US arms exports: policies and contractors
In: A book by the Investor Responsibility Research Center
17 Ergebnisse
In: A book by the Investor Responsibility Research Center
Este trabajo analiza la vigencia en su forma política del valor revolucionario francés de la fraternidad, en dos grupos sociales que han podido vincularse reivindicando dicho valor, a través de un tipo particular de asociación fraternal: la masonería y el anarquismo. Teniendo presente el debate actual de la Ciencia y la Filosofía Política, donde se cuestiona el destino del valor a lo largo de la historia, nuestra intención ha sido desnaturalizar aquellas apreciaciones que habían vaciado de contenido político a la fraternidad, acercando una perspectiva novedosa de la comprensión que tienen del valor francés dos grupos sociales que, paradójicamente, se identifican con una ideología alejada de planteos políticos. Nuestro recorrido comienza en la Francia revolucionaria del siglo XVIII, poniendo en evidencia la construcción conceptual, política e ideológica volcada en el valor fraternidad, que dieron vida a los grupos sociales que describimos, y que en cierto modo continúa, con sus cambios y agregados, hasta la actualidad. La experiencia se traslada a la América colonial del Sur, a través de los publicistas criollos (en su mayoría, masones) que generaron un puente filosófico de proyección política, entre Francia y Argentina, instaurando una agenda de compromisos que dará inicio a la República moderna. Entre los siglos XIX y XX, destacamos las experiencias sociales de grupos masónicos y anarquistas argentinos cuyas actividades y propuestas, de tono revolucionario, moldearon para siempre la lógica política de un Estado en construcción. Para esta primera década del siglo XXI, proponemos un análisis actualizado de ambos grupos sociales locales (en Buenos Aires y Rosario), que pueda contribuir a la construcción de una mirada científica en torno a la fraternidad, diferenciada de las anteriores, en la construcción político-ideológica presente en ambas entidades. ; This work analyzes the permanence in its proper political form, of revolutionary french value of fraternity, in two social groups that has been able to link ...
In: International relations: the journal of the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 85-107
ISSN: 0047-1178
World Affairs Online
In: International relations: the journal of the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 85-107
ISSN: 1741-2862
While governments in sub-Saharan Africa work to provide in-country relief for the HIV/AIDS crisis, much health care and infrastructure comes from local or international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The literature on NGOs suggests that collaboration increases their efficacy. Many non-Catholic NGOs do not work collaboratively with Catholic NGOs on HIV/AIDS, though the Catholic Church has rich and varied resources at its disposal for relief work. Observers often characterize the incompatibility of Catholic and non-Catholic NGOs as tactical, especially with regard to condom use. However, divergent issue framing is a critical and more fundamental distinction between the two groups. Contrasting the Catholic Church's unique spiritual frame with the scientific frame of many non-Catholic NGOs highlights the epistemological and teleological differences between the two. Reconciling these differing approaches, or finding ways to cooperate despite them, is a key element of promoting broader NGO collaboration on HIV/AIDS relief work. This theoretical analysis suggests directions for future empirical research.
In: International journal of human rights, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 28-41
ISSN: 1364-2987
In: Arms control: the journal of arms control and disarmament, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 61-64
ISSN: 0144-0381
Veröffentlichung von Institution + Regierungsveröffentlichung
World Affairs Online
"Personalised medicine" relies on identifying and integrating individual variability in genomic, biological, and physiological parameters, as well as in environmental and lifestyle factors, to define "individually" targeted disease prevention and treatment. Although innovative "omic" technologies supported the application of personalised medicine in clinical, oncological, and pharmacological settings, its role in occupational health practice and research is still in a developing phase. Occupational personalised approaches have been currently applied in experimental settings and in conditions of unpredictable risks, e.g. war missions and space flights, where it is essential to avoid disease manifestations and therapy failure. However, a debate is necessary as to whether personalized medicine may be even more important to support a redefinition of the risk assessment processes taking into consideration the complex interaction between occupational and individual factors. Indeed, "omic" techniques can be helpful to understand the hazardous properties of the xenobiotics, dose-response relationships through a deeper elucidation of the exposure-disease pathways and internal doses of exposure. Overall, this may guide the adoption/implementation of primary preventive measures protective for the vast majority of the population, including most susceptible subgroups. However, the application of personalised medicine into occupational health requires overcoming some practical, ethical, legal, economical, and socio-political issues, particularly concerning the protection of privacy, and the risk of discrimination that the workers may experience. In this scenario, the concerted action of academic, industry, governmental, and stakeholder representatives should be encouraged to improve research aimed to guide effective and sustainable implementation of personalised medicine in occupational health fields.
In: Deusto Journal of Human Rights, Heft 6, S. 39-60
ISSN: 2603-6002
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un resumen de la tesina de maestría. El tema y problema de estudio elegido surgen de la necesidad de comprender y al mismo tiempo dar solución a dos desafíos largamente presentes para la comunidad humanitaria: la coordinación en ayuda humanitaria y el pasaje de la emergencia al desarrollo. Se toma como foco de investigación la coordinación en el enfoque de recuperación temprana de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas en contextos de desastres naturales. No sólo se analizó el modelo y la estructura de coordinación, sino además se investigaron desafíos y problemas pendientes. Se trató de recoger el punto de vistas de las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales siendo actores claves en el éxito de este abordaje. A modo de conclusión se plantean una serie de recomendaciones, las cuales mejoran la eficacia de la coordinación de este nuevo enfoque.Publicación en línea: 11 diciembre 2017
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 80, S. 314-320
ISSN: 1090-2414
In: Canadian foreign policy: La politique étrangère du Canada, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 120-132
ISSN: 2157-0817
In: Canadian foreign policy journal: La politique étrangère du Canada, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 120-132
ISSN: 1192-6422
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 73, Heft 5, S. 771-778
ISSN: 1090-2414
We investigate the relations between two automata-based models for describing and studying distributed services, called contract automata and communicating machines. In the first model, distributed services are abstracted away as automata – oblivious of their partners – that coordinate with each other through an orchestrator. The second one is concerned with the interactions occurring between distributed services, that are represented by channel-based asynchronous communications; then services are coordinated through choreography. We define a notion of strong agreement on contract automata; exhibit a natural mapping from this model to communicating machines with a synchronous semantics; and give conditions to ensure that strong agreement corresponds to well-formed choreography. Then these results are extended to a more liberal notion of agreement and to a fully asynchronous semantics of communicating machines. ; This work has been partially supported by the MIUR project Security Horizons and IST-FP7-FET open-IP project ASCENS, by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 295261Mobility between Europe and Argentina applying Logics to Systems (MEALS), and by the COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY). ; Peer-reviewed ; Post-print
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 133, S. 73-81
ISSN: 1090-2414