The EU Horizontal Policies and their impact on the relations with third countries have been investigated based on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The essence and role of the EU common policies and the place of horizontal policies within their structure are analysed here. Special attention is paid to the EU-Ukraine cooperation in the framework of the Association Agreement and responsibilities of Ukraine in the process of the law approximation and policy implementation followed by analyses of the achievements, challenges, and further perspectives for their bilateral cooperation in the conclusion.
The place and role of the EU horizontal policies in the framework of the EU common policies are explored. The theoretical and methodological basis of their formation and realization are revealed. Their importance for the proper functioning of the European Union and the realization of the main tasks of the EU at the present stage are analyzed. Cooperation between the EU and Ukraine in these areas is described in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement.The EU's horizontal policies address five broad areas of economic and socio-political activity, including regional development, social progress, taxation, competition and environmental protection. All these common policies have already been involved in the stages of the customs union and the common market and must be constantly evolving in order to pursue further and higher goals – at the stages of economic and monetary union and political integration.Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of horizontal policies is carried out in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and is presented in SECTION IV «TRADE AND TRADE-RELATED MATTERS» (in particular, in Part 2 «State Aid» and Chapter 10 «Competition», in part 1, «Antitrust and mergers» (Articles 253–261), as well as in Chapter V «ECONOMIC AND SECTORAL COOPERATION» (in particular, in chapter 4 «Taxation» (Articles 349–354), in chapter 6 «Environment» (Articles 360–366) and in Chapter 21 «Cooperation on employment, social policy and equal opportunities» (Articles 419–425).Key words: common policies of the EU; horizontal policies of the EU; regional policy; social policy; tax policy; competition policy; environmental protection policy; Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. ; Досліджено місце та роль горизонтальних політик ЄС у системі спільних політик ЄС. З'ясовано теоретико-методологічні основи їх формування та реалізації. Проаналізовано їх значення для належного функціонування Європейського Союзу та реалізації основних завдань ЄС на сучасному етапі. У контексті реалізації Угоди про асоціацію охарактеризовано співпрацю між ЄС та Україною в цих сферах.Ключові слова: спільні політики ЄС; горизонтальні політики ЄС; регіональна політика; соціальна політика; податкова політика; політика конкуренції; політика охорони навколишнього середовища; Угода про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС.
The cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the sphere of education and science in the framework of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (signed in 2014) is characterized. The political and legal aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the sphere of education and science at present time and in the context of the implementation of the provisions of the new agreement are analyzed.The prospects of involvement of our country to the European Education Area in the context of Ukraine's participation in the Bologna process are investigated. The educational programs financed from the budget of the European Commission are aimed at the support providing to the partner countries in reforming higher education according to the principles of the Bologna process. In May 2005 our country signed the Bologna Declaration and become an active participant in these processes.The importance of the study of the educational policy of the EU is also determined by the immediate proximity of Ukraine and the EU and increasing interest in Ukrainian society to the opportunities and prospects of Ukraine's European aspirations at this stage and the positive dynamics of cooperation in education and prospects for implementation of the Bologna process in Ukraine. The last EU enlargement has created a completely new situation on the European continent and brought Ukraine directly to the EU borders, which affects both the relations between Ukraine and the EU, and the development of Ukraine in general.Within the EU educational policy and the EU external assistance programs, the EU is implementing several activities in education, which supplement internal EU programs. Particular attention is paid to the higher education system, which plays a key role in the development of modern society, contributing to the social, cultural and economic development, promoting the pan-ethical and cultural values and preparing the future leaders. Ukraine is also