9 Ergebnisse
La vivienda en España: respuesta institucional y colectivos vulnerables
In: Azarbe: revista internacional de trabajo social y bienestar, Heft 13, S. 89-90
ISSN: 2254-9641
Culturas laborales : el autónomo y otros modos de vida en la pesca murciana
OBJETIVOS Este trabajo propone un análisis de la cultura o de las culturas del trabajo, apoyándonos y debatiendo en torno a los presupuestos de la denominada teoría de Análisis de los Modos de Vida. Por su parte, nuestra perspectiva empírica consiste en describir y analizar al colectivo de pescadores de la costa murciana, que entendemos que son erróneamente percibidos como culturalmente homogéneos. Cuadro 1. Objetivos de la investigación Objetivos generales Analizar los distintos modos de vida que se presentan en los pescadores murcianos. Proponer una clasificación de los distintos modos que se identifiquen. Identificar sus estrategias de supervivencia particulares, así como las interpretaciones y relaciones que entre ellos se establezcan. Estas estrategias y relaciones contendrán y estarán condicionadas principalmente por factores económicos, políticos y tecnológicos. Objetivos específicos Analizar la relación que se establece entre los ciudadanos y los distintos contextos políticos. Nos interesa analizar las relaciones de interdependencia que conectan a los agentes implicados en nuestra investigación con los contextos regional, estatal y supraestatal. Atendiendo para ello a factores normativos, económicos y culturales. Describir y analizar las distintas formas de organización laboral que encontramos en nuestro trabajo de campo. Indagar en las implicaciones del concepto de Empresa Familiar que proponemos en esta investigación. Aproximarnos y proponer la posible aplicación del concepto de producción mercantil simple, presentada en co-existencia con el modo de producción capitalista. En último lugar, es nuestra intención ofrecer un acercamiento a la teoría de Análisis de los Modos de Vida y fomentar un debate sobre sus presupuestos y sus posibilidades para el contexto en el que la situamos en este trabajo. Fuente: Elaboración propia METODOLOGÍA Para recoger información y describir el objeto de estudio que interesa a la investigación cualitativa que aquí proponemos, nos servimos principalmente de dos herramientas de recopilación de datos: la entrevista en profundidad y la observación participante. Así, de una totalidad de 30 entrevistas hemos seleccionado un total de 21 informantes que entendemos que son representativos y ofrecen información suficiente para poder elaborar un análisis posterior relevante. CONCLUSIONES En el caso de la pesca profesional en el Mediterráneo murciano, hemos identificado la existencia de tres modos de vida: pescador autónomo, pequeños empresarios y pescadores asalariados o "a la parte". Estos tres ejemplos aquí expuestos representan tres diferentes estrategias de actuación con respecto a su idea de "ser pescador" y en relación a las herramientas que poseen: modo de producción en el que están insertos, técnicas de pesca, empresa familiar como active que permite cierta flexibilidad, uso de subvenciones europeas para la modernización de sus embarcaciones. Podemos decir que los pescadores de artes menores aguantan situaciones de crisis con los medios propios de los autónomos: no se calcula el trabajo invertido, y se reducen gastos tanto de empresa como de familia. Por su parte, el denominado pequeño empresario (cerco y arrastre) cuenta con la dificultad de mantener el negocio en un nivel que justifique su inversion inicial. El tercer caso presenta una relación fin-medios y una oposición entre tiempo libre y tiempo de trabajo –desde las nociones de la teoría de Análisis de los Modos de Vida– enfrentada con respecto a los dos anteriores. Podemos así referirnos a la existencia de una heterogeneidad cultural en el ámbito de las relaciones laborales y, en concreto, en el sector de la pesca profesional en la Región de Murcia. Finalmente, debemos señalar que estas conclusiones son el resultado de contrastar aquella hipótesis, en virtud de la cual proponíamos la existencia de una heterogeneidad cultural en el marco de las relaciones laborales. Se trata por lo tanto de "tipos ideales", siendo categorías en las que no todos los individuos quedarán incluidos como un perfil exacto y definitivo. Introduction Our purpose with this research is to investigate what we may define as 'labour cultures'. This means that our hypothesis presupposes the existence of different cultures in the field of labour relations, within the same sector of activity and in the frame of a particular social formation. We approach to these ideas from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. From the Life-Modes Analysis (Hansen, 2001; Højrup, 2003, 2014; Schriewer, 2014) we consider that a social formation consists of a system of different life-modes, each of them operating on the basis of their particular ideological universe, and rooted in different modes of production. Due to this idea, we might find deep cultural differences among the various ways of "developing an activity" –self-employed, wage-earner, small family business producer, investor. This implies the existence of what we call a cultural heterogeneity (Schriewer, 2005), which calls for an anthropological perspective. The empirical world where we develop our hypotheses is the the fishery sector. This is a field composed of a varied structure of small and medium businesses, related to different fishing techniques. This is also a sector that is going through significant changes, mainly resulting from the framework of the European Union, which are affecting the way fishers develop their activity, and probable boosting them to think of new strategies. We analyze the different life-modes that we may find in the coast of the Region de Murcia (South-East of Spain). We propose the existance of different categories or types of fishermen who, concerning their particular ideology, might "practise" a way of being a fisherman. Furthermore, each one, depending on their particular understanding of their business and depending on how they might be affected by those political structures, will develop a different strategy, sustained as we say on a particular ideology, and building their own conceptual and material reality. We interviewed and carried out some days of participant observation with different fishermen from the four harbours in the Region of Murcia. From the totality of interviews and information