23 Ergebnisse
Early life emotional neglect and HIV risk taking among men using the Internet to find other men for unprotected sex
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 38, Heft 3, S. 434-444
ISSN: 1873-7757
A comparison of HIV risk practices among unprotected sex-seeking older and younger men who have sex with other men
In: The aging male: the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male, Band 15, Heft 3, S. 124-133
ISSN: 1473-0790
Men Who Specifically Seek Unprotected Sex Partners via the Internet: Whose Profiles Are the Most Searched for by Other Site Users?
In: Journal of gay & lesbian social services: issues in practice, policy & research, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 413-431
ISSN: 1540-4056
Differences in HIV Risk Practices Sought by Self-Identified Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Internet Websites to Identify Potential Sexual Partners
In: Journal of bisexuality, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 125-140
ISSN: 1529-9724
Teaching a College-Level "AIDS and Society" Course
In: Teaching sociology: TS, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 1
ISSN: 1939-862X
Adolescence, Youth, and Young Adulthood: Rethinking Current Conceptualizations of Life Stage
In: Youth & society: a quarterly journal, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 446-471
ISSN: 1552-8499
The Nexus of Sex Trading, Psychological Distress, and Suicidal Ideation Among Transgender Adults: Results from a Large National Study
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 1067-1084
ISSN: 1936-4822
Shooting Gallery Users and HIV Risk
In: Journal of drug issues: JDI, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 751-768
ISSN: 1945-1369
Recognizing that HIV transmission occurs within situated interactions between two or more people, prevention research has increasingly begun to focus on identifying the influence of situations and settings on the spread of HIV. Examination of the social geography of risk has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding where and among whom risky practices occur. In this regard, shooting galleries represent interactional territories where the normative expectations of participation within their spatial boundaries can both encourage and reinforce sex- and drug-related risky behavior. Indeed, research shows that those who inject in shooting galleries tend to be at a higher risk of transmitting HIV than those who inject elsewhere. Drawing upon data from a sample of 1,113 active injecting drug users, we examined the demographic and psychosocial factors that predict shooting gallery use. Next, we compared shooting gallery users with nonusers in terms of drug use, followed by an examination of differences in sex- and drug-related HIV risk behaviors. Then, we explored preventive practices that possibly differentiate those who use shooting galleries from those who do not. We end our analysis by discussing the implications of our results for HIV prevention and social policy.
Factors Associated with HIV Testing History and HIV Seropositivity in a Large National Sample of Transgender Adults
In: HELIYON-D-23-46536
The Relationship of Anti-Transgender Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence to Binge Drinking among Transgender Adults
In: Substance use & misuse: an international interdisciplinary forum, Band 59, Heft 4, S. 583-590
ISSN: 1532-2491
Transition Milestones and Psychological Distress in Transgender Adults
In: Urban social work: USW, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 66-84
ISSN: 2474-8692
Transition milestones (e.g., telling family members that one is transgender and beginning hormone treatments) are specific transition-related events in transgender persons' lives that demarcate what their life circumstances were before versus after the milestone was reached. This article examines the relationship between transition milestones and psychological distress in a large sample of transgender adults. Data from the 2015 U.S. National Transgender Survey were used to examine 11 specific transition milestones in a sample of 27,715 transgender Americans aged 18 or older. A majority (64.6%) of respondents reported that psychological distress had affected them "some" or "a lot." Along with nine of the demographic measures and 13 of the support/discrimination measures, nine of the 11 transition milestones under study were found to be related to psychological distress levels. Reaching specific transition milestones plays an important role in many transgender adults' lives and may be highly beneficial in helping them to reduce psychological distress.
Why more men who have sex with men are not using PrEP–The role played by lack of interest in learning more about PrEP
In: Journal of gay & lesbian social services: issues in practice, policy & research, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 99-114
ISSN: 1540-4056
The Relationship between Emotional State and Alcohol Consumption
In: International journal of the addictions, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 47-61
Perceived Consequences Associated With the Use of Beer, Wine, Distilled Spirits, and Wine Coolers
In: International journal of the addictions, Band 25, Heft 5, S. 471-493