an active member of the European educational programs and projects, including: Tempus, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window, Erasmus Mundus and Jean Monnet Programme.Since 2014 the EU has introduced new programs in education and science such as educational program Erasmus +, uniting all the above-mentioned programs under one roof for the period 2014- 2020, which supports projects, partnerships, events and mobility in education, training, youth and sport, as well as research program Horizon 2020. The concepts, implementation mechanisms of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the spheres of education and research in the context of the Association Agreement and on the basis of prospects of Ukraine's participation in these new European programs are described.Thus, besides the actual European integration in education, through the education system the awareness of the broadest ranges of Ukrainian citizenship need of the fullest possible realization of general strategic course of Ukraine's integration into European and international structures to protect its national interests and realization of spiritual and intellectual potential of the Ukrainian people to benefit of present and future generations can be actively generated.Key words: European Union (EU), the educational policy of the EU, the European educational area, Ukraine, EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Erasmus+, Horison 2020. ; Схарактеризовано співробітництво між Україною та ЄС у сфері освіти і науки відповідно до Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС, підписаної у 2014 р. З'ясовано політичні і правові аспекти співпраці між Україною та ЄС з питань освіти та науки на сучасному етапі та в контексті імплементації положень нової угоди. Досліджено перспективи залучення нашої держави до Європейського освітнього простору в контексті участі України в Болонському процесі, адже освітні програми, що фінансують з бюджету ЄК, мають на меті надання підтримки країнам-партнерам у реформуванні системи вищої освіти відповідно до принципів Болонського процесу. У травні 2005 р. наша держава підписала Болонську декларацію та стала активним учасником цих процесів.Важливість дослідження освітньої політики ЄС зумовлена також безпосереднім сусідством України і ЄС та зростанням зацікавлення українського суспільства до можливостей та перспектив реалізації євроінтеграційних прагнень України на сучасному етапі та використання позитивної динаміки співробітництва в освітній сфері та перспектив запровадження Болонського процесу в Україні. Останнє розширення ЄС створило принципово нову ситуацію на Європейському континенті та наблизило кордони ЄС безпосередньо до кордонів України, що впливає як на відносини між Україною та ЄС, так і на розвиток України загалом.У межах освітньої політики ЄС та програм зовнішньої допомоги Європейський Союз впроваджує низку заходів у сфері освіти, які доповнюють внутрішні програми ЄС. Особливу увагу приділено саме системі вищої освіти, яка відіграє ключову роль у розвитку сучасного суспільства, сприяючи соціальному, культурному та економічному розвитку, популяризації загальноєвропейських етичних та культурних цінностей та підготовці лідерів майбутнього. Україна також є активним учасником європейських освітніх програм та проектів, серед яких: Темпус, Еразмус Мундус, Вікно зовнішньої співпраці Еразмус Мундус та Програма Жана Моне.З 2014 р. ЄС запроваджує нові програми у сфері освіти та науки – ними стали освітня програма Еразмус+, яка об'єднала усі зазначені програми на період 2014–2020 рр., та підтримує проекти, партнерства, заходи і мобільність у сфері освіти, підготовки, молоді і спорту, а також науково-дослідна програма Горизонт 2020. Описано концепції, механізми реалізації співпраці між Україною та ЄС в освітній та наукових сферах в контексті реалізації угоди про асоціацію на основі використання передового досвіду, а також перспективи участі України у цих нових європейських програмах.Ключові слова: Європейський Союз (ЄС), освітня політика ЄС, європейський освітній простір, Україна, Угода про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС, Еразмус Мундус, Темпус, Еразмус+, Горизонт 2020.
Досліджено трансформацію моделей формування спільних політик ЄС у компетенції ЄС за Лісабонським договором. Проаналізовано компетенції оновленого ЄС та показано їхню відповідність моделям формування спільних політик ЄС. Ключові слова: спільні політики ЄС; моделі формування спільних політик ЄС; компетенції ЄС; Лісабонський договір.TRANSFORMATION OF THE MODELS OF THE EU COMMON POLICY-MAKING INTO THE EU COMPETENCES BY THE LISBON TREATYAbstract. The article examines the transformation of the models of the EU common policy-making proposed by W. Wallace at the EU competence under the Lisbon Treaty. The EU competences are analyzed and their compliance to the models of the EU common policy-making is characterized.Key words: common policies; the EU policy-making; the EU competencies; Lisbon Treaty.
