The Effect of Immigration on Natives' School Performance: Does Length of Stay in the Host Country Matter?
In: The journal of human resources, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 733-766
ISSN: 1548-8004
16 Ergebnisse
In: The journal of human resources, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 733-766
ISSN: 1548-8004
In: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8492
Working paper
In: MPRA Paper No. 80308, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Working paper
In: Empirica
Abstract Conclusive evidence on the relationship between corruption and migration has remained scant in the literature to date. Using 2008–2018 data on bilateral migration flows across EU28 and EFTA countries and four measures of corruption, we show that corruption acts as both push and pull factors on migration patterns. Based on a gravity model, a 1-unit increase in the corruption level in the origin country is associated with an 11% increase in out-migration. The same 1-unit increase in corruption in the destination country is associated with a 10% decline in in-migration.
In: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8749
Working paper
This descriptive study investigates internal and external labor migration by Nepalese youth. External labor migration is separated into the flow to India, which is unregulated, and the flow to other countries, which typically takes the form of temporary contract migration to countries with bilateral labor agreements with Nepal (referred to in Nepal as foreign employment). The study finds that labor migration by Nepalese youth is extensive and male dominated. The regions with the highest rates of labor outmigration are rural Terai, rural Hills, and Mountains. Female labor migration is mostly within Nepal, whereas male labor migration is mostly to other countries. Most labor migrants are wageemployed, and engage in services. Labor migration is positively associated with education attainment for women, but negatively associated for men. Labor migration is also positively associated with household economic status for women. Just four destination countries (Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) account for the majority of foreign employment workers. Nepal's foreign employment system faces several challenges, including implementation shortcomings in the government's institutional arrangements for workers, and the substantial market power of private recruitment agencies over workers. Male foreign employment outflow appears to be mainly associated with economic and other forces in the top destination countries. Male youth labor migration has negative effects on the likelihood of employment and hours worked for female and male youth household members who remain at home, although the effects are not consistently significant.
In: Journal of development economics, Band 163, S. 103107
ISSN: 0304-3878
In: Journal of development economics, Band 163, S. 1-25
ISSN: 0304-3878
World Affairs Online
In: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 9065
Working paper
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 13782
Working paper
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 12665
Working paper
In: Journal of development economics, S. 103360
ISSN: 0304-3878
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development
World Affairs Online
This paper investigates the economic and health risks arising from the COVID-19 pandemic for migrant workers in the European Union. It assesses migrants' economic and health vulnerabilities using ex ante measures based on both supply and demand shocks. The analysis finds that immigrants were more vulnerable than native-born workers to both income- and health-related risks, and that this greater exposure stems from the occupations in which migrant workers are concentrated. Migrants work to a greater degree than native-born citizens in occupations that are less amenable to teleworking arrangements, and in economic sectors that experienced greater reductions in demand during the pandemic. This has led to an increase in both their income and employment risks. Immigrants from regions outside Europe were more vulnerable than those from within Europe or native-born workers. The paper shows that individual characteristics, such as educational attainment, age, and geographical location, fail to explain the native-migrant gap in exposure to economic and health risks posed by the pandemic. Limited language ability, the concentration of migrants in jobs with labor shortages among native-born workers, and a reliance on immigrant networks to find jobs all appear to play significant roles in migrants' exposure to pandemic-related risks.
This paper investigates the relationship between immigration and the exposure of native workers to the health and labor-market risks arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Using various measures of occupational risks based on European Union labor force survey data, the paper finds that immigrant workers, especially those from lower-income member countries in Eastern Europe or from outside the EU, face greater exposure than their native-born peers to both income and health-shocks related to COVID-19. The paper also shows that native workers living in regions with a higher concentration of immigrants are less exposed to some of the income and health risks associated with the pandemic. To assess whether this relationship is causal, a Bartik-type shift-share instrument is used to control for potential bias and unobservable factors that would lead migrants to self-select into more vulnerable occupations across regions. The results show that the presence of immigrant workers has a causal effect in reducing the exposure of native workers to various risks by enabling the native-born workers to move into jobs that could be undertaken from the safety of their homes or with lower face-to-face interactions. The effects on the native-born population are more pronounced for high-skilled workers than for low-skilled workers, and for women than for men. The paper does not find a significant effect of immigration on wages and employment — indicating that the effects are mostly driven by a reallocation of natives from less safe jobs to safer jobs.