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499 Ergebnisse
In: Indigenous and decolonizing studies in education
Tippu Tip, notorious to some, intriguing to others, was a Zanzibari Arab trader living in the turbulent and rapidly changing Africa of the late 19th century. This biography transports the reader into his extraordinary world, describing its exotic cast of characters and the principal factors that shaped it. His colorful life culminated in his engagement as governor of a province in the 'Congo Free State' of the Belgian King Leopold, and in his involvement in Stanley's astonishing expedition to relieve Emin Pasha, governor of the Egyptian southern province of Equatoria. This book is the first thorough investigation in English of this significant figure. The lucid narrative unfolds against the political and economic backdrop of European and American commercial aims, while allowing the reader to see the period through African and Arab eyes. The fascinating figures who strutted the 19th-century African stage, and their hardly believable exploits, give this book an appeal reaching beyond the African specialist to the general reader
In: For Dummies
In: EBL-Schweitzer
Tax 2010/2011 For Dummies®; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; Introduction; About This Book; Conventions Used in This Book; What You're Not to Read; Foolish Assumptions; How This Book Is Organised; Icons Used in This Book; Where to Go from Here; Part I: Tax Facts; Chapter 1: Thinking About Tax; Chapter 2: Understanding the Legal Framework; Chapter 3: Self Assessing; Chapter 4: Working Out How Much Income Tax Is Due; Part II: Tax Through Your Ages; Chapter 5: Supporting Children; Chapter 6: Making Tax-Efficient Investments; Chapter 7: Investing in Property. - Chapter 8: Passing On Your WealthPart III: Pensions and Benefits; Chapter 9: Understanding UK Pensions; Chapter 10: Paying Tax on Your Pensions; Chapter 11: Looking at State Benefits and Tax; Part IV: Working for Someone Else; Chapter 12: PAYEing Tax in Employment; Chapter 13: Receiving Expenses and Benefits; Chapter 14: Sharing Your Employer's Fortunes; Part V: Working for Yourself; Chapter 15: Starting a Business; Chapter 16: Running a Business; Chapter 17: Incorporating Your Business; Part VI: The Part of Tens; Chapter 18: Ten Tax-Saving Tips. - Chapter 19: Ten Tips for Dealing with HM Revenue & CustomsChapter 20: Ten Tips for Starting and Running Your Own Business; Appendix; HMRC Helplines; Pensions Guidance; Benefit Rates; Index
In: Demography teaching notes 4
In: Marxist theory and contemporary capitalism
Origins of an Aesthetic. Marx and Engels on Art ; Clarifying the Aesthetic : Engels and Plekhanov -- Socialist Realism and the Social Command. Culture and Art in Lenin ; Proletcult, Formalism and Trotsky ; The Leftists and the Social Command ; Party Policies and the Emergence of Socialist Realism ; The Evolution of Socialist Realism -- The German Debates. Lukacs' Realism ; Brecht against Lukacs ; Benjamin, Adorno and Critical Realism -- Socialist Realism in China. Lu Hsun and the Garrets of Shanghai ; Mao and the Revolutionary Bases ; Cultural Struggle within Socialism -- Post-War Developments. Writing and Commitment ; Goldmann's Genetic Structuralism ; Althusser and Gramsci : the importance of ideology ; Barthes, Myth and Signifier ; Tel Quel and the "Unreadable" -- Marxism and Popular Culture. The Culture Industry ; Television and Film ; Popular Music -- British and American Developments. Romanticism and Marxism ; Caudwell and the Thirties ; Some American Themes ; New Directions in British Marxism
In: P.E.P. [Political and Economic Planning], Broadsheet 38,534