Bridging microeconomics and macroeconomics and the effects on economic development and growth
In: Advances in finance, accounting, and economics (AFAE) book series
In: Premier reference source
34 Ergebnisse
In: Advances in finance, accounting, and economics (AFAE) book series
In: Premier reference source
During recent decades, culture is gaining more and more attention as a factor that determines economic outcomes. Trying to investigate its role on innovation and economic development, this paper uses a dataset that offers the potential for a cross-sectional and time series analysis. Thus, in this paper, the effects of culture on innovation (as measured by patent applications, spending on R&D, number or researchers per 1000 individuals and number of government researchers) and economic development are investigated. Cultural background is captured through the Schwartz's cultural values, as reported through the European Social Survey (ESS) waves during the period 2002-2018. The dataset is comprised by 18 Eurozone countries. Using principal component analyses to capture the Schwartz's cultural values, as well as two ways fixed-effects analysis (FE), time dummies for each ESS wave included in the analysis and cluster-robust estimates of the standard errors, in order to examine the above relationships, the main conclusions derived from the analysis are that (a) there is significant effect of culture on innovation and economic development, and (b) the main cultural dimensions that hinder innovation and economic development are the prevalence of hierarchy, affective autonomy, and mastery. These results hold for all different dependent variables used in the analysis. Thus, when hierarchy, affective autonomy, and mastery are present innovation and economic development are hindered, leading to obstacles regarding the sustainability of economic outcomes. The opposite holds in societies where embeddedness, egalitarianism, and harmony prevail.
In: International journal of social ecology and sustainable development: IJSESD ; an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 1-12
ISSN: 1947-8410
This research focuses on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) to balance economic growth with ecological preservation. It assesses Greek consumers' attitudes, satisfaction, and knowledge about green products through questionnaires, analyzing the interplay of these factors in consumer satisfaction and highlighting the role of awareness in the green market. The study also compares these findings with Romanian consumer behavior to understand cultural and socioeconomic influences. Results show that positive attitudes towards green products and access to information significantly enhance consumer satisfaction, a trend consistent across different cultures. However, a lack of sustainability knowledge among youth presents an educational opportunity. The study advocates for strategic educational efforts to support SCP, emphasizing the need for well-informed product design, fair pricing, and clear communication to promote sustainable consumer habits, contributing to the broader SCP discourse and guiding future sustainable economy policies.
In: The political economy of Greek growth up to 2030
This book assesses the current state of the Greek economy and detects its development and growth prospects up to 2030. The analysis begins with 19th century Greece, addressing the repeated defaults that led to the formation of a dependent state, and the failed modernizing attempts. Then the book addresses current geostrategic dimensions as well as the current structure of institutions and culture in Greece. The second part presents the evolution of sustainability, governance, and inclusivity, as well as the evolution of culture in Greek society and insights into the production prototype. The third part of the book looks forward to what lays ahead for Greece up to 2030. It presents the theoretical background for two scenarios: the normal scenario (business as usual, including the effects of the recent Covid-19 pandemic) and the optimal scenario (a pro-growth scenario including increases of Total Factor Productivity through structural reforms). In presenting these scenarios, the book discusses issues ranging from a comparative analysis between Greece and the Eurozone, the developments in output gap and potential output, public debt, competitiveness, basic macroeconomic variables, a detailed analysis on investments, and inclusive growth.
In: The Political Economy of Greek Growth up To 2030 Ser.
In: Political Economy of Greek Growth up to 2030
Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 Policies for Immediate Action and Medium-Term Policies -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 The Output Gap -- 1.3 Revitalizing the Financial Sector -- 1.4 The Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy -- 1.5 Effective Public Entities Management and Privatizations -- References -- 2 Sustainability Policies -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Ending Risk Poverty -- 2.3 Ensure Healthy Life and Well-Being -- 2.4 Climate Action, Life Below Water and Life on Land -- References -- 3 Policies for Sustainable Governance -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Institutional Changes -- 3.3 Modern State Strategies -- 3.3.1 Effective Management of Public Sector -- 3.3.2 Strategic Plan on Corruption -- 3.3.3 Tax Fraud Elimination -- 3.4 Politics and Geostrategic Issues -- 3.4.1 Policies and Trust -- 3.4.2 Geostrategic Risk -- References -- 4 Policies for Enhanced Inclusivity -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Inclusivity -- 4.2.1 Distribution of Income and Wealth -- 4.2.2 The Social Security Issue -- 4.3 Intergenerational Justice -- 4.3.1 Intergenerational Mobility -- 4.3.2 The Management of Debt -- References -- 5 Policies for Pro-growth Social Behavior -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Nudge Policies -- 5.3 Social Behavior -- 5.3.1 Savings and Investment Behavior -- 5.3.2 Fertility Behavior -- 5.3.3 Expectations -- 5.4 Attracting Talents -- References -- 6 Policies for Dynamic Economic Growth: Medium- and Long-Term Policies -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Policies for Dynamic Growth and Development -- 6.3 Non-fiscal Institutional Structural Reforms Strategy -- 6.3.1 Private Investment Promotion Policies -- 6.3.2 Export Promotion Policies -- 6.3.3 Enhancing of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policies -- 6.4 Public Infrastructure -- 6.5 Industrial Policies -- 6.5.1 Competitive Policies.
