Umweltgeschichte gewinnt in Lehre und Forschung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Das Buch führt in Konzepte, Felder und Methoden des Faches ein. Es behandelt die großen Themen der neueren europäischen Geschichte wie Industrialisierung, Urbanisierung oder Imperialismus aus umwelthistorischer Perspektive. Geeignet für Lehrende und für Studierende vom Bachelor- bis zum Master-Niveau.
Today, the European environmental regime seems omnipresent. A rare beetle can stop a building project, the local water authorities have to make sure that the European Eel can reach his home waters after having travelled the Atlantic, European standards for air quality cause trouble for the German diesel-driven car industry, and lighting products are subject to EU energy labelling and eco-design requirements. Implementing laws and sticking to environmental norms and standards has become an integral part of the European integration process. To the EU this is self-evident: "We share resources like water, air, natural habitats and the species they support, and we also share environmental standards to protect them." The idea of any such 'shared environment', however, has come a long way and is still being contested. Thinking and writing about the history of "protecting the environment" requires us to study the long 20th century. In order to understand the peculiar rise of Europe environmental regimes and green values we have to consider the modern concept of Europe as a shared geographical space, linked by habitats, migrating species, rivers, pollutants, climate and risks. Moreover, we have to analyse the 'invention' of conservation as a moral enterprise. That is why environmental history needs a long durée's perspective to understand the evolution of the European Common
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Seit dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert gelten die Alpen als schützenswert. Naturschützerinnen und Landschaftsschützer aus den Städten im »Flachland« versuchten, die Flora und Fauna sowie das Landschaftsbild in den Alpen zu konservieren - bis in den 1980er Jahren junge Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten aus den Alpenregionen selbst begannen, die wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Alpenraum vor dem Hintergrund der »Grenzen des Wachstums« zu hinterfragen. Sie forderten Selbstbestimmung über ihren Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum mitsamt seiner Naturschönheit und kulturellen Eigenständigkeit. Ihre Debatten standen im Kontext der Diskussionen über die Rolle der Alpen als »Naturraum« in Europa und waren eng verwoben mit dem Prozess der Europäischen Integration. Rasch wurden die Alpen zum Europäischen Politikum. Das vorliegende Buch bettet diese Politisierung(en), ihre Akteurinnen und Akteure, die transnationalen Netzwerke und Diskurse in ihre Geschichte ein.
In Austria, Hohe Tauern National Park occupies a model position. Between 1981 and 1992, the federal states of Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol established the first Austrian national park as Hohe Tauern National Park (NP). If we consider a larger spatial level, however, a completely different picture emerges and the pioneer park turns into a latecomer. All neighbouring countries have considerably older NPs. The Swiss NP, the first NP within the Alpine Arc was established in the 1910s, around 70 years before Hohe Tauern NP. Had the people of Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol and all Austrians overlooked the emergence of NPs for decades? Did they care less about conservation than their neighbours? Or did they simply believe they could do without the internationally acclaimed instrument of a NP? As we will demonstrate below, such assumptions can definitely be refuted. All the same, there is no simple explanation, neither for the long delay nor for the eventual establishment of Hohe Tauern NP. Instead a complex bundle of factors emerges. The analysis is based on research done for our book Geschichte des Nationalparks Hohe Tauern, where you can also find detailed references for the statements made below (Kupper & Wöbse 2013). ; ISSN:2073-106X ; ISSN:2073-1558
Underlying the current dynamics of technological developments, their divergence or convergence and the abundance of options, promises and risks they contain, is the quest for innovation, the contributors to this volume argue. The seemingly insatiable demand for novelty coincides with the rise of modern science and the onset of modernity in Western societies. Never before has the Baconian dream been so close to becoming reality: wrapped into a globalizing capitalism that seeks ever expanding markets for new products, artifacts and designs and new processes that lead to gains in efficiency, productivity and profit. However, approaching these developments through a wider historical and cultural perspectives, means to raise questions about the plurality of cultures, the interaction between "hardware" and "software" and about the nature of the interfaces where technology meets with economic, social, legal, historical constraints and opportunities. The authors come to the conclusion that inside a seemingly homogenous package and a seemingly universal quest for innovation many differences remain
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