from our field work, we then analysed the discourses of 21 informers that we consider relevant –and not repetitive– for our conclusions. In sum, the main objective of this research is to observe, describe and analyze the possible existence of "labour cultures" within professional fishermen in the Region de Murcia. Our theoretical proposal interrelates modes of production and labour activity, and we propose the existence of different life-modes related to –mainly– three categories that we may find: small business owners, self-employed and wage-earners. Self-employed fishermen These small-scale fishermen are related to simple commodity production which means that they own both, means and relations of production. As the owner, the self-employed fisherman is involved in – and the unique responsible of– the totality of tasks related to his activity: fishing, maintenance and repair of the vessel and its elements, selling the product. From this perspective we met many self-employed who highlighted the importance of being their own boss, which means that they plan the activity with no distinction between "free time" and "activity time". Small-business owners: trawlers and purse seiners For this particular life-mode, we find some difficulties when trying to analyze the cases from our ethnographic field-work. In this sense, we can say that we may find two different types in the context of our research. The first one would be the case of those owners of trawlers and purse seiners, who don´t show significant differences to the picture we just describe concerning self-employed fishermen. Their activity implies the necessity of hiring workers and dealing with a more complex tasks organization. But if we consider the aspects of family, mode of production and the 'work time/free time' dichotomy, we find that their logic and strategies agree. Wage-earners In this life-mode, we analyse the fieldwork concerning those fishermen hired in the vessels from the previous category. Ther main characteristic is that they sell their time in a routinary job and its value is defined in a negotiation. In the case of wageearners, work and free time appear as opposite concepts. Free time is related to those activities enjoyed away from the fishing activity.
Artisanal fishing, cultural heritage and social education. : The Murcian fisherman as cultural custodian ; Pesca artesanal, patrimonio cultural y educación social.: El pescador murciano como transmisor cultural
In recent years, European fishing communities have undergone major structural changes resulting from the different reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The instruments implemented have led to a transformation in this sector, affecting small fishing stocks. In this context, we present an anthropological study as a tool of great value to understand the responses of individuals and communities to new challenges. This work, based on primary and secondary information collected in the last decade in the Region of Murcia (Spain), explores some of these responses. The testimonies of the different informants show the weakening of this profession as a result of the political tools implemented. Decreasing number of boats and self-employed workers, coupled with a lack of generational replacement puts at risk traditional knowledge of artisanal fishing. To reflect on the present and future of these ancestral practices, a series of experiences are presented where the fisherman is revealed as an intermediator or transmitting agent of knowledge, linking the heritage legacy to different sectors of contemporary society. ; En los últimos años, las comunidades europeas de pescadores han sufrido cambios estructurales importantes derivados de las distintas reformas de la Política de Pesca Común (PPC). Los instrumentos aplicados han provocado una transformación en este sector, afectando de manera significativa a las pequeñas poblaciones de pescadores. En este contexto, el estudio antropológico se presenta como una herramienta de gran valor para comprender las respuestas de individuos y comunidades a los nuevos retos. El presente trabajo, basado en información primaria y secundaria recogida en la Región de Murcia en la última década, explora algunas de estas respuestas. Los testimonios de los diferentes informantes muestran el debilitamiento de esta profesión como consecuencia de las herramientas políticas implementadas. La disminución del número de embarcaciones y de trabajadores independientes, unido a la falta de relevo generacional pone en riesgo el conocimiento tradicional de la pesca artesanal. Para reflexionar sobre el presente y el futuro de estas prácticas ancestrales, se exponen una serie de experiencias donde se presenta al pescador como intermediador o agente transmisor de conocimiento, vinculando el legado patrimonial a distintos sectores de la sociedad contemporánea.
Precariedad y percepción de autonomía en la economía de plataformas. Sobre la flexi-vulnerabilidad del rider. Un caso de estudio
In: Areas: Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales, Heft 46, S. 77-96
ISSN: 1989-6190
The rider travels the urban space as an intermediary between the platform company and the end customer, performing low-skilled and easily replaceable tasks. Its ambiguous nature, with legal recognition as a salaried employee, although usually establishes a commercial relationship with the platform company, gives notes of vulnerability and precariousness. This article analyzes similarities and material and identity differences between delivery riders operating in the same territory, focusing on the self-perception and labor strategies differentiated between self-employed and salaried workers, which they activate in the performance and negotiation of their particular situation. As a result of extensive fieldwork in the Region of Murcia, discourses and practices are revealed that explain the rider as a hybrid figure who often defines himself in relation to the notes of flexibility and self-management, an identification that differs from the material assumptions that explain him as subordinate and dependent on the platform company. The results show a self-perception of agency and flexibility that is understood as a conscious positioning strategy where autonomy is illusory. Flexi-vulnerability is thus presented as an analytical tool and attribute that captures this dual nature, dependent on the platform company, while at the same time an agent of short-medium term autonomy strategies.