In: The Political Economy of Greek Growth up to 2030
In: Springer eBook Collection
1. A Brief Economic History of Repeated Defaults -- 2. The Institutional Evolution and the Failed Modernizing Attempts -- 3. The Geostrategic Settings, National Resources, and the Systemic Risks -- 4. The Formation of Idiosyncratic Structure of Institutions and Culture -- 5. Sustainable Development -- 6. Sustainable Governance -- 7. Inclusivity -- 8. Human Behaviors -- 9. Growth in the Greek Economy -- 10. Insights of the Production Prototype Change -- 11. The Requirements of a Long-Term View -- 12. The Long-term View of the Greek Economy under the Normal and the Optimal Pro-Growth Scenario (2020-2030).
In: The Political Economy of Greek Growth up to 2030
In: Springer eBook Collection
1. Policies for Immediate Action and Medium-Term Policies -- 2. Sustainability Policies -- 3. Policies for Sustainable Governance -- 4. Policies for Enhanced Inclusivity -- 5. Policies for Pro-Growth Social Behavior -- 6. Policies for Dynamic Economic Growth: Medium- and Long-Term Policies -- 7. Simulation of the Policies Implementation Up to 2030 -- 8. The Risk Scenario Analysis.
This book presents an overview of the economics and politics implemented in the European Union and especially the Eurozone during the crisis of 2008-2012. Although it focuses on these four years, the analysis starts from the establishment of the European Union and covers the period up to the outbreak of the Cypriot banking crisis in mid-2013. The long-term creation of structural changes in European economics and politics is associated with a growth lag within the global economic environment dynamics. The economic and political consequences of the crisis and the development of new institutions will shape the future growth dynamics towards a Fragmented European Federation.
In: Palgrave Studies in the Future of European Societies and Economies
Chapter 1. Introduction: Retailing, Βetween Art and Science -- Chapter 2. Introduction: Retailing, Βetween Art and Science -- Chapter 3. Theoretical Approaches -- Chapter 4. Retail as a Growth Multiplier -- Chapter 5. "Phygitalization": The Transformation of a Traditional Sector -- Chapter 6. Retailers and Sustainability: Navigating by the Star of Sustainable Retailing -- Chapter 7. Towards a Workplace and Workforce Transformation and the Necessity to Enrich Retail 5.0 -- Chapter 8. The Retail Resilience Dilemma: Balancing Scale in the New Era -- Chapter 9. Retail and Real Estate: The Dimension of Spatial Evolution -- Chapter 10. Retail and Real Estate: The Dimension of Spatial Evolution.
In: The Political Economy of Greek Growth up to 2030
Chapter 1: Navigating the New Era: Interdisciplinary Insights into Greece's Political Economy of Evaluation -- Part A. Policy Evaluation in Times of Change -- Chapter 2: Evaluation in the Polycrisis Epoche -- Chapter 3: The Key Horizontal Principles in the Evaluation Practice: From Necessity to Culture -- Chapter 4: Developing a Culture of Evaluation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Economic Development -- Chapter 5: Scrutiny of legislation: securing effectiveness and legislative quality -- Chapter 6: Mainstreaming inclusive principles and strategic approaches in regulatory policy evaluation: The case of the EU and the Greek central government -- Chapter 7: How sustainable and inclusive is economic growth in Greece -- Chapter 8: Evaluation for people or with people? The role of participatory and empowering approaches to social inclusion -- Part B. Evaluating Policy Implementation During Economic Crises -- Chapter 9: Evaluating the Internal Devaluation Policies Implemented in Greece – Analytical Insights and Empirical Evidence -- Chapter 10. A comparative evaluation of alternative methods for assessing corporate creative accounting in Greece: Empirical Evidence during the Financial Crisis -- Chapter 11: Evaluating factors that strengthened the informal economy in the global financial crisis: a case study in selected countries of the European Union -- Chapter 12: An Econometric Policy Evaluation of Fiscal Management in PIGS Economies -- Part C. Policy Evaluation of Specific Sectors and Policies -- Chapter 13: Inclination towards Applying Different Evaluation Approaches to Provide Inputs for Evidence-Based Policy Design -- Chapter 14: Evaluation as a Tool to Increase the Competitiveness and Economic Development of SMEs -- Chapter 15: Greek SMEs and Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- Chapter 16: The Link Between ESG, Corporate Governance and Stock Performance of European Financial Institutions -- Chapter 17: Evaluation processes in all aspects of EKDDA's open innovation project -- Chapter 18: Evaluating Internal Audit's importance and value-added in Corporate Governance and Risk Management: An Empirical Investigation -- Chapter 19: Policy Recommendations for Greece to Provide Energy Independence -- Chapter 20: The political economy of redistribution of income support to Greek farms: the case of Greece's CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
In: European Economics and Politics in the Midst of the Crisis, S. 65-77
In: European Economics and Politics in the Midst of the Crisis, S. 133-143
In: European Economics and Politics in the Midst of the Crisis, S. 119-131
In: European Economics and Politics in the Midst of the Crisis, S. 223-233
In: European Economics and Politics in the Midst of the Crisis, S. 145-158