41 Ergebnisse
Research through Design as a transformative approach
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 201-208
New and experimental research methods to understand and co-steer processes of spatial transformation are called for. From the perspective of designing urban landscapes this paper draws a connection between Research through Design and transformative science. (Urban) landscapes constantly undergo (spatial) transformation, and not only have landscape architects always dealt with perpetual change, they increasingly often catalyze it. Designing is an integrative activity and the central means of the discipline to understand issues and draw up possible solutions. Furthermore, design often reaches out to other disciplines, involves multiple participants, and can be paradigm shifting. Research through Design is an increasingly acknowledged approach in landscape architectural research. With regard to the procedures, characteristics and goals of knowledge production, this paper presents commonalities between Research through Design and transformative research, highlighting the integrative and projective nature of designing. In conclusion, I suggest positioning Research through Design among the methods of transformative research.
Research through Design as a Transformative Approach
In: Räumliche Transformation: Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns, S. 217-225
New and experimental research methods to understand and co-steer processes of spatial transformation are called for. From the perspective of designing urban landscapes this paper draws a connection between Research through Design and transformative science. (Urban) landscapes constantly undergo (spatial) transformation, and not only have landscape architects always dealt with perpetual change, they increasingly often catalyze it. Designing is an integrative activity and the central means of the discipline to understand issues and draw up possible solutions. Furthermore, design often reaches out to other disciplines, involves multiple participants, and can be paradigm shifting. Research through Design is an increasingly acknowledged approach in landscape architectural research. With regard to the procedures, characteristics and goals of knowledge production, this paper presents commonalities between
Research through Design and transformative research, highlighting the integrative and projective nature of designing. In conclusion, I suggest positioning Research through Design among the methods of transformative research.
Räumliche Transformation: Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns ; Spatial transformation: Processes, concepts, research designs
Was kann unter räumlicher Transformation verstanden werden, wie "zeigt" sie sich und wodurch zeichnen sich Transformationsprozesse eigentlich aus? Dieser Forschungsbericht setzt an diesen Fragen an und stellt aktuelle Forschungsprojekte und Herangehensweisen aus wissenschaftlicher und (planungs-)praktischer Perspektive dar. Ein zentraler Bezugspunkt ist dabei der Begriff der "Großen Transformation", der einem Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) entlehnt ist. Das Gutachten stellt die künftig notwendig werdenden tiefgreifenden Veränderungen von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit heraus und beschreibt sie als "Große Transformation". Hiernach manifestieren sich gesellschaftliche Umbrüche auch im Raum, sodass raumrelevante Veränderungen als räumliche Transformationen gefasst werden können. Unklar bleibt jedoch, was im Detail unter Prozessen räumlicher Transformation zu verstehen ist und in welchen Erscheinungsformen sie auftreten. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Forschungsbedarfes widmet sich der Forschungsbericht konkreten Fragestellungen der Erforschung und Gestaltung räumlicher Transformationsprozesse. Ziel ist es, das weitgehend ungeordnete Wissen zu Prozessen der räumlichen Transformation zu systematisieren und einen Beitrag zu einem gemeinsamen Begriffsverständnis zu leisten, das eine Grundlage für die weitergehende Erforschung und Steuerung dieser Prozesse sein kann. Wie räumliche und gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse sich wechselseitig bedingen und welche Chancen und Herausforderungen inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschungsdesigns in diesem Zusammenhang bieten, zeigen die Beiträge zu folgenden Themenlinien auf: Perspektiven auf Transformationsprozesse, Sozial- und Siedlungsstrukturen im Wandel, Regionalentwicklung und Innovation, Transformationsprozesse im sogenannten Globalen Süden, Neue Herausforderungen für Planung, Prozesse und Akteure, Forschen zur Transformation. Die Beiträge zu theoretischen, methodischen und praktischen Ansätzen sollen eine kritische Diskussion zum Thema "Räumliche Transformation" anregen, die offen für neue, fachübergreifende Perspektiven ist. ; What can be understood by spatial transformation, how does it "show" itself and