3 Ergebnisse
Torregarcía, Purpura y Agua: Aplicación Histórica de Metodología No Invasiva en una Officina Purpuraria en el Litoral Almeriense (España)
In: BAR International
Along the coast of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, there are numerous remains linked to the manufacture of purple dyes. This study focuses on the site of Torregarcía (Almería, Spain), located in the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, a protected coastal area of particular ecological interest. Torregarcía was initially excavated during 1980s and was identified as a Roman salting factory where the complementary activity of dyeing was also practised. Despite its importance, it has gone unnoticed in the historiography of the last three decades and has never been the subject of dedicated scientific publication. The investigations presented in this book have been carried out using non-invasive prospecting techniques, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and have revealed the importance of the exploitation of purple dye as the main site activity. More complex installations associated with the excavated structures and a large shell pit are also described. Alongside these, other buildings and shells have also been documented along the coastline of this site. All of this forms what we call the "purple landscape" in the southeast of the peninsular coast, which allows the Natural Park to show archaeological heritage beyond any excavations carried out to date.
El munus en honor de Julia organizado por César: ritual funerario, desigualdad social y propaganda política en la Roma republicana ; The munus in honour of Julia organized by Caesar: funerary ritual, social inequality and political interest in the republican Rome
Este trabajo se centra en el munus de Julia ofrecido por su padre César, para ello se analiza la figura de Julia, como hija de César y esposa de Pompeyo, y el significado que tuvo su muerte. Su munus demuestra cómo los combates de gladiadores, que formaron parte de los rituales funerarios durante la República, son una expresión de la desigualdad social, no sólo en función de la clase a la que se pertenezca sino también en relación con el sexo, y cómo los munera son utilizados por los intereses políticos de la nobilitas, especialmente durante el siglo I a.C., como ocurre en este caso. ; This paper analyzes the munus of Julia offered by her father Caesar. It consists in the study of the figure of Julia, as daughter of Caesar and wife of Pompey, and the meaning that had her death. Her munus proves how the combats of gladiators, which were part of funerary rituals during the Republic, are an expression of social inequality, not only in function of the class also in relation to the gender, and how the munera are used by the political interests of the nobilitas, especially during the first century BC, as in this case.