves on to more practical scenarios: Val d'Europe (fiction under control), Dan Graham and Gwei (art plays around with coercion), Philippe Rahm (a floating field of attraction), and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (effectiveness of the third eye). ; Nous traitons de la visibilité et de l'imagibilité de l'espace contemporain en terme social, politique, éthique et esthétique, en mobilisant la philosophie, l'art, l'architecture et l'urbain. Pour ce faire est débattue la notion de dispositif, en montrant comment, dans son ambivalence, il se situe entre visibilité et non visibilité, imagibilité et imaginibilité – suivant qu'il est aux côtés des forces du pouvoir, des agents de sa révélation critique ou du côté des dynamiques de la création, comme agent d'une perte de contrôle. « De la surveillance au contrôle » (Heidegger, Foucault) et « réversibilité du dispositif » (Deleuze, Latour) ouvrent ce travail sur un plan philosophique. « De l'objet à la chose » permet ensuite de traiter de cas pratiques : Val d'Europe (fiction sous contrôle), Dan Graham et Gwei (l'art se joue de la coercition), Philippe Rahm (un champ flottant de captation), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (efficacité de la troisième oreille).
The typical approach of estimating crop response to future climate scenarios may be inappropriate in the case of smallholder multi cropping rain-fed agriculture. Indeed, a crop-by-crop simulation, based on current varieties, cannot take into account the dynamics among crops as well as within crops i.e. among varieties, in time and space. We implemented a comparative study to understand interactions between cropping system dynamics and pas climate variations, taking into account the diversity of farmers' experiences and socio-cultural organization. in Kenya, farmers who adopted maize a few years ago are still cultivating traditional sorghum and pearl millet varieties, while others abandoned them earlier in favour of maize. Farming systems were thus dynamic, with different crop assemblages over time. Thus, retrospectively, farmers' capacity to mitigate crop failure risk due to extreme rainfall events has never been constant. Has the farming system lost part of its capacity to cope with climate variability, as maize is known to be less resistant to drought than sorghum and pearl millet? While this is usually demonstrated using yield parameter, we used see losses, which is consistent with a multicrop system. Combining ecological anthropology and climatology, we confronted the results of a retrospective survey of farmers' seed loss reminiscence about the period 1961-2006 and climatic records for three altitudinal levels on the eastern slope of Mount Kenya were analysed. Over the period 3204 seed loss events were reported independently by 208 farmers, for eight main crops of their rain-fed farming systems. the causes given for these losses according to farmers' experience and knowledge were recorded yearly. We first assessed whether these causes were related to recorded rainfall values, and, second, analysed the proportion of lost seed on a yearly basis, crop by crop and on the whole farming system, using logistic regression. Drought was mentioned 73.5% of the time whereas 8.5% of the losses were attributed to heavy rainfall. Farmers recalls coincided on drought years associated with crop diversity losses: conditional Chi-square tests based on Monte Carlo simulation clearly rejected independence (p = 0.001) between climatic reasons given by farmers and recorded rainfall, for both droughts and heavy rainfall. Farmers' retrospective perception of drought corresponds to major droughts reported for Kenya. By favouring maize at the expense of sorghum and pearl millet, cropping system dynamics have promoted an increasing risk of drought-associated seed loss. t he probability to lose sorghum seed (0.056– 0.065) was significantly lower than the probability to lose maize seed (0.071–0.087). all crops were affected more by droughts than by heavy rainfall. s eed loss probability increased for a rainy season shorter than 50 days, with less than 28 rain days, and with a precipitation under 400 mm. l ogistic regression confirmed that a change in cropping systems increased the risk of seed losses due to drought over the 46-yr period. Farmers experienced climate variability differently, with greater negative impact on farmers cultivating maize. e cological and social components thus cannot be analytically isolated but have to be considered as parts of a socio-ecological system. While usual approaches consider present-day characteristics of agricultural systems to assess their adaptability to hypothetical rainfall variability (projection into the future), our study used farmer experiences to look into the past. i n our approach, past rainfall variability is already known, not hypothetical, while farmers' experiences can allow assessment of the evolution of their agricultural systems, which can be monitored over time, and related to climate variability. t he cropping system dynamics, by favouring maize at the expense of sorghum and pearl millet are partly related to agricultural policies that positively valued maize, whereas sorghum and pearl millet were devalued, being perceived as ''poor people crops''. The current dynamics of agricultural systems thus imply many dimensions, not only economical, political, and agronomical, but also cultural. (Texte intégral)
In: Weather, climate & society, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 354-370
ISSN: 1948-8335
Climate variability directly affects traditional low input and rain-fed farming systems, but few studies have paid attention retrospectively to the cropping system's ability to mitigate climate risk. This study analyzes the impacts of rainfall variability on farmers' seed variety losses over time, considering changes in smallholder farming systems. The cropping system dynamics, in favoring maize at the expense of sorghum and pearl millet, have induced an increasing risk of seed loss during drought. Combining ecological anthropology and climatology, a retrospective survey asking farmers about the period 1961–2006 was carried out at three altitudinal levels (750, 950, and 1100 m) on the eastern slope of Mount Kenya. Over that period, based on 3204 seed loss events reported orally and independently by 208 farmers, the probability to lose sorghum seed (0.056–0.065) was significantly lower than the probability to lose maize seed (0.071–0.087). All crops were more impacted by droughts than by very wet years. Seed loss probability increased for rainy seasons shorter than 50 days, with less than 28 rain days, and with a precipitation amount under 400 mm. Losses are almost linearly related to the frequency of rain days. Logistic regression confirmed that a change in cropping systems, favoring maize at the expense of sorghum and pearl millet, increased the risk of seed losses due to drought over the 46-yr period.
