The philanthropic-corporate-state complex: imperial strategies of dispossession from the 'Green Revolution' to the 'Gene Revolution'
In: Globalizations, Band 17, Heft 8, S. 1367-1385
ISSN: 1474-774X
16 Ergebnisse
In: Globalizations, Band 17, Heft 8, S. 1367-1385
ISSN: 1474-774X
In: Revue internationale des sciences sociales, Band 195, Heft 1, S. 31-45
ISSN: 0304-3037
De la « Révolution verte » à la « Révolution génétique », plusieurs études ont examiné les incidences socioéconomiques et politiques de la propagation des nouvelles technologies agricoles sur des millions d'agriculteurs dans les pays en développement du monde entier, et particulièrement en Inde. Cependant, les aspects sociologiques et culturels de la prise de décision des agriculteurs concernant l'adoption des nouvelles technologies n'ont pas été étudiés sérieusement, pas plus que leur réceptivité aux nouvelles méthodes culturales, le déficit en matière d'information entre le laboratoire et le paysan-agriculteur, et l'impact sur les systèmes de savoir locaux des cultures génétiquement modifiées ( gm ) basées sur le savoir. Le présent document passe en revue les questions suivantes : comment des facteurs socioéconomiques et culturels amènent-ils les agriculteurs à adopter des semences gm ? Comment ceux-ci perçoivent-ils, apprécient-ils et comprennent-ils les nouvelles technologies agricoles ? Quelles en sont les incidences sur leur propre (dé)qualification, d'une part, et le rapport métabolique entre la communauté agricole et la nature, d'autre part ? La propagation des semences de coton gm à Kadavendi, village du district de Warangal, en Andhra Pradesh, dans le sud de l'Inde, sert d'étude de cas explicative.
In: Development: journal of the Society for International Development (SID), Band 55, Heft 1, S. 104-111
ISSN: 1461-7072
In: Community development journal, Band 44, Heft 3, S. 336-350
ISSN: 1468-2656
This paper examines and analyses the organization and functioning of subaltern peasant sanghams (grassroot associations of the poor) and their place-based as well as network-based strategies in building autonomous local communities that challenge the consequences of neoliberal globalization in general and the commodification of agriculture and food in particular. The major objective of the counter-hegemonic organizational strategies is to build self-protective and subsistence communities, to mend the metabolic rift between nature and society, and to re-reconstruct social fabric within communities. The question remains is whether place-based autonomous communities can sustain in an increasingly globalizing world. To better understand these political dynamics, I use Karl Polanyi's concept of 'double movement' and examine the making of a double movement in Indian agriculture and its socio-political and ecological implications for the Indian peasantry. I use the organizational strategies and activities of the Deccan Development Society, a prominent non-governmental organization that has been working in Medak district for more than two decades, as an illustrative case study.
In: International social science journal, Band 60, Heft 195, S. 25-36
ISSN: 1468-2451
In: International social science journal, Band 60, Heft 1, S. 25-36
ISSN: 1468-2451
In: Capitalism, nature, socialism: CNS ; a journal of socialist ecology, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 7-31
ISSN: 1548-3290
In: Capitalism, nature, socialism: CNS ; a journal of socialist ecology, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 7-31
ISSN: 1045-5752
In: Imperialism, Crisis and Class Struggle, S. 133-150
In: Current anthropology, Band 48, Heft 6, S. 891-893
ISSN: 1537-5382
In: Canadian journal of development studies: Revue canadienne d'études du développement, Band 27, Heft 1, S. 95-101
ISSN: 2158-9100
In: Studies in Critical Social Sciences Ser. v.21
In: Studies in critical social sciences v. 21
This book of essays, written in honour of James Petras, address some of the most critical issues of our time: those of imperialism, crisis and class struggle. These issues allow the authors to identify both the 'the enduring verities and contemporary face of capitalism' and Petras' contributions.
In: Social sciences & humanities open, Band 10, S. 100881
ISSN: 2590-2911
In: Social science & medicine, Band 366, S. 117648
ISSN: 1873-5347
"This volume explores new perspectives on contemporary forms of violence in South Asia. Drawing on extensive fieldwork and case studies, it examines the infiltration of violence at the societal level and affords a comparative regional analysis of its historical, cultural and geopolitical origins in South Asia. Featuring essays from Sri Lanka to Nepal, and from Afghanistan to Burma, it sheds light on issues as wide-ranging as lynching and mob justice, hate speech, caste violence, gender-based violence, and the plight of the Rohingyas, among others. Lucid and engaging, this book will be an invaluable source of reference as well as scholarship to students and researchers of postcolonial studies, anthropology, sociology, cultural geography, minority studies, politics and gender studies"--
World Affairs Online