In 2022, Russia's war against Ukraine shook the world and kickstarted an active humanitarian operation to save war-affected Ukrainians. All the neighbouring countries of Ukraine were forced to react actively. However, the subsequent refugee crisis affected Poland the most. Currently, Poland is playing the most important role among the countries receiving war refugees from Ukraine, which raises obvious questions about future developments and possible future challenges in relations between Ukraine and Poland and, above all, migration policy itself. The objective of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Poland's policy in the fi eld of accepting refugees and to examine the relevant legislation and procedures related to Ukrainian refugees, thereby shedding light on the assistance and support mechanisms put in place by the Polish authorities. Furthermore, this study seeks to draw insightful conclusions regarding the impact of Ukrainian refugees on Poland's economic and social spheres, in addition to exploring the refugees' integration into various aspects of daily life. A critical aspect of this research involves a comparative analysis to ascertain whether Poland's policy towards Ukrainian refugees has undergone any significant changes since the beginning of the full-scale invasion on February 24th, 2022. This timeline provides a crucial backdrop for understanding how evolving geopolitical dynamics may have influenced Poland's approach. This research employs a multidisciplinary approach, utilising a combination of data collection, policy analysis, and an extensive review of relevant literature to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the complex issue at hand.
Throughout its history, Ukraine has been both a country of origin and transit or destination for migrants. Ukraine has always been actively involved in the migration processes of Europe and the world. Poland has always attracted Ukrainians because of its territorial proximity, minor language barrier and higher salaries. After 2014, Poland became the most popular destination among Ukrainian workers. The significant increase in the number of migrants from Ukraine is due not only to economic reasons but also to the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine which had an impact on the geography of migration flows, gender composition etc. At the same time, Poland experienced a shortage of workers amid successful economic development and record low unemployment. The situation connected with the spread of the virus, the pandemic, and the closure of borders have significantly affected the economic situation in the world, migration flows, migration policy etc. However, it is diffi cult to predict migration flows after the end of quarantine, but it is clear that the EU member states will primarily need seasonal workers from Eastern European countries (including Ukraine). As Poland will also need additional labour forces, it can be argued that it will consolidate its position as the leading destination for Ukrainian labour migrants.
Throughout its history, Ukraine has been both a country of origin and transit or destination for migrants. Ukraine has always been actively involved in the migration processes of Europe and the world. Poland has always attracted Ukrainians because of its territorial proximity, minor language barrier and higher salaries. After 2014, Poland became the most popular destination among Ukrainian workers. The signifi cant increase in the number of migrants from Ukraine is due not only to economic reasons but also to the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine which had an impact on the geography of migration flows, gender composition etc. At the same time, Poland experienced a shortage of workers amid successful economic development and record low unemployment. The situation connected with the spread of the virus, the pandemic, and the closure of borders have signifi cantly affected the economic situation in the world, migration flows, migration policy etc. However, it is diffi cult to predict migration flows after the end of quarantine, but it is clear that the EU member states will primarily need seasonal workers from Eastern European countries (including Ukraine). As Poland will also need additional labour forces, it can be argued that it will consolidate its position as the leading destination for Ukrainian labour migrants.
The article focuses on studying the definitions of "information technologies" and aims to elaborate on the proposal concerning its legislative consolidation. The analysis of actual regulations in Ukraine, which determine the public relations in the sphere of information, as well as the state of research on this problem by other scholars, have shown the following: (1) currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of this definition at the legislative level, which creates the preconditions for ambiguous interpretation and practical application of this concept in the legal field; (2) for several reasons, there exists a noticeable lack of a unanimous approach to unifying the definitions of "information resources." This study offers to rely on an approach according to which the definition of "information resources" is considered in the context of a particular area of social activities. Based on this approach, it is offered to amend the basic normative legal document that defines public relations in the information sphere in Ukraine, i.e., the Law of Ukraine "On Information," as well as the main legal instrument that regulates information activities in the National Police of Ukraine, that is the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police."
