Dimensions of Urban Growth in Pakistan
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 30, Heft 4II, S. 681-691
The urban population of Pakistan has grown almost fourfold,
over the last two decades. It is estimated that it will increase by 55.5
million by the year 2000 [Blacker (n.d.)]. The increases in urban
population is attributed to either continued rural to urban migration or
natural increase. As a consequence of the above increase in population
the urban living conditions are under great pressure. I~ is therefore
important to analyse the dimensions of urban growth and examine its
social and economic implications. The objectives of the present study
are: 1. To analyse the trends and variations in urban growth; 2. To
decompose the components of urban growth and analyse which component has
contributed more to urban growth; and 3. To analyse some of the
implications of urban growth.