what are the characteristics of transformation processes? The research report addresses these questions and presents current research projects and approaches from a scientific and (planning-)practical perspective. A central point of reference is the term "Great Transformation", which derives from a report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). It outlines the profound changes in the economy and society towards sustainability that will become necessary in the future and describes them as a "Great Transformation". Accordingly, social upheavals also manifest themselves in space, thus enabling spatial changes to be understood as spatial transformations. However, it remains unclear what is to be understood in detail by processes of spatial transformation and in which manifestations they occur. Against the background of this need for (further) research, the research report is addressing concrete issues in the research and design of spatial transformation processes. The aim is to systematize the largely disordered knowledge of processes of spatial transformation and to contribute to a common understanding of terms, which can form the basis for further research and control of these processes. The contributions on the following topic lines show how spatial and social transformation processes are mutually dependent and what opportunities and challenges interand transdisciplinary research designs offer in this context: Perspectives on transformation processes, Changing social and settlement structures, Regional development and innovation, Transformation processes in the so-called Global South, New challenges for planning, processes and stakeholders, Research on transformation. The contributions to theoretical, methodological and practical approaches are intended to stimulate a critical discussion on the topic of spatial transformation that is open to new, interdisciplinary perspectives.
Räumliche Transformation: Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns
Was kann unter räumlicher Transformation verstanden werden, wie "zeigt" sie sich und wodurch zeichnen sich Transformationsprozesse eigentlich aus? Dieser Forschungsbericht setzt an diesen Fragen an und stellt aktuelle Forschungsprojekte und Herangehensweisen aus wissenschaftlicher und (planungs-)praktischer Perspektive dar. Ein zentraler Bezugspunkt ist dabei der Begriff der "Großen Transformation", der einem Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) entlehnt ist. Das Gutachten stellt die künftig notwendig werdenden tiefgreifenden Veränderungen von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit heraus und beschreibt sie als "Große Transformation". Hiernach manifestieren sich gesellschaftliche Umbrüche auch im Raum, sodass raumrelevante Veränderungen als räumliche Transformationen gefasst werden können. Unklar bleibt jedoch, was im Detail unter Prozessen räumlicher Transformation zu verstehen ist und in welchen Erscheinungsformen sie auftreten. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Forschungsbedarfes widmet sich der Forschungsbericht konkreten Fragestellungen der Erforschung und Gestaltung räumlicher Transformationsprozesse. Ziel ist es, das weitgehend ungeordnete Wissen zu Prozessen der räumlichen Transformation zu systematisieren und einen Beitrag zu einem gemeinsamen Begriffsverständnis zu leisten, das eine Grundlage für die weitergehende Erforschung und Steuerung dieser Prozesse sein kann.
Spatial transformation: An introduction to the Great Transformation towards sustainability
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 27-49
A Great Transformation from fossil-based unsustainability to post-fossil sustainable development is on the horizon. This article provides an introduction to the research and debate on the sustainability transformation, with a special focus on the spatial dimension. Examples of current approaches and research are presented. Spatially orientated transformation research requires a view of the temporal processes.
The Anthropocene and the great transformation: Perspectives for critical governance and transformation research in the spatial sciences
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 50-60
This article critically examines the new guiding concept of transformation in the spatial sciences with regard to its underlying narrative - namely the Anthropocene. Without such an examination, spatial science research might contribute to apolitical, spatially undifferentiated and Eurocentric governance and transformation research. Hence, I propose to place political aspects and questions of power more firmly in the focus of theoretical, methodological and empirical interest and to take up a general perspective of inequality. Plurality and diversity (from a social and spatial perspective as well as with regard to knowledge production) therefore become the central transverse dimensions of governance and transformation research, which should essentially be reflexive.
