This study views architecture and cities as part of larger urban process that cannot be detached from the larger socio-cultural milieu, and this understanding begs us to delve with broader historical knowledge and deeper geographical understanding. Against conventional framework that espouses abstract economic mapping and hierarchical global city listings to address the locality, stories of Gangnam, a new city south of the Han River in Seoul, will represent emblematic unfolding of urban modernity in South Korea since early 1960s. The city is a showcase where, in Lefebvre's expression, "the industrial" and "the urban" did not proceed in a sequential order of historical development, but progressed simultaneously and complimented one another under the austere form of national ideology. Here the city illustrates more than its macro-economic spatial narration, and represents the distinctive sociocultural and political conditions of its formation. Today, epitomizing upper- middle class lifestyle, Gangnam became a synonym for the new urban order where the new exchange value of space was expressed in the soaring price of once government-sponsored mass housings. Representing gradually territorializing urban consciousness, the culture and the symbolism of the new city strongly supported the consolidation of the fledgling middle class identity. Deeply immersed in both militarist and capitalist urban ideology, the city's emerging middle class embraced the segregated spatiality engendered by the Han River and projected its newly gained social status and citizenship on the identity of a particular urban space, Gangnam. Beyond dominant framing of a city in economic structuralism, what is emphasized here is the construction of place through finding confluence of variant conditions in particular time and space. From the urbanization story of Gangnam, reflected were the complex thread of social and political influences that realized the culture of capitalist spatiality, where the illegitimate turned into the legitimate, the irrational to rational, and the abnormal to normal.
This article identifies the causal mechanisms for the 1997 economic crisis in South Korea. Focusing on constitutional design and electoral cycle, the analysis specifies institutional incentive structures that induced contradictory political behavior by the president and legislators. The economic crisis is thus explained by political dynamics.
Die B2C-Vertraege ueber die Erbringung einer Dienstleistung im Internet werden immer haeufiger auf einfache Art geschlossen. Nach dem Vertragsabschluss stellt sich aber oft heraus, dass der Abschluss des Dienstleistungsvertrages fehlerhaft war oder dass die erbrachte Dienstleistung im Uebrigen nicht den Wuenschen des Kunden entspricht. Hierbei koennen sich aufgrund des Ausschlusses der Rueckgewaehr nach der Natur der Dienstleistung aus zivilrechtlicher Sicht unterschiedliche Fragen ergeben. Kann der Kunde den elektronischen Dienstleistungsvertrag rueckgaengig machen oder wird das Ruecktritts-
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As the international security situation has changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the book examines the implication of the new security environment to the security of South Korea and how the strategic and military relations with the United States will develop. In the new era, the lack of common interests has made the mutual defence sceptical. This book suggests that South Korea should eventually develop a long-term strategy with a goal of self-reliance
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