Re-Examining Evelyn Hooker: Setting the Record Straight with Comments on Schumm's (2012) Reanalysis
In: Marriage & family review, Band 48, Heft 6, S. 491-523
ISSN: 1540-9635
8 Ergebnisse
In: Marriage & family review, Band 48, Heft 6, S. 491-523
ISSN: 1540-9635
In: The journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied, Band 131, Heft 3, S. 313-332
ISSN: 1940-1019
In: The journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied, Band 130, Heft 6, S. 603-613
ISSN: 1940-1019
Despite a rich literature on the political and constitutional development of the Canadian territorial North, few scholars have examined the post-devolution environment in Yukon. This lacuna is surprising since devolution is frequently cited as being crucial to the well-being of Northerners, leading both the Government of Nunavut and the Government of the Northwest Territories to lobby the federal government to devolve lands and resources to them. This paper provides an updated historical account of devolution in Yukon and assesses its impact on the territory since 2003. Relying mainly on written sources and 16 interviews with Aboriginal, government, and industry officials in the territory, it highlights some broad effects of devolution and specifically analyzes the processes of obtaining permits for land use and mining. Our findings suggest that devolution has generally had a positive effect on the territory, and in particular has led to more efficient and responsive land use and mining permit processes. ; Malgré le grand nombre de publications au sujet du développement politique et constitutionnel du Nord territorial canadien, peu d'érudits ont étudié la période ayant suivi le transfert des responsabilités au Yukon. Cette lacune surprend car le transfert des responsabilités est souvent cité comme étant crucial au bien-être des gens du Nord, ce qui a incité tant le gouvernement du Nunavut que celui des Territoires du Nord-Ouest à exercer des pressions sur le gouvernement fédéral en vue du transfert des terres et des ressources. Cet article présente l'historique actualisé du transfert des responsabilités au Yukon et évalue ses incidences sur le territoire depuis 2003. Il s'appuie principalement sur des sources écrites et sur 16 entrevues avec des Autochtones, des représentants des gouvernements et des représentants d'industries du territoire pour mettre en évidence certains effets à grande échelle du transfert des responsabilités et analyser plus précisément les processus d'obtention de permis en vue de l'utilisation des terres et de l'exploitation minière. Nos constatations suggèrent que le transfert des responsabilités a eu des effets favorables sur le territoire et qu'il a mené à des processus d'établissement de permis plus efficaces et plus responsables en matière d'utilisation des terres et d'exploitation minière.
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 96
ISSN: 1911-9917
Abstract: Objective: Gait may be a useful biomarker that can be objectively measured with wearable technology to classify Parkinson's disease (PD). This study aims to: (i) comprehensively quantify a battery of commonly utilized gait digital characteristics (spatiotemporal and signal-based), and (ii) identify the best discriminative characteristics for the optimal classification of PD. Methods: Six partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) models were trained on subsets of 210 characteristics measured in 142 subjects (81 people with PD, 61 controls (CL)). Results: Models accuracy ranged between 70.42-88.73% (AUC: 78.4-94.5%) with a sensitivity of 72.84-90.12% and a specificity of 60.3-86.89%. Signal-based digital gait characteristics independently gave 87.32% accuracy. The most influential characteristics in the classification models were related to root mean square values, power spectral density, step velocity and length, gait regularity and age. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of signal-based gait characteristics in the development of tools to help classify PD in the early stages of the disease. This work was supported by the Mobilise-D project that has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 820820. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). Content in this publication reflects the authors' view and neither IMI nor the European Union, EFPIA, or any Associated Partners are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Physical mobility is essential to health, and patients often rate it as a high-priority clinical outcome. Digital mobility outcomes (DMOs), such as real-world gait speed or step count, show promise as clinical measures in many medical conditions. However, current research is nascent and fragmented by discipline. This scoping review maps existing evidence on the clinical utility of DMOs, identifying commonalities across traditional disciplinary divides. In November 2019, 11 databases were searched for records investigating the validity and responsiveness of 34 DMOs in four diverse medical conditions (Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hip fracture). Searches yielded 19,672 unique records. After screening, 855 records representing 775 studies were included and charted in systematic maps. Studies frequently investigated gait speed (70.4% of studies), step length (30.7%), cadence (21.4%), and daily step count (20.7%). They studied differences between healthy and pathological gait (36.4%), associations between DMOs and clinical measures (48.8%) or outcomes (4.3%), and responsiveness to interventions (26.8%). Gait speed, step length, cadence, step time and step count exhibited consistent evidence of validity and responsiveness in multiple conditions, although the evidence was inconsistent or lacking for other DMOs. If DMOs are to be adopted as mainstream tools, further work is needed to establish their predictive validity, responsiveness, and ecological validity. Cross-disciplinary efforts to align methodology and validate DMOs may facilitate their adoption into clinical practice. This work was supported by the Mobilise-D project that has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 820820. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). Content in this publication ...
INTRODUCTION: Existing mobility endpoints based on functional performance, physical assessments and patient self-reporting are often affected by lack of sensitivity, limiting their utility in clinical practice. Wearable devices including inertial measurement units (IMUs) can overcome these limitations by quantifying digital mobility outcomes (DMOs) both during supervised structured assessments and in real-world conditions. The validity of IMU-based methods in the real-world, however, is still limited in patient populations. Rigorous validation procedures should cover the device metrological verification, the validation of the algorithms for the DMOs computation specifically for the population of interest and in daily life situations, and the users' perspective on the device. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This protocol was designed to establish the technical validity and patient acceptability of the approach used to quantify digital mobility in the real world by Mobilise-D, a consortium funded by the European Union (EU) as part of the Innovative Medicine Initiative, aiming at fostering regulatory approval and clinical adoption of DMOs. After defining the procedures for the metrological verification of an IMU-based device, the experimental procedures for the validation of algorithms used to calculate the DMOs are presented. These include laboratory and real-world assessment in 120 participants from five groups: healthy older adults; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, proximal femoral fracture and congestive heart failure. DMOs extracted from the monitoring device will be compared with those from different reference systems, chosen according to the contexts of observation. Questionnaires and interviews will evaluate the users' perspective on the deployed technology and relevance of the mobility assessment. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has been granted ethics approval by the centre's committees (London—Bloomsbury Research Ethics committee; Helsinki Committee, Tel Aviv ...