105 Ergebnisse
Strategies of symbolic nation-building in South Eastern Europe
In: Southeast European studies
Media discourse and the Yugoslav conflicts: representations of self and other
Discourse and violent conflict--Representation of self and other in Yugoslav succesor states -- Media discourse and the politics of ethnic conflict -- The case of Yugoslavia -- Reorganizing the identification matrix: televisual construction of -- Collective identities in the early phase of Yugoslav disintegration ---- Foreclosing the other, building the war: -- A comparative analysis of Croatian and Serbian press discourses -- During the conflict in Croatia -- Events and sites of difference: mark-ing self and other in Kosovo --The Yugoslav succession wars and the war for symbolic hegemony -- Relations between Montenegro and Serbia from 1991 to 2006: -- An analysis of media discourse -- Spinning out of control: Bosnia and Herzegovina project -- Media coverage in the Bosnian conflict --Spinning out of control: mutual reinforcement discourse in Macedonia? --The semantics of silence, violence -- And social memory: the storm of the Croatian and Serbian press --Self and other in Balkan (post-)war cinema
Tarnished Heroes. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in the Memory Politics of Post-Soviet Ukraine
In: Nordisk østforum: tidsskrift for politikk, samfunn og kultur i Øst-Europa og Eurasia, Band 38
ISSN: 1891-1773
Tarnished Heroes tar opp et viktig emne: hvordan forholder dagens ukrainere seg til arven fra ukrainsk høyrenasjonalisme og fascisme i mellomkrigstiden og under Andre verdenskrig? Boken er velskrevet og særdeles veldokumentert. Den bør kunne bli stående som et standardverk om emnet.
Tarnished Heroes explores an important issue: How do Ukrainians today relate to the legacy of Ukrainian right-wing nationalism and fascism in the interwar period and during World War II? The book is well-written and extremely well-documented, and should come to be viewed as a standard work on the subject.
Eurasia's de Facto States after Russia's Attack on Ukraine: Client Reactions to Patron Decline
In: Problems of post-communism, S. 1-12
ISSN: 1557-783X
De Facto States and Land-for-Peace Agreements: Territory and Recognition at Odds? by Eiki Berg and Shpend Kursani, Routledge, 2022, 194 pp., $153 (hardcover), ISBN 9780367485139, $47.65 (ebook), ISBN 9781003041436
In: Nationalities papers: the journal of nationalism and ethnicity, Band 52, Heft 6, S. 1456-1457
ISSN: 1465-3923
Spesialoperasjon: Ukraina og Russland 2004–2023
In: Nordisk østforum: tidsskrift for politikk, samfunn og kultur i Øst-Europa og Eurasia, Band 37
ISSN: 1891-1773
John Færseths Spesialoperasjon: Ukraina og Russland 2004–2023 er en svært lesverdig og ryddig fremstilling av det kompliserte forholdet mellom Russland og Ukraina de siste 20 årene og gir en meget god bakgrunn for å forstå Russlands fullskala-angrep på Ukraina 24. februar 2022.
John Færseth's Spesialoperasjon: Ukraina og Russland 2004–2023 (Special Operation: Ukraine and Russia 2004–2023) is a highly readable, balanced and trustworthy presentation of the complicated relationship between Russia and Ukraine over the past 20 years, and provides a good background for understanding the full-scale Russian attack on Ukraine on 24 February 2022.
Ukrainians and Russians as 'One People': An Ideologeme and its Genesis
In: Ethnopolitics, S. 1-20
ISSN: 1744-9065
Nationalism as an Argument in Contemporary Russia: Four Perspectives on Language in Action
In: Nordisk østforum: tidsskrift for politikk, samfunn og kultur i Øst-Europa og Eurasia, Band 36
ISSN: 1891-1773
Boken Nationalism as an Argument in Contemporary Russia: Four Perspectives on Language in Action er Veera Laines ph.d.-avhandling som hun forsvarte ved Universitetet i Helsingfors i 2021. Den består av tre artikler, et bokkapittel og en lang og grundig innledningstekst. Alt i alt har Laine skrevet en solid, veldokumentert og teoretisk velfundert avhandling.
The book Nationalism as an Argument in Contemporary Russia: Four Perspectives on Language in Action is Vera Laine's PhD dissertation which she defended at the University of Helsinki in 2021. It contains three research articles, one book chapter and a long and thorough introductory part. All things considered, Laine has written a solid, well-documented and theoretically well-founded dissertation.
A Specter from the Past: the Balkanization of Europe?
In: Nationalities papers: the journal of nationalism and ethnicity, Band 51, Heft 6, S. 1414-1416
ISSN: 1465-3923
Drawing on a long career of research into the history of nationalism and ethnic politics in Europe, Stefano Bianchini has written an erudite book on how the nationality factor affects European politics – state formation and state partition in particular. He presents a wide-ranging survey over la longue durée, and also argues a case: that state partitioning should be avoided whenever possible, as it creates many more problems than it solves.
Hoch, Tomáš & VincencKopeček (eds). De facto states in Eurasia. xxii, 302 pp., maps, illus., bibliogrs. London: Routledge, 2019. £120.00 (cloth)
In: The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Band 27, Heft 4, S. 1003-1004
ISSN: 1467-9655
Weiss-Wendt , Anton Putin's Russia and the Falsification of History: Reasserting Control over the Past (review)
In: The Slavonic and East European review: SEER, Band 99, Heft 2, S. 378-380
ISSN: 2222-4327
Russia as Civilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media, and Academia
In: Nordisk østforum: tidsskrift for politikk, samfunn og kultur i Øst-Europa og Eurasia, Band 35, S. 19-20
ISSN: 1891-1773
Abstract: Russia as Civilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media, and AcademiaPål Kolstø (University of Oslo, Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages) reviews Russia as Civilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media, and Academia, edited by Kåre Johan Mjør and Sanna Turoma (Routledge, 2020).