Soil mapping in Spain
10 páginas y 6 figuras ; The first soil maps representing Spain date from the beginning of the century: the Universal Soil Map of Glinka and that prepared by Sibirtzev and Ramman (Mudarra 1989). The first research work carried out on Spanish soil however must be attributed to E. Huguet del Villar, who was already pioneering soil surveys of the Iberian Peninsula in 1927 on the occasion of the first Intemational Soil Science Congress held in Washington (Huguet del Villar 1927). At that time, he collaborated on the world map drawn up by Stremme. Huguet del Villar's work in Spain, curtailed by the Spanish Civil War, culminated with th e publication of a two-language book (Spanish-English) Soils of the Lusitano-Iberian Peninsula in 1937, which included a l:l,500,000 scale soil map. In 1939, after the Spanish Civil War, with Huguet del Villar absent because of his political convictions, a second stage of Spanish soil mapping commenced. ; Peer reviewed