El rider recorre el espacio urbano como intermediario entre empresa de plataformas y cliente final, realizando tareas de baja cualificación y de fácil reemplazo. Su naturaleza ambigua, con reconocimiento legal como asalariado, aunque suela establecer una relación mercantil con la empresa de plataformas, le confiere notas de vulnerabilidad y precariedad. Como resultado de un trabajo de campo extenso en la Región de Murcia, se revelan discursos y prácticas que explican al rider como una figura híbrida que a menudo se autodefine en relación con las notas de flexibilidad y autogestión, una identificación que difiere de los presupuestos materiales que lo explican como subordinado y dependiente de la empresa de plataformas. Los resultados revelan una autopercepción de agencia y flexibilidad que se entiende como estrategia consciente de posicionamiento donde la autonomía es ilusoria. Se presenta así la flexi-vulnerabilidad como herramienta analítica y atributo que captura esta naturaleza dual, dependiente de la empresa de plataformas, al tiempo que agente de estrategias de autonomía a corto-medio plazo.
Identities and Precariousness in the Collaborative Economy, Neither Wage-Earner, nor Self-Employed: Emergence and Consolidation of the Homo Rider, a Case Study
In: Societies: open access journal, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 6
ISSN: 2075-4698
In recent years, courier and home delivery services have experienced extensive growth around the world. These platform companies, that operate through applications on smartphones, have experienced the benefits of the technological leap that has been produced by the conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions on traditional commerce. This business model integrates novel elements that move away from a classic contractual relationship, employer-employee. They combine a strong cooperative culture, integrated by company values and principles that make the rider assume an identity that defines him/her as a worker and a member of a community. In addition, on the other hand, precarious working conditions, in which extreme competitiveness among colleagues and dependence on high standards of service compliance are encouraged. In Spain, there is a lack of research on the identity of workers in this type of platform. By means of in-depth interviews with drivers of two different companies in the Region of Murcia (Spain), the main objective of this article is to identify and describe the figure of what we define as homo rider, understood as a prototype individual in the context of contemporary labor relations, linked to the incorporation of new technologies for the intermediation and interconnection between people, goods and services. We approach to the socioeconomic spectrum and identity imaginary of the homo rider through two dimensions, material and ideological, to construct this broad, ambiguous figure between self-employment and wage-earner that would also represent a complex relation between precarious work and new technologies.
(Des)igualdad de género y fútbol. ¿Qué fue del Comité de RSC de la RFEF en el caso de la Supercopa en Arabia Saudí de 2020?
In: Ciencia, técnica y mainstreaming social: CITECMA, Heft 5, S. 39
ISSN: 2530-7924
Este artículo analiza el recorrido que tuvo el denominado Comité de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la Real Federación Española de Fútbol (RFEF). Se trata de un órgano consultivo constituido en 2019 y disuelto a mediados de 2020. Nos interesa conocer las acciones que llevó a cabo en ese periodo. Para ello, se interpretan los testimonios de entrevistas realizadas a algunos de los miembros externos que formaron parte del comité. Nos centramos en aquellas actuaciones en materia de igualdad de género y con esta intención se propone como caso paradigmático la celebración de la Super Copa de España en Arabia Saudí. Se trata de un acontecimiento controvertido, sobre el que el Comité planteó recomendaciones concretas.
State Ibuism and Women's Empowerment in Indonesia: Governmentality and Political Subjectification of Chinese Benteng Women
This paper examines how the patriarchal understanding of "women's empowerment" in Indonesia instrumentalizes the notion of Ibu, a social construction of womanhood based on a societally determined idea of domestication and productivity. Through the establishment of a saving and lending cooperative, a group of Chinese Benteng women was subjected to a neoliberal development project that operated on the basis of a market-driven society and promoted a "gender mainstreaming" discourse to enhance this participatory project. They were introduced by a women's NGO as their broker. The notion of "women's empowerment" inspired a governmental operation aimed at these women, promoting the particular qualities of the dutiful housewife, devoted mother, and socially active member of Indonesian society. These characters were distinguished by their high level of devotion to community volunteering and to the state's apolitical project, thus depoliticizing and deradicalizing the feminist view of women's empowerment; this was simultaneously balanced with the promotion of the traditional gender roles of wife and mother. Such a discourse also molds women's desires to voluntarily subscribe to such a social construction of womanhood and, at the same time, circumvents objections to any form of women's subordination reproduced by the same rhetoric of "women's empowerment". By employing an ethnographic methodology, this article argues that the patriarchal view of "women's empowerment" emerged as a deceitful doctrine to prompt Chinese Benteng women into internalizing certain qualities according to the gendered conception of womanhood in Indonesia. This article concludes that the patronizing and dominating aspects of State Ibuism have normalized Indonesian society's expectations and desires with regard to women's empowerment.