3 Ergebnisse
Naga: a forgotten mountain region rediscovered ; [catalogue accompanying the Exhibition 'Naga - A Forgotten Mountain Region Rediscovered' in the Museum der Kulturen Basel, August 22, 2008 - May 17, 2009]
Introduction / Richard Kunz, Wibke Lobo, Wolfgang Stein -- Photographs by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf from the 1930s -- An introduction to Professor Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf's Naga photographs / Alan Macfarlane -- The land and the people [photographs] -- The Naga : an introduction / Vibha Joshi -- Head-hunting in its socio-religious context / Peter van Ham -- Log-drums - ceremonial objects of the central and northern Nagas / Richard Kunz -- Angami village gates kharu / Vibha Joshi -- Head-hunting and morung [objects] -- Women in Naga society / Vibha Joshi -- Jewellery as symbols of identity and status / Ayinla Shilu Ao -- Textile art and household [objects] -- Agricultural cycle, associated rituals and the role of women / Anungla Aier -- Cultivation, household and agricultural feasts [objects] -- Feasts and festivals / Vibha Joshi -- Ceremonial dress and ornaments [objects] -- 'Cultural extravagance' and the search for identity in present-day Nagaland / Alban von Stockhausen and Marion Wettstein -- Epilogue - Critina Fessler : work-cycle Nagaland-transfer 1992-2008 / Richard Kunz