The article focuses on studying the definitions of "information technologies" and aims to elaborate on the proposal concerning its legislative consolidation. The analysis of actual regulations in Ukraine, which determine the public relations in the sphere of information, as well as the state of research on this problem by other scholars, have shown the following: (1) currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of this definition at the legislative level, which creates the preconditions for ambiguous interpretation and practical application of this concept in the legal field; (2) for several reasons, there exists a noticeable lack of a unanimous approach to unifying the definitions of "information resources." This study offers to rely on an approach according to which the definition of "information resources" is considered in the context of a particular area of social activities. Based on this approach, it is offered to amend the basic normative legal document that defines public relations in the information sphere in Ukraine, i.e., the Law of Ukraine "On Information," as well as the main legal instrument that regulates information activities in the National Police of Ukraine, that is the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police." ; Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu definicji "zasobów informacyjnych" oraz opracowywaniu propozycji ich konsolidacji legislacyjnej. Analiza aktualnych przepisów Ukrainy regulujących public relations w sferze informacyjnej oraz wyniki badań na ten temat naukowców z różnych dziedzin wiedzy wykazały, że obecnie na poziomie legislacyjnym brak jest jednoznacznej interpretacji tej definicji, co stwarza przesłanki do niejasności interpretacyjnych i praktycznego zastosowania. Z wielu powodów brakuje jednomyślności w podejściu do sformułowania ujednoliconej definicji "zasobów informacyjnych" należy rozpatrywać w kontekście określonego obszaru działalności publicznej. W oparciu o to podejście proponuje się nowelizację podstawowego dokumentu normatywnego określającego public relations w sferze informacyjnej na Ukrainie – ustawy ukraińskiej "O informacji", a także głównego dokumentu normatywnego regulującego działalność informacyjną w Policji Państwowej – ustawy Ukrainy "O policji narodowej".
The article focuses on studying the definitions of "information technologies" and aims to elaborate on the proposal concerning its legislative consolidation. The analysis of actual regulations in Ukraine, which determine the public relations in the sphere of information, as well as the state of research on this problem by other scholars, have shown the following: (1) currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of this definition at the legislative level, which creates the preconditions for ambiguous interpretation and practical application of this concept in the legal field; (2) for several reasons, there exists a noticeable lack of a unanimous approach to unifying the definitions of "information resources." This study offers to rely on an approach according to which the definition of "information resources" is considered in the context of a particular area of social activities. Based on this approach, it is offered to amend the basic normative legal document that defines public relations in the information sphere in Ukraine, i.e., the Law of Ukraine "On Information," as well as the main legal instrument that regulates information activities in the National Police of Ukraine, that is the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police." ; Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu definicji "zasobów informacyjnych" oraz opracowywaniu propozycji ich konsolidacji legislacyjnej. Analiza aktualnych przepisów Ukrainy regulujących public relations w sferze informacyjnej oraz wyniki badań na ten temat naukowców z różnych dziedzin wiedzy wykazały, że obecnie na poziomie legislacyjnym brak jest jednoznacznej interpretacji tej definicji, co stwarza przesłanki do niejasności interpretacyjnych i praktycznego zastosowania. Z wielu powodów brakuje jednomyślności w podejściu do sformułowania ujednoliconej definicji "zasobów informacyjnych" należy rozpatrywać w kontekście określonego obszaru działalności publicznej. W oparciu o to podejście proponuje się nowelizację podstawowego dokumentu normatywnego określającego public relations w sferze informacyjnej na Ukrainie – ustawy ukraińskiej "O informacji", a także głównego dokumentu normatywnego regulującego działalność informacyjną w Policji Państwowej – ustawy Ukrainy "O policji narodowej". ; 2 ; 119 ; 134 ; Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne
An idea to publish the special issue on Ukraine emerged in 2023 and at that time it was associated with the Visegrad + project: Ukrainian refugees in Central Europe and the Balkans - lessons learned and policy recommendations. The project was prepared and implemented by the academics (universities) of the Border and Regional Studies Network established within the CEEPUS. Originally, we were focused mainly on the issue of Ukrainian refugees and their reception in different, mainly Central European and Balkan countries, thus few of the articles published within this special issue are the result of this project. However, we wanted to have a wider and multidimensional picture of contemporary Ukraine, where the issue of refugees is one of many important topics to be covered. Thereby, as a result of an open call, we are able to present a selection of articles tackling a broader set of research problems demonstrating a variety of areas important in understanding Ukraine and its international surroundings.