Practices and infrastructures for sufficiency-oriented lifestyles
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 61-74
Limiting the anthropogenic environmental impact as part of the 'great transformation' is one of the central challenges of our time. However, ambitions to broaden sustainable ways of living are at odds with the consumeristic self-image of Western societies. In order to initiate a transformation, practices of sufficiency, which can already be found in nascent forms, can be used as exemplars for shaping social innovation processes. Based on alternative concepts of housing and living, resourcesaving lifestyles which diverge from established ways of living can be identified. These can lead to mental infrastructures that motivate alternative lifestyles, as well as the need for infrastructures that enable sufficiency.
Doing research in the Global South: Exploring research ethics and their transformative potential
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 109-119
At the conference on 'Spatial Transformation: Processes, Concepts and Research Designs', a number of local and regional case studies from spatial research were presented alongside research papers about transformation processes conducted in the so-called Global South. This short article offers a reflection on the role of research ethics and their potentially transformative power within such contexts. First, the article argues that within research projects conducted by researchers from the socalled Global North in the Global South, a critical self-reflection of ones' own position is necessary, as the researcher will inevitably be confronted with various ethical, logistical, and political challenges. Second, it is argued that it is precisely these challenges that enable critical self-reflection and the development of a transformative potential at the personal, institutional, project and output level. Research on spatial transformations may benefit from such ethico-political moments as those proposed by the social scientist Vinay Gidwani to achieve a deeper level of ethical self-reflection and perhaps a transformation on the level of knowledge production.
Dynamics and consequences: The economic/ecological double crisis in China and the bauxite-aluminium industry in Ghana
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 129-140
The economic/ecological double crisis has long since reached China. In order to stabilise the growing economy, access to new markets and resources is indispensable. At the same time, the associated environmental damage is steadily increasing, causing public pressure on the government in Beijing. This article argues that, in the sense of David Harvey (1982), crises are not solved, but rather spatially managed. Ghana as a market and the predominantly untapped bauxite reserves have aroused China's interest. In 2017, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the development of an integrated bauxite-aluminium industry in Ghana. What may be interpreted as crisis management for China leads to an increased exploitation of natural resources in Ghana and to the problem of leaving this development path. Based on field research in March 2018 and intensive research on the literature, these dynamics and possible consequences are discussed here using the concept of the spatial fix and the economic/ecological double crisis.
Rural areas in transition: Village development in the light of new structures of responsibility
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 141-151
This article focuses on the challenges of rural areas, the formative power of citizens and the funding programme for village development in Lower Saxony. The article elaborates the importance of collective responsibility in villages by means of cooperation between local political representatives, the administration and village residents in their various functions. It points out the need for further research on the assumption of responsibility; using the example of the funding programme for village development in Lower Saxony, the article pursues options for methodically supporting these processes in future.
Can openness be planned? An essay on the temporal dimension in spatial planning
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 152-163
Urban planning processes manoeuvre within the interplay between constantly shifting global, regional and local dynamics. Considering processes from a temporal perspective can therefore provide a key to understanding these complex contexts. Although the time factor is still largely ignored in planning practice, some exceptions, such as rapid planning or slow urbanism, experiment with it. In these cases, planning processes are either accelerated and simplified or expanded and designed openly. This essay focuses on the slow, open-process developments of creative quarters in Munich and Hamburg. In both cases, the temporal dimension will be used to elucidate path dependencies in the negotiation and design of urban spaces.
The conceptualisation of civic energy cooperatives as change agents in the German energy transition
In: Spatial transformation: Processes, strategies, research design, S. 179-190
Civic energy cooperatives play an essential role in shaping the transformation of the German energy system. They contribute significantly to the decentralised expansion of renewable energy and to the acceptance of the energy transition. This paper aims to shed light on the role of civic energy cooperatives as change agents in the energy transition. A civic engagement approach was chosen because in addition to their economic orientation, civic energy cooperatives are known for their social component with a focus on the common good. The paper will demonstrate the civil society potential of civic energy cooperatives, despite their economic activity and profit motives. The paper will also present the concept of change agents from transformation research and demonstrate the value of the concept for situating civic energy cooperatives within the social context of the energy transition.