Ganz leicht muss es nicht sein
In: Berliner Republik: das Debattenmagazin, Heft 3-4, S. 107
ISSN: 1616-4903
31 Ergebnisse
In: Berliner Republik: das Debattenmagazin, Heft 3-4, S. 107
ISSN: 1616-4903
In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen: Analysen zu Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 116-117
ISSN: 2192-4848
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 12-23
ISSN: 0933-9361, 2365-9890
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 12-23
ISSN: 0933-9361
This chapter analyzes the emergence & growth of the German branch of ATTAC (Assoc for the Taxation of Financial Transaction for the Aid of Citizens), a transnational social movement organization (TSMO), focusing on how transnational protest events affected its development. It is first noted that in June 2001, after 18 months of mobilization efforts, ATTAC Germany had only 400 members & no national political or media standing. In July, it began attracting some 100 members a week & by year's end, had almost 4,000 members, making it the single most important organization in the German global justice movement. An attempt is made to explain this development based on an adapted version of the political process theory of social movements (McAdam, 1982; Costain, 1994). This theory, which argues that the trajectory of social movements is shaped by contentious interactions with its antagonists & by factors originating from the institutionalized political process, is expanded here to include the mass media & international politics. Applying this theory to analyze empirical data drawn from a media analysis, it is concluded that ATTAC's successful mobilization at that particular time was the result of extensive media coverage of the protests against the European Union (EU) summit in Gothenburg, Sweden, in June & against the G7 summit in Genoa, Italy, in July. Figures. J. Stanton
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 110-111
ISSN: 0933-9361, 2365-9890
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 110-111
ISSN: 0933-9361
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 90-93
ISSN: 0933-9361, 2365-9890
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 90-93
ISSN: 0933-9361
This article outlines some of the focal papers & debates from the "Transnational Processes & Social Movements" conference in Italy in July 2003. This conference was devoted to discussion of theoretical terms & research fronts & methods for investigation of the phenomenon of transformation of local & national movements to the global. Questions of terminology frequently arose, including use of the term globalization, when reality suggests that most international protests & participants are from only two dozen countries, suggesting that transnational is more appropriately applied. These types of movements were not seen to be a direct result of globalization, but were far more dependent on the individual mix of national & international political opportunity structures. The role of mass media, traditionally underexposed, was the subject of many papers, with the somewhat surprising result that the evaluation of protesters & demonstrations was more negative in developing countries than industrialized nations. More controversial discussions included the subject of scale shift & the influence of the Internet. The concluding speaker presented a series of central questions & careful answers that are likely to play a significant role in future debate. Adapted from the source document.
In: Vorgänge: Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 65-73
ISSN: 0507-4150
Die globalisierungskritische Organisation Attac ist als ein Produkt für und durch die Medien bezeichnet worden. Es wurde bereits ausführlich dokumentiert, dass Attac Deutschland seinen öffentlichen Durchbruch im Sommer 2001 der plötzlich einsetzenden Medienberichterstattung zu verdanken hatte. Im vorliegende Essay wird die Analyse der Bewegungsmobilisierung durch Massenmedien vertieft; daher stehen Entwicklung und Inhalt der Medienstrategie von Attac im Mittelpunkt. Die Inhaltsanalyse der Berichterstattung über Attac zeigt, dass das Abhängigkeitsverhältnis zwischen sozialen Bewegungen und Massenmedien asymmetrisch ist: Letztere können soziale Bewegungen ohne nennenswerte Kosten ignorieren, während Bewegungen, die politische Veränderung wollen, auf Öffentlichkeit angewiesen sind. Weiterhin hat sich die Häufigkeit und der Umfang der Berichterstattung insgesamt reduziert; er verblieb aber, verglichen mit anderen Bewegungsorganisationen, weiter auf hohem Niveau. Da Attac mittlerweile seinen Neuigkeitswert weitgehend verloren hat, handelt es sich dabei gewissermaßen um eine "Normalisierung" der Berichterstattung. (ICA2)
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 80-82
ISSN: 0933-9361, 2365-9890
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 80-82
ISSN: 0933-9361
The WSF (World Social Forum) is a place where differences & similarities can be discussed. This article depicts the huge significance of the WSF for the future success of the worldwide critical globalization movement based on three points: (1) communication of alternatives, (2) production of consensus, & (3) development of transnational networks. 4 References. E. Sanchez
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 81-87
ISSN: 0933-9361, 2365-9890
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 81-87
ISSN: 0933-9361
Examines the influence of social movements on the development of the process of European politics & addresses the questions of whether the European Union will represent an opportunity or a threat to social movements, & whether it will limit or expand the possibilities of social movements to influence politics. The questions of how European integration influences political possibilities to influence social movements on a national level & what influence social movements will have on the European political process are still unanswered. One thing is certain: European integration poses a great challenge to the social movement. 7 References. E. Sanchez