The questions strengthening of world globalization, which, in turn, requires the development of measures to prevent threats to food sector. Given the generalization of scientific positions to address key issues like food security in the world and in Ukraine, substantiates the need to generalize the theoretical basis of formation of supply and demand on the food market of Ukraine and determine the measures to provide the population with quality, ecologically food including external and internal factors impact on the development of national food market.The trends of the dynamics of global food price increase in population in most developing countries. Determined that Ukraine with its resource factors, has a special place in the world food process, but indicators of food security in the country deteriorate, actual consumption of most basic kinds of food below rational norms confirming unbalanced nutrition. It is emphasized that the country's food system based on food production without regard to the laws of supply and demand, branching system of obtaining natural products in households, breach of relations between producers and processors, emphasizing the need for a detailed study of the factors creating demand and supply food market Ukraine.The theoretical aspects of the impact on the value of supply and demand as the main factors of the food market, endogenous and exogenous factors and specific factors of the market, namely the strategic importance of food, the level of which depends on providing social, political and economic stability in the country ; consistency demand for food in seasonal and non-uniformity of production for years what led to the need to create reserves and reserve funds for the stable maintenance of the population; Reliance food production from the effects of weather and its inability to neutralize even at the present level of scientific and technological progress; mismatch between supply and consumption, on the one hand, and the possibilities of food, on the other, leading to the need for expansion and improvement of inter-regional and international food and commodity relations on the basis of the territorial division of labor elasticity of demand for certain types of food is substantially depending on the solvency of the population and is at the same time relatively constant.Revealed the need for the country's participation in various formations and WTO integration in modern conditions of world globalization process that enhances market opening, changes in situation on the global food market.Attention is given to the average non-caloric diet nutrition health regulations, the consumption of animal products in recent years is only a quarter of the thresholds of consumption. Determined that the cost of food is the most important article of total household spending (about 55%), it was found that the rural population consumes more potatoes (1.7 times), bread and cereal products (1.3 times), vegetables and melons (1.2 times). It was established that the change in real per capita income indicates the economic situation in the country and does not determine the proportional change in demand for food, and is reflected in the dynamics of demand for food as the income elasticity of demand. Grounded trend increase in demand for more expensive products, mainly animal with an increase in income, while the emergence of excess supply in the market domestic production of potatoes, bread and bakery products.It is emphasized that the identification of the factors in the formation of supply and demand on the national food market will determine the balance of the food market by matching the effective demand and commodity supply, taking into account the strengthening of the role of government influence.Grounded to provide the population with quality, ecologically food, the need to harmonize the regulatory framework maintaining appropriate levels of quality and competitiveness of domestic food with international standards. The necessity of introducing efficient mechanism to protect the domestic market against imports of products that do not meet the established standards, expansion of state incentives and financial support for the development of organic food production, market expansion and the creation of a national certification.