In: Weather, climate & society, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 341-353
ISSN: 1948-8335
Studies on climate change can only be conducted on a long time scale, and observing how societies adapt their sowing practices to climate variability is challenging and costly. As an alternative, a space and time substitution design was used, changes in space corresponding to that induced in time by environmental change. On the eastern slope of Mount Kenya, the Tharaka community, originating from the lowlands (750 m), moved up to the midlands (950 m) with their lowland-adapted resources, whereas the Mwimbi, originating from wetter upland (1100 m), moved down to the midlands with their highland-adapted genetic resources. A weather station was installed at 950 and 1100 m, and a logistic model was used to analyze the probability of sowing failure as a function of the length of dry spells after sowing. A total of 1691 plots in 40 surveyed farms were surveyed to compare the Mwimbi and Tharaka during 2 yr and four growing seasons, controlling crops and altitude. Although seed-sowing practices were similar in both communities, the relative risk of sowing failure was 3.3 times more for the Mwimbi than for the Tharaka during the Short Rains, and 1.5 times more during the Long Rains. This difference can be explained by within-community seed exchanges, as Tharaka seeds, originally from the lowlands, are adapted to drier conditions, whereas Mwimbi seeds are adapted to wetter conditions. The findings suggest an impact of historical and social factors on the mitigation of sowing failure risk. Thus, they must be considered as an integral part of the adaptation process to climate variability and change.
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Band 18, Heft 4
ISSN: 1708-3087
The homogenization of environments (E) encouraged by modern society and by the productivist model of agriculture has resulted in the homogeneity of genotypes (G) thereby reducing GxE interaction to a parasitic source of inaccuracy (a residual). As this model is called into question and new societal values are affirmed, agriculture is diversifying to fit contrasted environments and may be represented by four models defined by two axes, one socio economic (individual logics vs. collective governance), and the other agroecological (analytical vs. systemic approaches). Models differ by (i) the objectives (from yield improvement to farmers empowerment), (ii) specific expectations concerning genotypes (from inherited genetic resources to varieties that represent genetic, ethical and social progress), (iii) a specific representation of the environment (from E, a simple interaction between the agroecological environment (M) and cultivation system (C ), to E including a range of socioeconomic components (Actors competences (A), Outlets (O), Legislation (L), , Society (S) ) and (iv) particular relations between G and E (from GxE to GxMxCxA under evolving constraints represented by LxOxS). Taking these diverse objectives into account has changed the way plant improvement is envisaged. Thus depending on the model concerned, the order, interest and status of the five classic stages of plant improvement (setting objectives, creating variability, selecting, evaluating and disseminating) may be called into question. Between the existing analytical model and a holistic model that remains to be developed, lies the challenge of ensuring the sustainability, efficiency and acceptability of plant breeding and resulting innovations. From a simple "noticing" that we attempt to reduce the GxE interaction has become an " objective " that we try to predict and valorize. Structuring the different components of E, G and GxE, enables us to extend the basic concept of representativeness both of the cultivation conditions and of the socioeconomic "positions" of the involved actors.
In: Innovations Agronomiques (62), 101-114. (2017)
Face aux enjeux du projet agro-écologique porté par la politique publique, le CTPS doit favoriser et promouvoir l'innovation variétale pour les plantes à usage de services écosystémiques, et adapter les critères d'inscription correspondants. En amont du secteur des semences et plants, chercheurs en génétique et sélectionneurs se sont mobilisés pour mettre à disposition des agriculteurs, des espèces et des variétés améliorées pour différents services écosystémiques attendus des cultures intermédiaires. Une organisation technique originale appelée Commission Inter-Sections Plantes de Services a été créée en 2014 au CTPS pour définir un cadre réglementaire et des modalités d'évaluation et d'inscription de ces nouvelles variétés au catalogue officiel français. Chercheurs et sélectionneurs confrontent le dispositif ainsi mis en place, aux stratégies, objectifs de recherche et critères de sélection déployés pour alimenter le marché et répondre à la demande agricole et environnementale. ; To respond to the challenges of the agro-ecological project put forward by the public policy, the Technical committee of plant breeding (CTPS) must help and promote varietal innovation of ecosystem services plants, and adapt the criteria used for the registration on the official French catalog. Genetics researchers and breeders have been mobilized to ensure farmers improved species and varieties for the different ecosystem services expected from intermediate crops. CTPS created in 2014 an original structure known as Ecosystem services plants inter-sections commission (CISPS) which purpose is to define a regulatory framework and modalities for assessment and registration of these new varieties. Scientists and breeders confront this process to their development strategies, research objectives and breeding criteria to supply the marketplace and meet the agricultural and environmental demand.