Abstract This contribution focuses on the EU, national and institutional practices of HEIs' third mission regulation with a particular attention to the experiences of Ukrainian HEIs, which they developed in response to the challenges caused by the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine. It is argued that currently the regulatory frameworks for the third mission are more established at the intra-institutional level about ensuring the entrepreneurial aspects of the HEIs engagement, whereas the third mission social engagement models still remain on margins of the university life.
The conceptual bases of resilience in modern political science are analyzed, including the key conceptual approaches that are used in academic studies for understanding the policy of resilience, characterizing the reaction of subjects to stress or threat of any kind and origin. The concept of resilience is applied to analyze the cooperation among the Baltic-Black Sea countries as a regional interaction model which should be formed in order to reduce or avoid security crises.
The Baltic-Black Sea countries have developed and formed strong ties in different dimensions among one another, opening an opportunity for intellectual adventures in the area of the conceptualization of their interaction modes under the regional cooperation frameworks. Based upon the analyzed doctrinal views and available documentary backgrounds on resilience in the UN and the EU, the possible visions and scenarios for the creation of the Baltic-Black Sea region as a resilient one are given. The existing and potential obstacles to cooperation in the region are highlighted. The main threats and challenges for the Baltic-Black Sea region at present are investigated.
The conceptual bases of resilience in modern political science are analyzed, including the key conceptual approaches that are used in academic studies for understanding the policy of resilience, characterizing the reaction of subjects to stress or threat of any kind and origin. The concept of resilience is applied to analyze the cooperation among the Baltic-Black Sea countries as a regional interaction model which should be formed in order to reduce or avoid security crises. The Baltic-Black Sea countries have developed and formed strong ties in different dimensions among one another, opening an opportunity for intellectual adventures in the area of the conceptualization of their interaction modes under the regional cooperation frameworks. Based upon the analyzed doctrinal views and available documentary backgrounds on resilience in the UN and the EU, the possible visions and scenarios for the creation of the Baltic-Black Sea region as a resilient one are given. The existing and potential obstacles to cooperation in the region are highlighted. The main threats and challenges for the Baltic-Black Sea region at present are investigated. ; W artykule przeanalizowano koncepcyjne podstawy odporności we współczesnych naukach politycznych, w tym kluczowe podejścia koncepcyjne stosowane w badaniach naukowych zmierzających do zrozumienia polityki odporności, charakteryzujące reakcję badanych na stres lub zagrożenie dowolnego rodzaju i pochodzenia. Pojęcie odporności zastosowano do analizy współpracy między krajami regionu Morza Bałtyckiego i Czarnego jako regionalnego modelu interakcji, który należałoby utworzyć w celu ograniczenia lub uniknięcia kryzysów bezpieczeństwa. Kraje regionu Morza Bałtyckiego i Czarnego stworzyły i rozwinęły łączące je na różnych płaszczyznach silne więzi, co otwiera okazję do intelektualnego przedsięwzięcia w zakresie konceptualizacji trybów interakcji występujących między nimi w ramach współpracy regionalnej. W oparciu o przeanalizowane poglądy doktrynalne i dostępną dokumentację dotyczącą odporności w ONZ i UE, przedstawiono możliwe wizje i scenariusze utworzenia region Morza Bałtyckiego i Czarnego jako regionu odpornego. Wskazano na istniejące i potencjalne przeszkody we współpracy w regionie. Zbadano aktualnie występujące główne zagrożenia i wyzwania dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego i Czarnego.