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Planung (IBM) Lernstrategie (IBM) Zeitmanagement
19 Ergebnisse
Planung (IBM) Lernstrategie (IBM) Zeitmanagement
In: kma: das Gesundheitswirtschaftsmagazin, Band 14, Heft 8, S. 52-53
ISSN: 2197-621X
Open Source ist in der Gesundheitsbranche umstritten. Während sich die einen über lizenzkostenfreie Software freuen, halten andere die Aufgaben von Fachanwendungen in der Klinik für zu komplex, als dass man sie mit Open Source abbilden könne. Bislang haben sich nur wenige an die quelloffene Software herangewagt. Aber es gibt Ansätze.
In: kma: das Gesundheitswirtschaftsmagazin, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 38-38
ISSN: 2197-621X
In: kma: das Gesundheitswirtschaftsmagazin, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 66-68
ISSN: 2197-621X
Telefonieren über das Internet galt schon vor Jahren als Technik der Zukunft. Doch erst jetzt, mit flächendeckend vorhandenen Breitbandanschlüssen und neuen Geräten, wird der Einsatz auch möglich. Aber noch immer ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt.
In: kma: das Gesundheitswirtschaftsmagazin, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 44-46
ISSN: 2197-621X
Anfänglich wurden die Programmierer belächelt, die den Quelltext ihrer Software offenlegten. Heute sind Open-Source-Programme eine echte Konkurrenz für etablierte Anbieter wie etwa Microsoft. Und für die Anwender lohnt es sich nachzurechnen: Sie können bei Anschaffung und Betrieb sehr viel Geld sparen.
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 78, Heft 3, S. 848-849
ISSN: 2325-7784
Collective Urban Planning in Research, Teaching and Practice This practice orientated handbook aims at all urban actors wishing to develop and realise complex urban planning concepts. It sets out a series of techniques, methods and process models that range from analytical approaches and concept strategies to the creation of participatory projects. Creative open-ended experiments have been proven as effective academic practice driven methods within applied participatory urban mediation. The book proposes a method-catalogue of immediately realisable approaches for experimental urban research as part of a design and planning procedure within education and practice. Cross-disciplinary methods and working methods for urban planning Case studies from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, London, Madrid and Wuppertal Foreword Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange and contributions by Theo Lorenz, Mohamed Fezazi, Alexia Radounikli and Vera San Payo de Lemos.
Collective Urban Planning in Research, Teaching and Practice This practice orientated handbook aims at all urban actors wishing to develop and realise complex urban planning concepts. It sets out a series of techniques, methods and process models that range from analytical approaches and concept strategies to the creation of participatory projects. Creative open-ended experiments have been proven as effective academic practice driven methods within applied participatory urban mediation. The book proposes a method-catalogue of immediately realisable approaches for experimental urban research as part of a design and planning procedure within education and practice. Cross-disciplinary methods and working methods for urban planning Case studies from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, London, Madrid and Wuppertal Foreword Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange and contributions by Theo Lorenz, Mohamed Fezazi, Alexia Radounikli and Vera San Payo de Lemos.
The book "Rethinking Postwar Europe" offers an in-depth insight into the largely unexplored topic of artistic practices in the 1940s and 1950s in Europe which until recently had been obscured by ideologies of the Cold War. Thanks to the authors' diverse methodological backgrounds, the volume presents – for the first time – a comprehensive multilayered narrative, focusing on the complexities and entanglements in the artistic field. Instead of assessing the postwar period in the traditional way as divided by the Iron Curtain, the contributions investigate processes of contact, interaction, dissemination, overlapping, and networking. Consequently, the analysis of a diversified European modernism in both its aesthetic and its socio-political dimension resonates with all the different case studies. In particular, the volume looks at how artists developed, designed and (re)negotiated identities and discourses, and sheds new light on the power of art – and creative powers in general – in a postwar setting of mutilations, losses, and devastations.
In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt: DVBL, Band 112, Heft 3, S. 196
ISSN: 0012-1363
In: Politische Sprachwissenschaft, S. 235-270