78 Ergebnisse
Advanced introduction to empirical legal research
In: Elgar advanced itroductions
Risks, reputations, and rewards: contingency fee legal practice in the United States
In: Stanford law and politics
The justice broker: lawyers and ordinary litigation
Commissioned by the US Department of Justice, this is the first comprehensive national study of the US civil justice system. Kritzer examines the background, experiences, day-to-day activities, and outlook of civil lawyers, and argues that lawyers' behaviour must be understood in part as a form of brokerage, or mediation, between the client and the legal system. He suggests that brokers and professional lawyers fulfil complementary, rather than alternative, roles, and recommends that lawyers' monopoly on advocacy in civil litigation be restricted.
Empirical Research on Civil Justice: A Brief History
In: Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper No. 24-31
Polarization and Partisanship in State Supreme Court Elections
In: Herbert M. Kritzer (2021–22) "Polarization and Partisanship in State Supreme Court Elections." 105 Judicature 65–75.
What do Americans Want in Their State Judges?
In: Herbert M. Kritzer (2021) "What Do Americans Want in Their State Judges?" 105 Judicature 6–17.
Polarized Justice? Changing Patterns of Decision-Making in the Federal Courts
In: Kansas Journal of Law and Policy 28, no. 2 (Spring 2019), 309-394
Working paper
Polarized Justice? Changing Patterns of Decision-Making in the Federal Courts
In: University of Minnesota Law School Working Papers (2018)
Working paper
Impact of Judicial Elections on Judicial Decisions
In: Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Band 12, S. 353-371
Working paper