ISI und R&AW - die Geheimdienste Pakistans und Indiens: konkurrierende Atommächte, ihre Politik und der internationale Terrorismus
In: Geheime Nachrichtendienste, Bd. 6
144 Ergebnisse
In: Geheime Nachrichtendienste, Bd. 6
World Affairs Online
Established in the wake of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-8 by British officer Major General Robert Cawthorne, then Deputy Chief of Staff in the Pakistan Army, Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) for years remained an under-developed and obscure agency. In 1979, the organisation's growing importance was felt during the Soviet war in Afghanistan , as it worked hand in glove with the CIA to support the mujahideen resistance, but its activities received little coverage in news media. Since that time, the ISI has projected its influence across the region in 1988 its involvement in Indian Kashmir came under increasing scrutiny, and by 1995 its mentoring of what became the Afghan Taliban was well attested. But it was the organisation's alleged links with Al Qaeda and the discovery of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, at the heart of Pakistan's military zone, that really threw it under the spotlight. These controversies and many more have dogged the ISI, including its role in Pakistan's testing of a nuclear weapon in 1998 and its links with A.Q. Khan. Offering fresh insights into the ISI as a domestic and international actor based on intimate knowledge of its inner workings and key individuals, this startlingly original book uncovers the hitherto shady world of Pakistan's secret service
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Serie Politik und Landesverteidigung
World Affairs Online
In: Im neuen Deutschland H. 2
In: Der Staat: Zeitschrift für Staatslehre und Verfassungsgeschichte, deutsches und europäisches öffentliches Recht, Band 54, Heft 1, S. 1-34
ISSN: 0038-884X
The nationality law prints from the affiliation of a person to a specific state. Behind this legal clamping is always the question of how an actual affiliation is and how the law may illustrate this affiliation so that actual affiliation and citizenship are congruent. Will recognize as belonging to him which people a State, first prints out on the acquisition of citizenship law offenses. What significance attaches to a State of nationality, it also shows that constitutional provisions taken against the loss thereof. In this perspective, the acquisition of facts are secondary: Sets the state only low hurdles for the acquisition on, although many people will benefit; if at the same time but the nationality can be easily put back, it is worth nothing. Adapted from the source document.
In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik: ZAR ; Staatsangehörigkeit, Zuwanderung, Asyl und Flüchtlinge, Kultur, Einreise und Aufenthalt, Integration, Arbeit und Soziales, Europa, Band 33, Heft 2
ISSN: 0721-5746
In: Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace and Organization, Band 85, Heft 1-2, S. 13-37
ISSN: 0340-0255
From the late 1990s the number of internally displaced persons has increased by 17 million -- to over 27 million today. So far, no legal instrument on the international level dealt directly with internal displacement. Since internally displaced persons remain within the borders of their own country, this seems hardly surprising. However, in October 2009, African States adopted a continent-wide convention that addresses the issue. Accordingly, the region hardest hit by internal displacement possesses the first instrument specifically dealing with the problem. This article illustrates causes & consequences of internal displacement in Africa. It explains how the international community approached this phenomenon & finally discusses some aspects of the new convention. While the convention does contain provisions of particular relevance for internally displaced persons, the chances that it will lead to significant changes seem slim. Adapted from the source document.
In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft: ZPol = Journal of political science, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 373-393
ISSN: 1430-6387
The CSU is an exception in the German Party System. It seems that none of the typical developments in modern German party democracy apply to it. On the one hand, this is due to structural asymmetries in the Bavarian party system. The political culture as well as the social structure of Bavaria together with party-political, organizational factors & local issues work in favor of the CSU. However, even in Bavaria there is growing volatility among voters. On the other hand, the CSU's continuing strength rests on specific mechanisms of power preservation & the renewal of power, namely the competitive cooperation of the CSU power centers: the state government, party leaders, the CSU parliamentary party in Bavaria & its parliamentary group in the German Bundestag. 1 Figure, 49 References. Adapted from the source document.
In: Internationale Politik: das Magazin für globales Denken, Band 56, Heft 11, S. 67-68
ISSN: 1430-175X