Safeguarding Adults and Children: Working with Children and Vulnerable Adults
Cover -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- Introduction -- Safeguarding Adults and Children: Why Do We Need Another Book? -- Section 1: Safeguarding: Building Knowledge and Understanding -- What Are the Issues for Practice? -- Rights and Risks -- Section 2: Safeguarding: Working through Dilemmas in Practice -- Section 3: Safeguarding: Engaging with Complex and Emerging Issues -- Conclusion -- SECTION 1 SAFEGUARDING: BUILDING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING -- 1 Constructing Safeguarding -- Introduction -- Who Needs Safeguarding? -- What Is Safeguarding? -- Legal and Statutory Frameworks in Safeguarding -- Constructing Abuse -- Ways in Which Abuse May Come to Light -- Signs and Symptoms -- Similarities and Differences between Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults -- Constructing Vulnerability -- Constructing Risk -- Power and Empowerment -- Rights, Choice and Anti-Discriminatory Practice -- Values in Safeguarding -- Conclusion -- 2 Safeguarding and Social Work with Children -- Introduction -- The Legislative and Policy Environment of Safeguarding -- The Role of the State in Safeguarding Children -- 3 Learning from Serious Case Reviews (Children) -- Introduction -- Purpose and Process of Inquiries into the Abuse of Children -- Inquiries into Institutional Abuse -- The Role of the Area Child Protection Committee -- Learning from Reviews on Children -- Effectiveness of SCRs on Children -- The Present State of SCRs for Children -- Conclusion -- 4 Learning from Serious Case Reviews (Adults and Mental Health Inquiries) -- Introduction -- The Context of Community Care -- Criteria for Establishing an SCR -- Findings from Studies of SCRs -- Safeguarding Adult Reviews -- Mental Health Inquiries -- Conclusion -- 5 Safeguarding Adults and the Law: The Significance of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 -- Introduction -- Why Is the MCA Important?.