The limits of the no-limits partnership: China and Russia can't be split, but they can be thwarted
In: Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review, Band 102, Heft 2, S. 94-105
ISSN: 2327-7793
14 Ergebnisse
In: Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review, Band 102, Heft 2, S. 94-105
ISSN: 2327-7793
World Affairs Online
In: Peace review: peace, security & global change, Band 28, Heft 4, S. 430-435
ISSN: 1469-9982
In: Peace review: the international quarterly of world peace, Band 28, Heft 4, S. 430-435
ISSN: 1040-2659
Chinese students today are growing up in era that is significantly different, both politically and economically, from that of their predecessors. Today's youth have been characterized by the media as pragmatic, materialistic, and uninterested in politics. In light of such developments, one may wonder if the days of pro-democracy student protests are over in China. Have students become too uninterested in politics and satisfied with their economic situations to spearhead protests like their Tiananmen predecessors? What factors initiated student protests in the past, and why have they not occurred since 1989? This paper argues that current students are, in fact, not too different from their protesting predecessors. Both groups share similar characteristics of pragmatism, materialism, and lack of interest in politics, as well as similar political grievances. Therefore, the lack of protests since 1989 cannot be explained by a decline in political interest or the appeasement of political grievances. Instead, three other factors seem to be crucial for a student protest to occur in China. First, political opening by the government is necessary to "awaken" and prompt students to protest. Second, progressive elites inspire students to protest. Third, some salient event often serves as the final catalyzing force for student movements. This paper asserts that the lack of protests since 1989 is not a consequence of changing student attitudes and situations, but rather due to the limited degree of political opening that has occurred since 1989. Finally, although the Chinese government has done a noteworthy job of improving living standards and economic opportunities, students today still harbor political grievances similar to those of the 1980s generation. Therefore, if the government sends signals of political relaxation in the future, perhaps the incumbent generation of students may rise up to protest like their predecessors.
In: Asia policy: a peer-reviewed journal devoted to bridging the gap between academic research and policymaking on issues related to the Asia-Pacific, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 177-179
ISSN: 1559-2960
In: Zeitbilder
The confrontation with the social role of monuments clarifies an arc of memory-cultural voids, ambivalences,and the question of whose perspectives dominate. A trilingual and multi-layered snapshot of transnational debates at the intersections of art, history, democracy, and justice, Shaping the Past reveals possibilities for a creative and civic-minded approach to controversial monuments and associated images of history.
World Affairs Online
In: Social development, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 1-22
ISSN: 1467-9507
AbstractTwo studies addressed the normative aspects of attachments to mothers and fathers in middle childhood. Using both cross‐sectional and longitudinal comparisons, we tested the hypothesis that children show no changes in perceptions of availability of attachment figures across the later middle childhood years, but do utilize attachment figures less at older ages. The first study included a cross‐sectional comparison of third and sixth graders, and the second study was a follow‐up on the third graders when they were in fifth grade. Both studies suggested a decline in utilization, but not in perceptions of availability of attachment figures within the later middle childhood years. Study 1 also demonstrated that children turn to parents to meet attachment needs, and peers to meet companionship needs. Study 2 examined individual differences in attachment by exploring how changes in attachment to mothers from third to fifth grade were related to children's social adjustment at fifth grade. Increases in perceptions of availability forecast better emotional and behavioral regulation at fifth grade. Changes in utilization of attachment figures showed both linear and nonlinear relations to regulation.
In: International security, Band 40, Heft 4, S. 178-191
ISSN: 1531-4804
In: Research on social work practice, Band 25, Heft 5, S. 587-594
ISSN: 1552-7581
Homelessness affects a large and increasing number of families in the United States, and exposure to violence and other potentially traumatic events is common among homeless families. It is important to understand more about this population and, more specifically, about the relationship between youth mental health and caregiver mental health and trauma exposure among homeless families, in order to better serve the needs of this vulnerable population. The objective of this study is to explore the relationships between caregiver exposure to violence, caregiver depression, and youth depression and behavioral problems among homeless families. Preliminary findings indicate that among this sample of homeless families, caregiver violence exposure has statistically significant relationships with both youth behavioral problems and youth depression symptoms, as mediated by caregiver depression. These findings indicate that youth behavioral health is associated with caregiver mental health, which, in turn, is associated with caregiver trauma exposure. This highlights the importance of taking into account adult mental health while treating youth externalizing and internalizing behaviors and ensuring that caregivers, too, have access to adequate treatment and supports. Furthermore, this treatment should be trauma informed, given the link between trauma and mental health.
In: Asia policy: a peer-reviewed journal devoted to bridging and gap between academic research and policymaking on issues related to the Asia-Pacific, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 169-191
ISSN: 1559-0968
World Affairs Online
In: Foreign affairs, Band 97, Heft 4, S. 183-195
ISSN: 0015-7120
World Affairs Online
In: Strategic Asia, 2019
World Affairs Online