166 Ergebnisse
Betriebsmorphologische Untersuchung der variantenreichen Kleinserienfertigung
In: WWDP 112
Menschenrechtsdiskurse in China und den USA
In: Ostasien im 21. Jahrhundert
World Affairs Online
Ökonomische und politische Netzwerke in der Region: Beiträge aus der internationalen Debatte
In: Politik und Ökonomie 1
World Affairs Online
Arbeiterregierung und Einheitsfront: eine kritische Aktualisierung der Arbeiterregierungskonzeption und Einheitsfrontpolitik aus der Weimarer Republik ; mit einer Charakterisierung der heutigen sozialistischen und kommunistischen Parteien Westeuropas
In: Beiträge zur marxistischen Theorie und Politik 1
Arbeiterregierung und Einheitsfront: e. krit. Aktualisier. d. Arbeiterregierungskonzeption u. Einheitsfrontpol. a.d. Weimarer Rep.; m. e. Charakterisierung d. heutigen soz. u. komm. Part
In: Beiträge zur marxistischen Theorie und Politik 1
Leaving the dragon's shadow: normative power Europe and the emergence of a Taiwan policy in the EU?
In: Journal of European integration: Revue d'intégration européenne
ISSN: 1477-2280
World Affairs Online
Leaving the dragon's shadow – Normative Power Europe and the emergence of a Taiwan policy in the EU?
In: Journal of European integration: Revue d'intégration européenne, Band 46, Heft 2, S. 171-190
ISSN: 1477-2280
Explaining Cross-Strait Relations with Regional Integration Theory
In: International journal of Taiwan studies, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 7-36
ISSN: 2468-8800
Regional integration theory can explain past and present processes of cross-strait integration and disintegration. Historical institutionalism can analyse how the path dependence of the 'One China policy' shapes cross-strait relations until today and how fundamental changes can occur through critical junctures. Neofunctionalism can well explain the dynamics of economic integration through spillovers and spillbacks driven by transnational actors since the 1980s. Liberal intergovernmentalism can shed light on the bargaining processes and their outcomes during the negotiation of various cross-strait agreements under the Ma Ying-jeou administration. Postfunctionalism offers the best explanation for the central role that identity has played in cross-strait relations, in particular since 2014.
Populist Discourses in Taiwan and the Case of Han Kuo-yu
In: International journal of Taiwan studies, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 229-263
ISSN: 2468-8800
The article analyses the rise and fall of the Kuomintang candidate in the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election, Han Kuo-yu. It examines how three leading Taiwanese newspapers, the China Times, the Liberty Times, and the United Daily News, have reported about him and his populist strategy and style. Han Kuo-yu is almost uniformly viewed as a populist due to his anti-elite discourse, self-styling as a common man, and use of simple and direct language. The analysis of Han Kuo-yu and the media coverage about him is based on three leading approaches to defining and understanding populism—the 'ideational', 'political-strategic', and 'socio-cultural' approaches—and academic definitions of populism that have been used and invented by scholars in Taiwan since the island's democratisation in the 1990s.
Seeing a dragon, not a panda – A realist turn in the EU's China policy
The European Union has tried for a long time to socialize China into the rules-based international order, but without much success. As a result, the EU's China policy has taken a realist turn and adapts to China's realist and power-centered foreign policy. The EU's realist turn is analyzed in three major areas of the EU-China relationship: human rights, Taiwan, and trade. In the area of human rights, the EU's focus has shifted to a global competition with China over the universality of human rights. The EU has also increased support for Taiwan and for maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. In its external trade policy, the EU made first steps to strengthen its economic security and to reduce its dependence on China.