The Islamist Threat to European Security
In: Middle East Quarterly, Band 21, Heft 3, S. D1
The European experience with parallel societies and no-go zones suggests that accommodationist trends and demands for Islamist prerogatives have the potential to seriously damage the internal security of European states and greatly constrain their ability to participate in NATO operations in Muslim countries. If these trends continue, European military organizations will be increasingly unsure of the loyalty of their service members while governments will face continuing pressure to extend Muslim enclaves and impose Shari'a more broadly. European governments may either decline to participate in crisis management operations in Muslim countries or do so only if European Islamists decide that such operations are acceptable. European governments should state openly their opposition to Islamist goals, including the establishment of a global caliphate, and they must stop the entrenched practice of assuming that Islamists speak for all Muslims. And they must address the sensitive topic of immigration policy, rather than shy away from it. Adapted from the source document.