Marketing has become the dominant connecting mode of expression between business and non-business organisations and customers and consumers. However, there are some misgivings about marketing in the 21st century. This volume addresses the positive and negative elements of marketing and questions 'Is marketing a leviathan in today's societies?'.
The modern successful marketing manager needs to be able to use different media channels to reach specific audiences, but also to know through campaign research and evaluation, how the component parts of integrated brand marketing are working. In this book each chapter explores: how to measure different media channels to reach specific audiences; how to ensure consistent messages are delivered to specific audiences; how to measure if the component parts of integrated marketing are working; and approaches on how to measure the overall return on investment. The business that really understands its customers and works with them, with the recognition that business is demand-driven, will have an enormous source of ongoing information that should underpin competitive advantage. This book explores these issues in depth.
Every business, everywhere, faces challenges in the market spaces and places of the 21st century and no market is immune. Competitive forces are heightening and accelerating. Governments have intervened (often with little discernible effect), and customers the lifeblood of any business are not more demanding and more discerning of what businesses and brands are and what they stand for. Technological progress has opened up new horizons for innovation and communication, with social media transmitting news within seconds to different parts of the world. These shifting tectonic plates of communication overlay the gravitational economic forces which necessitate integration of on and offline communications. There are no invisible companies, and what happens in one market is transmitted instantly via global media to receptive consumer VDUs computer, television, and cell-phone screens or is almost immediately accessible. The world of information accessibility and the concomitant demise of corporate invisibility is today's world, and it is a communications reality in the 21st century. This edited book enables readers to develop knowledge, insight, skills, and facility into integrated communications within the postmodern era a topic of relevance everywhere. This book is based on the papers presented at a conference hosted in Turkey, a rapidly developing nation and one enjoying significant growth in the global marketplace.