68 Ergebnisse
What's wrong: a survey of American satisfaction and complaint
In: Current affairs
The American ideology: an exploration of the origins, meaning, and role of American political ideas
In: Occasional papers and monographs series 1
In: A Roper Center monograph
Political parties and political issues. Patterns in differentiation since the New Deal
In: Sage professional papers in American politics No. 010
Poltical parties and political issues: patterns in differentiation since the new deal
In: Sage professional paper
In: 4, American politics series 1. 04010
Why reporting of the polls has consistently understated the drop in Clinton's support
In: The public perspective: a Roper Center review of public opinion and polling, Band 9, S. 35-37
ISSN: 1050-5067
The new readiness to reform social security
In: The public perspective: a Roper Center review of public opinion and polling, Band 9, S. 28-31
ISSN: 1050-5067
The Tobacco Bill and American public opinion
In: The public perspective: a Roper Center review of public opinion and polling, Band 9, S. 5-19
ISSN: 1050-5067
Nixon and Watergate revisited
In: The public perspective: a Roper Center review of public opinion and polling, Band 9, S. 25-32
ISSN: 1050-5067