Perspectives in ecological theory and integrated pest management
Ecology, sustainable development, and IPM: the human factor / M. Kogan and P. Jepson -- From simple IPM to the management of agroecosystems / R. Levins -- Populations, metapopulations: elementary units of IPM systems / L. Winder and I.P. Woiwod -- Arthropod pest behavior and IPM / R.J. Prokopy and B.D. Roitberg -- Using pheromones to disrupt mating of moth pests / R.T. Cardé -- Nutritional ecology of plant feeding arthropods and IPM / A.R. Panizzi -- Conservation, biodiversity, and integrated pest management / S.D. Wratten ... [et al.] -- Ecological risks of biological control agents: impacts on IPM / H.M.T. Hokkanen, J.C. van Lenteren and I. Menzler-Hokkanen -- Ecology of natural enemies and genetically engineered host plants / G.G. Kennedy and F. Gould -- Modeling the dynamics of tritrophic population interactions / A.P. Gutierrez and J. Baumgärtner -- Weed ecology, habitat management, and IPM / R.F. Norris -- The ecology of vertebrate pests and integrated pest management (IPM) / G. Witmer -- Ecosystems: concepts, analyses, and practical implications in IPM / T.D. Schowalter -- Agroecology: contributions towards a renewed ecological foundation for pest management / C.I. Nicholls and M.A. Altieri -- Applications of molecular ecology to IPM: what impact? / P.J. De Barro, O.R. Edwards and P. Sunnucks -- Ecotoxicology: the ecology of interactions between pesticides and non-target organisms / P.C. Jepson