International trade policies: the Uruguay Round and beyond
In: World economic and financial surveys
3 Ergebnisse
In: World economic and financial surveys
World Affairs Online
In: Occasional papers Occasional paper no. 38
This paper discusses the salient features of recent developments and outlines the prospects for trade policy by highlighting the main issues that will determine the scope and timing of liberalization under a possible new General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) round of multilateral trade negotiations. As the more advanced developing countries acquire the skills and investments to diversify exports toward more sophisticated manufactured products, restrictions against them tend to multiply. These not only impede the export prospects of the developing countries directly affected, but also slow specialization and diversification, thus severely affecting the smaller developing country exporters. Across-the-board protectionist measures have been avoided in the industrial countries because it is widely acknowledged that trade restrictions and protectionism are inappropriate responses to exchange rate developments. Exchange rate movements reflect financial flows as well as trade flows, and the importance of exchange rates that correspond to underlying economic fundamentals is unquestioned
The 14 chapters in this volume are either papers presented or remarks made at a seminar on "Trade Policy Issues," organized by the Fund's Policy Development and Review Department and the IMF Institute and held in Washington on March 6-10, 1995. The seminar covered a wide range of topics such as the design and implementation of trade reform; trade liberalization issues in industrial and transition economies; regional trading arrangements; the results of the Uruguay Round; institutional matters related to the World Trade Organization (WTO); and the post-Uruguay Round agenda