In: Asian survey: a bimonthly review of contemporary Asian affairs, Heft 465-477 5
ISSN: 0004-4687
110 Ergebnisse
In: Asian survey: a bimonthly review of contemporary Asian affairs, Heft 465-477 5
ISSN: 0004-4687
Early Film in San Francisco. Bold Visions and Frontier Conditions: The Emergence of Film in San Francisco -- "If I Had the Power to Do So I Would Destroy Them with My Own Hands": Film and Politics in Post-Quake San Francisco -- Chinatown Exhibition and Movie Theaters -- "The Most Cosmopolitan City in the World": Chinese San Francisco at the Turn of the Twentieth Century -- "Eyes Darting Around, Spirit Dashing About" -- Mapping Chinatown Film Culture, 1906-1915 -- The Chinesque Aesthetic: Orientalist Stereotypes in Post-Quake Film Culture -- Chinese American Audiences. "Where the People Aren't All American": Chinatown Audiences and Spectators -- Chinatown Modernity: Revolutions and Movie Theaters -- Trajectories and Concluding Remarks.
In: Climate policy, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 61-78
ISSN: 1469-3062
World Affairs Online
This paper looks into a new policy framework of the Seoul Metropolitan Government that aims to create a new urban governance and use a citizens' participation as an urban regeneration tool. Particular attention is paid to the transformation process of new urban governance and its contribution to the regeneration process of underused urban spaces in the long term. Using a case study approach, a link was identified between the roles of coordinator groups and the long-term legacy of reuse of underused urban spaces. This trend is contextualised within the hierarchical fiscal mechanism in which new urban programmes are established and implemented. The findings emphasise the constant role of coordinator groups and the significance of the soft content curated by them in the regeneration process of the underused urban spaces in Seoul.
In: Asian perspective, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 77-97
ISSN: 0258-9184
With reference to the historical experience of East Asia, particulary Korea, the author examines the intricate relationship between Confucianism, economic growth and democratic transition and/or consolidation. He believes that, historically, Confucianism has been a negative and at most a passive cultural element in either economic or political modernization. (DÜI-Sen)
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 112A
ISSN: 1556-7117
In: Korea and world affairs: a quarterly review, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 213-232
ISSN: 0259-9686
In: Korea and world affairs: a quarterly review, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 96-110
ISSN: 0259-9686
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 7-18
ISSN: 0305-750X
Thanks to rapid economic growth over the past quarter century, South Korea today has emerged as one of the newly industrializing countries with the greatest promise of making a successful transition to a fully industrialized nation. It is argued that in making the transition to a developed country, South Korea will face many difficult challenges as well as opportunities. The strategy the country should adopt to meet those challenges is one of fully liberalizing policies in every sector of the economy. (DÜI-Sen)
World Affairs Online
In: Učenye zapiski Komsomolʹskogo-na-Amure gosudarstvennogo techničeskogo universiteta: obščorossijskij ežekvartalʹnyj ėlektronnyj žurnal = Scholarly notes of Komsomolsk-na-Amure State Technical University : All-Russia quarterly e-publication, Heft 5, S. 40-52
ISSN: 2222-5218
In: Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 403-416
ISSN: 2050-0734
Our research purpose was to uncover perceived relationships between aspects of appearance (i.e., body, dress) and experiences of any form of victimization from the perspective of survivors. We addressed three research questions: (1) what connection, if any, did survivors draw between their appearance and their experience of victimization?; (2) what changes, if any, did survivors make to their appearance after their experience(s)?; and (3) what advice, if any, would survivors give to others on appearance as a result of their experience? Five women and three men completed interviews. Participants identified appearance cues as a stimulus evoking others' behaviours towards them. Both general appearance attributes and specific attributes were credited with eliciting negative behaviours. Experiences with victimization often occurred when the individual was attempting to move into a culture that was new to them. Most participants altered or made adjustments to their appearance as a result of their victimization experience.
In: Revista científica General José María Córdova, Band 13, Heft 16, S. 135
ISSN: 2500-7645
Se pretende argumentar que la relación entre contabilidad y auditoría se ha perdido porque los supuestos filosóficos básicos de la auditoría no se han desarrollado tanto como sus correspondientes en el campo de la contabilidad. En tanto que la contabilidad a valor razonable representa una realidad socialmente construida, la auditoría parece siempre estar fundada en la tradición positivista de la teoría de la evidencia (Cfr. Mautz y Sharaf, 1961; AAA, 1973; Flint, 1988). El resto del trabajo se focaliza en el análisis del problema de la relación perdida entre contabilidad y auditoría, problema que se ha planteado en la sección primera (status quæstionis). En primer lugar, la siguiente sección describirá brevemente la metodología utilizada para el análisis. En la tercera sección se dará una breve descripción del cambio histórico del paradigma principal de la contabilidad, que pasa de informar la verdad a informar en coherencia con los principios de contabilidad generalmente aceptados (PCGA) y los cambios correspondientes en el paradigma principal de la auditoría, desde los tiempos antiguos hasta la auditoría moderna en el siglo XIX, que culminó con la promulgación de ASOBAC. En la cuarta sección, se analizan los avances de la última o dos últimas décadas, más concretamente, el cambio de un enfoque contable basado en la correspondencia con criterios, a un enfoque contable basado en la construcción social de consenso, como puede constatarse en el giro contable a partir de la década de 1990 en adelante con el paradigma del valor razonable. Se argumentará que la auditoría no se ha modificado en consecuencia, y que este eslabón perdido entre el enfoque ontológico de la contabilidad y de la auditoría puede acarrear problemas a los académicos, emisores de normas y profesionales. El artículo concluye con estas implicaciones y la necesidad de investigación futura.
"This is an academic textbook on assistive technology in special education"--
In: Dress, body, culture